path: root/src/include/convert.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/include/convert.h')
1 files changed, 298 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/include/convert.h b/src/include/convert.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cea2906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/include/convert.h
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+/** --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * @file convert.h
+ * @brief Declaration of miscellaneous convertion functions.
+ * @author Andreas Aardal Hanssen
+ * @date 2002-2005
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+#ifndef convert_h_included
+#define convert_h_included
+#include <cstring>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include "address.h"
+#include "depot.h"
+namespace Binc {
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline std::string toString(int i_in)
+ {
+ char intbuf[16];
+ snprintf(intbuf, sizeof(intbuf), "%d", i_in);
+ return std::string(intbuf);
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline std::string toString(unsigned int i_in)
+ {
+ char intbuf[16];
+ snprintf(intbuf, sizeof(intbuf), "%u", i_in);
+ return std::string(intbuf);
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline std::string toString(unsigned long i_in)
+ {
+ char longbuf[40];
+ snprintf(longbuf, sizeof(longbuf), "%lu", i_in);
+ return std::string(longbuf);
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline std::string toString(const char *i_in)
+ {
+ return std::string(i_in);
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline int atoi(const std::string &s_in)
+ {
+ return ::atoi(s_in.c_str());
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline std::string toHex(const std::string &s)
+ {
+ const char hexchars[] = "0123456789abcdef";
+ std::string tmp;
+ for (std::string::const_iterator i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i) {
+ unsigned char c = (unsigned char)*i;
+ tmp += hexchars[((c & 0xf0) >> 4)];
+ tmp += hexchars[c & 0x0f];
+ }
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline std::string fromHex(const std::string &s)
+ {
+ // const
+ char hexchars[] = "0123456789abcdef";
+ std::string tmp;
+ for (std::string::const_iterator i = s.begin();
+ i != s.end() && i + 1 != s.end(); i += 2) {
+ int n;
+ unsigned char c = *i;
+ unsigned char d = *(i + 1);
+ char *t;
+ if ((t = strchr(hexchars, c)) == 0) return "out of range";
+ n = (t - hexchars) << 4;
+ if ((t = strchr(hexchars, d)) == 0) return "out of range";
+ n += (t - hexchars);
+ if (n >= 0 && n <= 255)
+ tmp += (char) n;
+ else
+ return "out of range";
+ }
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline std::string toImapString(const std::string &s_in)
+ {
+ for (std::string::const_iterator i = s_in.begin(); i != s_in.end(); ++i) {
+ unsigned char c = (unsigned char)*i;
+ if (c <= 31 || c >= 127 || c == '\"' || c == '\\')
+ return "{" + toString(s_in.length()) + "}\r\n" + s_in;
+ }
+ return "\"" + s_in + "\"";
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline void uppercase(std::string &input)
+ {
+ for (std::string::iterator i = input.begin(); i != input.end(); ++i)
+ *i = toupper(*i);
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline void lowercase(std::string &input)
+ {
+ for (std::string::iterator i = input.begin(); i != input.end(); ++i)
+ *i = tolower(*i);
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline void chomp(std::string &s_in, const std::string &chars = " \t\r\n")
+ {
+ int n = s_in.length();
+ while (n > 1 && chars.find(s_in[n - 1]) != std::string::npos)
+ s_in.resize(n-- - 1);
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline void trim(std::string &s_in, const std::string &chars = " \t\r\n")
+ {
+ while (s_in != "" && chars.find(s_in[0]) != std::string::npos)
+ s_in = s_in.substr(1);
+ chomp(s_in, chars);
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline const std::string unfold(const std::string &a,
+ bool removecomment = true)
+ {
+ std::string tmp;
+ bool incomment = false;
+ bool inquotes = false;
+ for (std::string::const_iterator i = a.begin(); i != a.end(); ++i) {
+ unsigned char c = (unsigned char)*i;
+ if (!inquotes && removecomment) {
+ if (c == '(') {
+ incomment = true;
+ tmp += " ";
+ } else if (c == ')') {
+ incomment = false;
+ } else if (c != 0x0a && c != 0x0d) {
+ tmp += *i;
+ }
+ } else if (c != 0x0a && c != 0x0d) {
+ tmp += *i;
+ }
+ if (!incomment) {
+ if (*i == '\"')
+ inquotes = !inquotes;
+ }
+ }
+ trim(tmp);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline void split(const std::string &s_in, const std::string &delim,
+ std::vector<std::string> &dest, bool skipempty = true)
+ {
+ std::string token;
+ for (std::string::const_iterator i = s_in.begin(); i != s_in.end(); ++i) {
+ if (delim.find(*i) != std::string::npos) {
+ if (!skipempty || token != "")
+ dest.push_back(token);
+ token = "";
+ } else
+ token += *i;
+ }
+ if (token != "")
+ dest.push_back(token);
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline void splitAddr(const std::string &s_in,
+ std::vector<std::string> &dest, bool skipempty = true)
+ {
+ static const std::string delim = ",";
+ std::string token;
+ bool inquote = false;
+ for (std::string::const_iterator i = s_in.begin(); i != s_in.end(); ++i) {
+ if (inquote && *i == '\"') inquote = false;
+ else if (!inquote && *i == '\"') inquote = true;
+ if (!inquote && delim.find(*i) != std::string::npos) {
+ if (!skipempty || token != "") dest.push_back(token);
+ token = "";
+ } else
+ token += *i;
+ }
+ if (token != "")
+ dest.push_back(token);
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline std::string toCanonMailbox(const std::string &s_in)
+ {
+ if (s_in.find("..") != std::string::npos) return "";
+ if (s_in.length() >= 5) {
+ std::string a = s_in.substr(0, 5);
+ uppercase(a);
+ return a == "INBOX" ?
+ a + (s_in.length() > 5 ? s_in.substr(5) : "") : s_in;
+ }
+ return s_in;
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline std::string toRegex(const std::string &s_in, char delimiter)
+ {
+ std::string regex = "^";
+ for (std::string::const_iterator i = s_in.begin(); i != s_in.end(); ++i) {
+ if (*i == '.' || *i == '[' || *i == ']' || *i == '{' || *i == '}' ||
+ *i == '(' || *i == ')' || *i == '^' || *i == '$' || *i == '?' ||
+ *i == '+' || *i == '\\') {
+ regex += "\\";
+ regex += *i;
+ } else if (*i == '*')
+ regex += ".*?";
+ else if (*i == '%') {
+ regex += "(\\";
+ regex += delimiter;
+ regex += "){0,1}";
+ regex += "[^\\";
+ regex += delimiter;
+ regex += "]*?";
+ } else
+ regex += *i;
+ }
+ if (regex[regex.length() - 1] == '?')
+ regex[regex.length() - 1] = '$';
+ else
+ regex += "$";
+ return regex;
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class BincStream {
+ private:
+ std::string nstr;
+ public:
+ //--
+ BincStream &operator << (std::ostream&(*)(std::ostream&));
+ BincStream &operator << (const std::string &t);
+ BincStream &operator << (unsigned long t);
+ BincStream &operator << (unsigned int t);
+ BincStream &operator << (int t);
+ BincStream &operator << (char t);
+ //--
+ std::string popString(unsigned int size);
+ //--
+ char popChar(void);
+ void unpopChar(char c);
+ void unpopStr(const std::string &s);
+ //--
+ const std::string &str(void) const;
+ //--
+ unsigned int getSize(void) const;
+ //--
+ void clear(void);
+ //--
+ BincStream(void);
+ ~BincStream(void);
+ };