 *  @file operator-rename.cc
 *  @brief Implementation of the RENAME command.

#include "convert.h"
#include "depot.h"
#include "mailbox.h"
#include "operators.h"
#include "recursivedescent.h"
#include "session.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

using namespace Binc;
using std::string;

RenameOperator::RenameOperator() {}

RenameOperator::~RenameOperator() {}

const string RenameOperator::getName() const
  return "RENAME";

Session::State RenameOperator::getState() const
  return Session::State(Session::AUTHENTICATED | Session::SELECTED);

Operator::ProcessResult RenameOperator::process(Depot &depot, Request &command)
  Session &session = Session::getInstance();

  const string &srcmailbox = command.getMailbox();
  const string &canonmailbox = toCanonMailbox(srcmailbox);
  const string &canondestmailbox = toCanonMailbox(command.getNewMailbox());

  // renaming INBOX should actually create the destination mailbox,
  // move over all the messages and then leave INBOX empty.
  if (canonmailbox == "INBOX") {
    session.setLastError("Sorry, renaming INBOX is not yet supported"
                         " by this IMAP server. Try copying the messages"
                         " instead");
    return Operator::ProcessResult::NO;

  if (canondestmailbox == "INBOX") {
    session.setLastError("It is not allowed to rename a mailbox to INBOX");
    return Operator::ProcessResult::NO;

  if (depot.renameMailbox(canonmailbox, canondestmailbox))
    return Operator::ProcessResult::OK;
    return Operator::ProcessResult::NO;

Parser::ParseResult RenameOperator::parse(Request &c_in)
  constexpr auto ACCEPT = Parser::ParseResult::ACCEPT;

  Session &session = Session::getInstance();

  if (c_in.getUidMode()) return Parser::ParseResult::REJECT;

  Parser::ParseResult res;
  if ((res = expectSPACE()) != ACCEPT) {
    session.setLastError("Expected SPACE after RENAME");
    return res;

  string mailbox;
  if ((res = expectMailbox(mailbox)) != ACCEPT) {
    session.setLastError("Expected mailbox after RENAME SPACE");
    return res;

  if ((res = expectSPACE()) != ACCEPT) {
    session.setLastError("Expected SPACE after RENAME SPACE mailbox");
    return res;

  string newmailbox;
  if ((res = expectMailbox(newmailbox)) != ACCEPT) {
    session.setLastError("Expected mailbox after RENAME SPACE"
                         " mailbox SPACE");
    return res;

  if ((res = expectCRLF()) != ACCEPT) {
    session.setLastError("Expected CRLF after RENAME SPACE"
                         " mailbox SPACE mailbox");
    return res;

  session.mailboxchanges = true;


  return ACCEPT;