[1m#include "logmsg.h"[0m
int logmsg(const char *who, int ecode, unsigned int classs, char *msg)
[1merr_sys[22m(w,e) logmsg(w,e,FATAL,"")
[1merr_sys_plus[22m(w,e,m) logmsg(w,e,FATAL,m)
[1merr_tmp[22m(w,e) logmsg(w,e,WARN,"")
[1merr_tmp_plus[22m(w,e,m) logmsg(w,e,WARN,m)
[1merr_int[22m(w,e,c) logmsg(w,e,c,"")
[1merr_int_plus[22m(w,e,c,m) logmsg(w,e,c,m)
[1mlog_who[22m(w,m) logmsg(w,0,LOG,m)
[1mlog_anon[22m(m) logmsg("",0,LOG,m)
[1mlogmsg [22mprints error, warning, or info/logging messages to stderr and
potentially terminates the calling program, depending on the [4mclass[0m
given. [4mwho[24m is the name of the program, [4mecode[24m is an error code, [4mclass[0m
determines the behavior upon call and [4mmsg[24m is the logging message. Read
"error.h" to learn more about related constants.
[4mecode[24m is the error code and subject to be displayed in the log file and
potentially used upon exit if the [4mclass[24m equals [1mERROR[22m, [1mFATAL[22m, or [1mDROP[22m.
To avoid conflicts with syscall error codes, appplication defined error
codes should be negative. The values [4m-15[24m, [4m-100[24m and [4m-111[24m are reserved
for backward compatibility.
The [4mclass[24m [4mparameter[24m [4mindicates[24m [4mhow[24m [4mthe[24m [4mapplication[24m [4mhandles[24m [4mexceptions[0m
[4mand[24m [4mdisplays[24m [4mthe[24m [4mlog[24m [4mmessage.[0m
[4mo[24m [1mLOG[22m, [1mINFO[22m, [1mALERT[22m, [1mWARN [22m- display message and continue operation
o [1mDROP [22m- display warning message and continue while returning to the
calling program
o [1mUSAGE[22m, [1mSYNTAX[22m, [1mFATAL[22m, [1mERROR [22m- display error message and exit appli‐
cation with error code
[1mINFO[22m, [1mALERT[22m, [1mWARN[22m, [1mDROP[22m, [1mUSAGE[22m, and [1mFATAL [22mas well as [1mERROR [22mdisplay the
respective class string like [4mwarning:[24m in the log message, while [1mLOG[0m
shows the log message only.
The class [1mFATAL [22mshould be used for system error codes only, rather [1mER‐[0m
[1mROR [22mand [1mWARN [22mshall be set in conjunction with an application er‐
If the custom message [4mmsg[24m is given, it will be printed additionally.
Dan Bernstein used sets of [4mstrerr_dieY*()[24m and [4mstrerr_warnY()[24m messages
which explicitely determine the message and behavior class. Other
classes were occasionally defined on demand, such als [4musage()[24m.
Kai Peter introduced the [4merrmsg[24m facility in his [1mqlibs [22mincluding a [1msys‐[0m
[1mlog [22mcompliant [4mseverity[24m as second parameter.
The macro definitions uses [1mw [22mfor the calling program, [1me [22mfor error
code, [1mc [22mfor class, and [1mm [22mfor message.
#include "logmsg.h"
#define WHO "my_prog"
err_sys_plus(WHO,-111,"additional message");
err_tmp_plus("",errno,"additional message");
log_anon() is like log_who() but doesn't print the caller name.
An user defined message [1ms [22mcan be build from multiple arguments by using
the [4mB[24m (build) macro:
err_sys_plus((errno),B("unable to run: ",*argv));
[1mSEE ALSO[0m
3 qlibs:(logmsg)
Man(1) output converted with