#!/usr/bin/env sh set -euC help_text= help_text="$help_text install\t[]\t\n" install () { perl Makefile.PL make make test make install } help_text="$help_text dist\t[]\tcreate a source distribution\n" dist () { perl Makefile.PL make make test make dist } help_text="$help_text run_tests\t[args='t/' ...]\tpasses arg to the 'prove' tool\n" run_tests () { if [ $# -gt 0 ] then prove -l "$@" else prove -l t/ fi } help_text="$help_text start_dev\t[]\tstarts a hot reloading dev server\n" start_dev () { morbo script/jwebmail } help_text="$help_text logrotate\t[mode=development]\tarchives the current log file\n" logrotate () { mode=${1:-development} mv -i "log/$mode.log" "log/${mode}_$(date --iso-8601=minutes).log" } help_text="$help_text linelength\t[[files]]\tchecks documentation files for overly long lines\n" linelength () { files=${1:-'README.md CHANGES.md LICENSE'} for file in $files do fold -s -w 85 "$file" | diff "$file" - done } help_text="$help_text follow\t[mode=development]\tfollows the current log file\n" follow () { mode=${1:-development} tail -f "log/$mode.log" } help_text="$help_text check_manifest\t[]\tchecks if files in the MANIFEST actually exist\n" check_manifest () { perl -nE 'chomp; say if $_ && !-e' MANIFEST } help_text="$help_text list_deps\t[module=JWebmail]\tlists all non core dependencies of a module (default=JWebmail)\n" list_deps () { module=${1:-JWebmail} core="$(corelist -v v5.34.1 | awk '{ print $1 }')" deps="$(perl -wE "use lib 'lib'; use Module::Load::Conditional 'requires'; @res = requires '$module'; \$\" = qq(\n); say \$res[0] ? qq(@res) : ''")" for dep in $deps do if ! echo "$core" | grep -qxF "$dep" then echo "$dep" fi done } help_text="$help_text list_translations\t[raw='']\tlists translatable snipptes on a best effort base (incomplete!!)\n" list_translations () { raw=${1-} if [ "$raw" ] then find lib -name '*.pm' -exec grep '\->l(' '{}' '+' find templates -name '*.html.ep' -exec grep "l[ (][\"']" '{}' '+' else p1="$(find lib -name '*.pm' -exec grep '\->l(' '{}' '+' | sed 's/^\(\S*\):.*->l(\([^)]*\)).*$/\1: \2/')" p2="$(find templates -name '*.html.ep' -exec grep "l[ (][\"']" '{}' '+' | sed "s/^\\(\\S*\\):.*l[ (][\"']\\([^\"']*\\)[\"'].*$/\\1: '\\2'/")" echo "$(echo "$p1"; echo "$p2")" | sort | uniq fi } help_text="$help_text rust_extract\t[]\tupdates and gets the rust extract binary\n" rust_extract () { cd extract cargo build --release --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl cp target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/jwebmail-extract ../bin cd .. } help_text="$help_text systemd_unit\t[[name user working_dir]]\tcreates a systemd unit file\n" systemd_unit () { export JWM_NAME=${1-jwebmail} export JWM_USER=${2-$USER} export JWM_HOME=${3-$(pwd)} perl -pe 's/\$(\w+)/$ENV{$1}/ga' jwebmail.service.tmpl } help_text="$help_text compile_python\t[]\tprepare python bytecode files\n" compile_python () { python3 -m compileall script/qmauth.py } help () { echo "The following actions are available:" echo printf "$help_text" | expand -t 22,50 echo } cmd=${1-help} [ $# -gt 0 ] && shift if LANG=C type "$cmd" 2>/dev/null | grep -q 'function$' then $cmd "$@" else echo "unkown commad '$cmd'" >&2; exit 1 fi