=encoding utf-8 =head1 SYNOPSIS @@ de.lang yes = ja no = nein =head1 DESCRIPTION Place your translation files here. Use the two letter language naming convention. Use lower case phrases as they will be capitalized by the templates. =head1 INTERNATIONALIZATION AND LOCALIZATION =head2 Single Words Phrase Description -------------------------- failed an operation failed and no yes messages mails of page x *of* n page a page consisting of multiple mails login header name userid form field label passwd form field label about about page name mbox_size mail box size in byte version version translation for JWebmail version subject mail field subject from mail field from to mail field to cc mail field cc date mail field date size mail size content-type mail field content-type sender mail field sender answer_to mail field reply back to send_to write mail to content the mail body rendered as html check_all tick/untick all mails for move move move mails to a different folder nr row number, column description status whether a mail is multipart logout close session compose write an email search search in mails new amount of new mails home back button to read the main folder first first page previous previous page next next page last last page =head2 Phrases succ_send tell the user the mail was send successfully succ_move tell the user the mails where moved successfully empty_folder tell the user the folder is empty =head2 Error Messages no_session the session has expired or did not exist at all no_folder the selected mail folder does not exists error_send error sending the message =head2 Formats Currently there are no formats. =head2 Other Common Mail Folders --- Queue Drafts Home =head1 SEE OTHER L =cut