package JWebmail::Plugin::I18N; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin'; use Mojolicious::Controller; use Mojo::File; use Mojo::Util 'monkey_patch'; use Config::Tiny; has '_language_loaded' => sub { {} }; sub register { my ($self, $app, $conf) = @_; $conf //= {}; my $i18n_log = $app->log->context('[' . __PACKAGE__ . ']'); # config # 1. what languages # 2. where are the files # 3. fallback language # # look for languages automatically my $defaultLang = $conf->{default_language} || 'en'; my $fileLocation = $conf->{directory} && Mojo::File->new($conf->{directory})->is_abs ? $conf->{directory} : $app->home->child($conf->{directory} || 'lang'); my @languages = keys %{$conf->{languages} // {}}; unless (@languages) { @languages = map { $_ =~ s|^.*/(..)\.lang$|$1|r } glob("$fileLocation/*.lang"); } $app->defaults(lang => $defaultLang); $app->defaults(languages => [@languages]); # load languages my $TXT; for my $l (@languages) { $TXT->{$l} = _loadi18n($fileLocation, $l, $i18n_log); } { local $" = ','; $i18n_log->info("loaded languages (@languages)"); } $self->_language_loaded( { map { $_ => 1 } @languages } ); # add translator as helper my $i18n = sub { my ($lang, $word) = @_; $TXT->{$lang}{$word} || scalar( local $" = ' ', $lang && $word ? $app->log->warn('[' . __PACKAGE__ . "] missing translation for $lang:$word @{[ caller(2) ]}[0..2]") : (), '', ) }; $app->helper( l => sub { my $c = shift; $i18n->($c->stash->{lang}, shift) } ); # rewrite url $app->hook(before_dispatch => sub { $self->read_language_hook(@_) }); # patch url_for my $mojo_url_for = Mojolicious::Controller->can('url_for'); my $i18n_url_for = sub { my $c = shift; my $url = $mojo_url_for->($c, @_); my $args = (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' and $_[0]) || (ref $_[1] eq 'HASH' and $_[1]) || do { my %x = @_[(@_ % 2) .. $#_]; \%x }; my $lang = $args->{lang} // $c->stash->{lang}; if ( $lang && (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' || !ref $_[0] && ($_[0]//'') !~ m![:@/.]!) ) { unshift @{ $url->path->parts }, $lang if ($url->path->parts->[0] // '') ne $lang; $url = $url->to_abs(Mojo::URL->new('/')); } return $url; }; monkey_patch 'Mojolicious::Controller', url_for => $i18n_url_for; 0 } sub read_language_hook { my $self = shift; my $c = shift; # URL detection if (my $path = $c->req->url->path) { my $part = $path->parts->[0]; if ( $part && $self->_language_loaded->{$part} ) { # Ignore static files return if $c->res->code; $c->app->log->debug('[' . __PACKAGE__ . "] Found language $part in URL $path"); # Save lang in stash $c->stash(lang => $part); if ( @{ $path->parts } == 1 && !$path->trailing_slash ) { return $c->redirect_to($c->req->url->path->trailing_slash(1)); # default controller adds language back } # Clean path shift @{$path->parts}; $path->trailing_slash(0); } } } sub _loadi18n { my $langsubdir = shift; my $lang = shift; my $log = shift; my $langFile = "$langsubdir/$lang.lang"; my $TXT; if ( -f $langFile ) { $TXT = Config::Tiny->read($langFile, 'utf8')->{'_'}; if ($@ || !defined $TXT) { $log->error("error reading file $langFile: $@"); } } else { $log->warn("language file $langFile does not exist!"); } return $TXT; } 1 __END__ =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME JWebmail::Plugin::I18N - Custom Made I18N Support Inspired by Mojolicious::Plugin::I18N =head1 SYNOPSIS $app->plugin('I18N', { languages => [qw(en de es)], default_language => 'en', directory => '/path/to/language/files/', }) # in your controller $c->l('hello') # in your templates <%= l 'hello' %> @@ de.lang login = anmelden userid = nuzerkennung passwd = passwort failed = fehlgeschlagen about = über # $c->stash('lang') eq 'de' # $c->stash('lang') eq $defaultLanguage # on url_for('my_other_route') #=> url_for('my_other_route', lang => 'es') #=> =head1 DESCRIPTION L provides I18N support. The language will be taken from the first path segment of the url. Be carefult with colliding routes. Mojolicious::Controller::url_for is patched so that the current language will be kept for router named urls. =head1 OPTIONS =head2 default_language The default language when no other information is provided. =head2 directory Directory to look for language files. =head2 languages List of allowed languages. Files of the pattern "$lang.lang" will be looked for. =head1 HELPERS =head2 l This is used for your translations. $c->l('hello') $app->helper('hello')->() =cut