*  Copyright 2005 Alt-N Technologies, Ltd. 
*  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 
*  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
*  You may obtain a copy of the License at 
*      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 
*  This code incorporates intellectual property owned by Yahoo! and licensed 
*  pursuant to the Yahoo! DomainKeys Patent License Agreement.
*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
*  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
*  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 
*  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
*  limitations under the License.
*  Changes done by ¢feh@fehcom.de obeying the above license

#include "dkimbase.h"
#include <vector>

/*  not used anymore
#define DKIM_ADSP_UNKNOWN			  1
#define DKIM_ADSP_ALL				    2

#define DKIM_POLICY_DOMAIN_NAME_TOO_LONG	-50		// internal error
#define DKIM_POLICY_DNS_TEMP_FAILURE	  	-51		// internal error
#define DKIM_POLICY_DNS_PERM_FAILURE		  -52		// internal error
#define DKIM_POLICY_INVALID					      -53		// internal error

/* dito
#define DKIM_SIG_VERSION_PRE_02			0

class SelectorInfo
	SelectorInfo(const string &sSelector,const string &sDomain);

	string Domain;
	string Selector;
	string Granularity;
	bool AllowSHA1;
	bool AllowSHA256;
	EVP_PKEY *PublicKey;	/* the public key */
	bool Testing;
	bool SameDomain;

	int Status;

	int Parse(char* Buffer);

class SignatureInfo
	SignatureInfo(bool SaveCanonicalizedData);

	void Hash(const char* szBuffer,unsigned nBufLength,bool IsBody=false);

	string Header;
	unsigned Version;
	string Domain;
	string Selector;
	string SignatureData;
	string BodyHashData;
	string IdentityLocalPart;
	string IdentityDomain;
	string CanonicalizedData;
	vector<string> SignedHeaders;
	unsigned BodyLength;
	unsigned HeaderCanonicalization;
	unsigned BodyCanonicalization;
	unsigned ExpireTime;

	unsigned VerifiedBodyCount;
	unsigned UnverifiedBodyCount;

	EVP_MD_CTX m_Hdr_ctx;
	EVP_MD_CTX m_Bdy_ctx;
	EVP_MD_CTX *m_Hdr_ctx;
	EVP_MD_CTX *m_Bdy_ctx;
#if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER > 0x10101000L)
	EVP_MD_CTX *m_Msg_ctx;

	SelectorInfo *m_pSelector;

	int Status;
	int m_nHash;						// use one of the DKIM_HASH_xxx constants here
	unsigned EmptyLineCount;
	bool m_SaveCanonicalizedData;

class CDKIMVerify : public CDKIMBase

//  virtual ~CDKIMVerify() = 0;

	int Init(DKIMVerifyOptions* pOptions);

	int GetResults(void);
	int GetDetails(int* nSigCount,DKIMVerifyDetails** pDetails);
//        int _DNSGetTXT(const char* szFQDN,char* Buffer,int nBufLen);

	virtual int ProcessHeaders(void);
	virtual int ProcessBody(char* szBuffer,int nBufLength,bool bEOF);

	const char* GetPractices() { return Practices.c_str(); }


	int ParseDKIMSignature(const string& sHeader,SignatureInfo &sig);

	SelectorInfo& GetSelector(const string &sSelector,const string &sDomain);

//	int GetADSP(const string &sDomain,int &iADSP);

	list<SignatureInfo> Signatures;
	list<SelectorInfo> Selectors;

	DKIMDNSCALLBACK m_pfnSelectorCallback;		// selector record callback
//	DKIMDNSCALLBACK m_pfnPracticesCallback;		// ADSP record callback

	bool m_HonorBodyLengthTag;
	bool m_CheckPractices;
	bool m_SubjectIsRequired;
	bool m_SaveCanonicalizedData;
	bool m_AllowUnsignedFromHeaders;

	vector<DKIMVerifyDetails> Details;
	string Practices;