#include #include #include #include #include #include "error.h" #include "sig.h" #include "direntry.h" #include "control.h" #include "select.h" #include "open.h" #include "seek.h" #include "exit.h" #include "lock.h" #include "ndelay.h" #include "now.h" #include "getln.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "alloc.h" #include "genalloc.h" #include "stralloc.h" #include "logmsg.h" #include "str.h" #include "byte.h" #include "fmt.h" #include "scan.h" #include "case.h" #include "auto_qmail.h" #include "auto_queue.h" #include "trigger.h" #include "newfield.h" #include "quote.h" #include "qmail.h" #include "qsutil.h" #include "prioq.h" #include "constmap.h" #include "fmtqfn.h" #include "readsubdir.h" #include "sendtodo.h" int lifetime = 604800; int bouncemaxbytes = 0; stralloc queuedir = {0}; stralloc percenthack = {0}; struct constmap mappercenthack; stralloc locals = {0}; struct constmap maplocals; stralloc vdoms = {0}; struct constmap mapvdoms; stralloc envnoathost = {0}; stralloc bouncefrom = {0}; stralloc bouncehost = {0}; stralloc doublebounceto = {0}; stralloc doublebouncehost = {0}; char strnum2[FMT_ULONG]; char strnum3[FMT_ULONG]; #define CHANNELS 2 char *chanaddr[CHANNELS] = { "local/", "remote/" }; char *chanstatusmsg[CHANNELS] = { " local ", " remote " }; char *tochan[CHANNELS] = { " to local ", " to remote " }; int chanfdout[CHANNELS] = { 1, 3 }; int chanfdin[CHANNELS] = { 2, 4 }; int chanskip[CHANNELS] = { 10, 20 }; int flagexitasap = 0; void sigterm() { flagexitasap = 1; } int flagrunasap = 0; void sigalrm() { flagrunasap = 1; } int flagreadasap = 0; void sighup() { flagreadasap = 1; } void cleandied() { log1s("alert: qmail-send lost connection to qmail-clean ... exiting\n"); flagexitasap = 1; } int flagspawnalive[CHANNELS]; void spawndied(int c) { log1s("alert: oh no! qmail-send lost spawn connection! dying...\n"); flagspawnalive[c] = 0; flagexitasap = 1; } #define REPORTMAX 10000 datetime_sec recent; /* this file is too long ---------------------------------------- FILE CREATE */ stralloc fn = {0}; stralloc fn2 = {0}; char fnmake_strnum[FMT_ULONG]; void fnmake_init() { while (!stralloc_ready(&fn,FMTQFN)) nomem(); while (!stralloc_ready(&fn2,FMTQFN)) nomem(); } void fnmake_info(unsigned long id) { fn.len = fmtqfn(fn.s,"info/",id,1); } void fnmake_todo(unsigned long id) { fn.len = fmtqfn(fn.s,"todo/",id,1); } void fnmake_mess(unsigned long id) { fn.len = fmtqfn(fn.s,"mess/",id,1); } void fnmake_foop(unsigned long id) { fn.len = fmtqfn(fn.s,"foop/",id,0); } void fnmake_split(unsigned long id) { fn.len = fmtqfn(fn.s,"",id,1); } void fnmake2_bounce(unsigned long id) { fn2.len = fmtqfn(fn2.s,"bounce/",id,0); } void fnmake_chanaddr(unsigned long id,int c) { fn.len = fmtqfn(fn.s,chanaddr[c],id,1); } /* this file is too long ----------------------------------------- REWRITING */ void senderadd(stralloc *sa,char *sender,char *recip) { int i; int j; int k; i = str_len(sender); if (i >= 4) if (str_equal(sender + i - 4,"-@[]")) { j = byte_rchr(sender,i - 4,'@'); k = str_rchr(recip,'@'); if (recip[k] && (j + 5 <= i)) { /* owner-@host-@[] -> owner-recipbox=reciphost@host */ while (!stralloc_catb(sa,sender,j)) nomem(); while (!stralloc_catb(sa,recip,k)) nomem(); while (!stralloc_cats(sa,"=")) nomem(); while (!stralloc_cats(sa,recip + k + 1)) nomem(); while (!stralloc_cats(sa,"@")) nomem(); while (!stralloc_catb(sa,sender + j + 1,i - 5 - j)) nomem(); return; } } while (!stralloc_cats(sa,sender)) nomem(); } /* this file is too long ---------------------------------------------- INFO */ int getinfo(stralloc *sa,datetime_sec *dt,unsigned long id) { int fdnumber; struct stat st; static stralloc line = {0}; int match; char buf[BUFSIZE_SMALL]; buffer b; fnmake_info(id); fdnumber = open_read(fn.s); if (fdnumber == -1) return 0; if (fstat(fdnumber,&st) == -1) { close(fdnumber); return 0; } buffer_init(&b,read,fdnumber,buf,sizeof(buf)); if (getln(&b,&line,&match,'\0') == -1) { close(fdnumber); return 0; } close(fdnumber); if (!match) return 0; if (line.s[0] != 'F') return 0; *dt = st.st_mtime; while (!stralloc_copys(sa,line.s + 1)) nomem(); while (!stralloc_0(sa)) nomem(); return 1; } /* this file is too long ------------------------------------- COMMUNICATION */ buffer toqc; char toqcbuf[BUFSIZE_LINE]; buffer fromqc; char fromqcbuf[BUFSIZE_LINE]; stralloc comm_buf[CHANNELS] = { {0}, {0} }; int comm_pos[CHANNELS]; void comm_init() { int c; buffer_init(&toqc,write,5,toqcbuf,sizeof(toqcbuf)); buffer_init(&fromqc,read,6,fromqcbuf,sizeof(fromqcbuf)); for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c) if (ndelay_on(chanfdout[c]) == -1) /* this is so stupid: NDELAY semantics should be default on write */ spawndied(c); /* drastic, but better than risking deadlock */ } int comm_canwrite(int c) { /* XXX: could allow a bigger buffer; say 10 recipients */ if (comm_buf[c].s && comm_buf[c].len) return 0; return 1; } void comm_write(int c,int delnum,unsigned long id,char *sender,char *recip) { char ch; if (comm_buf[c].s && comm_buf[c].len) return; while (!stralloc_copys(&comm_buf[c],"")) nomem(); ch = delnum; while (!stralloc_append(&comm_buf[c],&ch)) nomem(); fnmake_split(id); while (!stralloc_cats(&comm_buf[c],fn.s)) nomem(); while (!stralloc_0(&comm_buf[c])) nomem(); senderadd(&comm_buf[c],sender,recip); while (!stralloc_0(&comm_buf[c])) nomem(); while (!stralloc_cats(&comm_buf[c],recip)) nomem(); while (!stralloc_0(&comm_buf[c])) nomem(); comm_pos[c] = 0; } void comm_selprep(int *nfds,fd_set *wfds) { int c; for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c) if (flagspawnalive[c]) if (comm_buf[c].s && comm_buf[c].len) { FD_SET(chanfdout[c],wfds); if (*nfds <= chanfdout[c]) *nfds = chanfdout[c] + 1; } } void comm_do(fd_set *wfds) { int c; for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c) if (flagspawnalive[c]) if (comm_buf[c].s && comm_buf[c].len) if (FD_ISSET(chanfdout[c],wfds)) { int w; int len; len = comm_buf[c].len; w = write(chanfdout[c],comm_buf[c].s + comm_pos[c],len - comm_pos[c]); if (w <= 0) { if ((w == -1) && (errno == EPIPE)) spawndied(c); else continue; /* kernel select() bug; can't avoid busy-looping */ } else { comm_pos[c] += w; if (comm_pos[c] == len) comm_buf[c].len = 0; } } } /* this file is too long ------------------------------------------ CLEANUPS */ int flagcleanup; /* if 1, cleanupdir is initialized and ready */ readsubdir cleanupdir; datetime_sec cleanuptime; void cleanup_init() { flagcleanup = 0; cleanuptime = now(); } void cleanup_selprep(datetime_sec *wakeup) { if (flagcleanup) *wakeup = 0; if (*wakeup > cleanuptime) *wakeup = cleanuptime; } void cleanup_do() { char ch; struct stat st; unsigned long id; if (!flagcleanup) { if (recent < cleanuptime) return; readsubdir_init(&cleanupdir,"mess",pausedir); flagcleanup = 1; } switch (readsubdir_next(&cleanupdir,&id)) { case 1: break; case 0: flagcleanup = 0; cleanuptime = recent + SLEEP_CLEANUP; default: return; } fnmake_mess(id); if (stat(fn.s,&st) == -1) return; /* probably qmail-queue deleted it */ if (recent <= st.st_atime + OSSIFIED) return; fnmake_info(id); if (stat(fn.s,&st) == 0) return; if (errno != ENOENT) return; fnmake_todo(id); if (stat(fn.s,&st) == 0) return; if (errno != ENOENT) return; fnmake_foop(id); if (buffer_putflush(&toqc,fn.s,fn.len) == -1) { cleandied(); return; } if (buffer_get(&fromqc,&ch,1) != 1) { cleandied(); return; } if (ch != '+') log3s("warning: qmail-clean is unable to clean up ",fn.s,"\n"); } /* this file is too long ----------------------------------- PRIORITY QUEUES */ prioq pqdone = {0}; /* -todo +info; HOPEFULLY -local -remote */ prioq pqchan[CHANNELS] = { {0}, {0} }; /* pqchan 0: -todo +info +local ?remote */ /* pqchan 1: -todo +info ?local +remote */ prioq pqfail = {0}; /* stat() failure; has to be pqadded again */ void pqadd(unsigned long id) { struct prioq_elt pe; struct prioq_elt pechan[CHANNELS]; int flagchan[CHANNELS]; struct stat st; int c; #define CHECKSTAT if (errno != ENOENT) goto FAIL; fnmake_info(id); if (stat(fn.s,&st) == -1) { CHECKSTAT return; /* someone yanking our chain */ } fnmake_todo(id); if (stat(fn.s,&st) != -1) return; /* look, ma, dad crashed writing info! */ CHECKSTAT for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c) { fnmake_chanaddr(id,c); if (stat(fn.s,&st) == -1) { flagchan[c] = 0; CHECKSTAT } else { flagchan[c] = 1; pechan[c].id = id; pechan[c].dt = st.st_mtime; } } for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c) if (flagchan[c]) while (!prioq_insert(&pqchan[c],&pechan[c])) nomem(); for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c) if (flagchan[c]) break; if (c == CHANNELS) { pe.id = id; pe.dt = now(); while (!prioq_insert(&pqdone,&pe)) nomem(); } return; FAIL: log3s("warning: qmail-send send is unable to stat ",fn.s,"; will try again later\n"); pe.id = id; pe.dt = now() + SLEEP_SYSFAIL; while (!prioq_insert(&pqfail,&pe)) nomem(); } void pqstart() { readsubdir rs; int x; unsigned long id; readsubdir_init(&rs,"info",pausedir); while ((x = readsubdir_next(&rs,&id))) if (x > 0) pqadd(id); } void pqfinish() { int c; struct prioq_elt pe; time_t ut[2]; /* XXX: more portable than utimbuf, but still worrisome */ for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c) while (prioq_min(&pqchan[c],&pe)) { prioq_delmin(&pqchan[c]); fnmake_chanaddr(pe.id,c); ut[0] = ut[1] = pe.dt; if (utime(fn.s,ut) == -1) log3s("warning: qmail-send is unable to utime ",fn.s,"; message will be retried too soon\n"); } } void pqrun() { int c; int i; for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c) if (pqchan[c].p) if (pqchan[c].len) for (i = 0; i < pqchan[c].len; ++i) pqchan[c].p[i].dt = recent; } /* this file is too long ---------------------------------------------- JOBS */ struct job { int refs; /* if 0, this struct is unused */ unsigned long id; int channel; datetime_sec retry; stralloc sender; int numtodo; int flaghiteof; int flagdying; }; int numjobs; struct job *jo; void job_init() { int j; while (!(jo = (struct job *) alloc(numjobs * sizeof(struct job)))) nomem(); for (j = 0; j < numjobs; ++j) { jo[j].refs = 0; jo[j].sender.s = 0; } } int job_avail() { int j; for (j = 0; j < numjobs; ++j) if (!jo[j].refs) return 1; return 0; } int job_open(unsigned long id,int channel) { int j; for (j = 0; j < numjobs; ++j) if (!jo[j].refs) break; if (j == numjobs) return -1; jo[j].refs = 1; jo[j].id = id; jo[j].channel = channel; jo[j].numtodo = 0; jo[j].flaghiteof = 0; return j; } void job_close(int j) { struct prioq_elt pe; struct stat st; int c; if (0 < --jo[j].refs) return; pe.id = jo[j].id; pe.dt = jo[j].retry; if (jo[j].flaghiteof && !jo[j].numtodo) { fnmake_chanaddr(jo[j].id,jo[j].channel); if (unlink(fn.s) == -1) { log3s("warning: qmail-send is unable to unlink ",fn.s,"; will try again later\n"); pe.dt = now() + SLEEP_SYSFAIL; } else { for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c) if (c != jo[j].channel) { fnmake_chanaddr(jo[j].id,c); if (stat(fn.s,&st) == 0) return; /* more channels going */ if (errno != ENOENT) { log3s("warning: qmail-send is unable to stat ",fn.s,"\n"); break; /* this is the only reason for HOPEFULLY */ } } pe.dt = now(); while (!prioq_insert(&pqdone,&pe)) nomem(); return; } } while (!prioq_insert(&pqchan[jo[j].channel],&pe)) nomem(); } /* this file is too long ------------------------------------------- BOUNCES */ char *stripvdomprepend(char *recip) { int i; char *domain; int domainlen; char *prepend; i = str_rchr(recip,'@'); if (!recip[i]) return recip; domain = recip + i + 1; domainlen = str_len(domain); for (i = 0; i <= domainlen; ++i) if ((i == 0) || (i == domainlen) || (domain[i] == '.')) if ((prepend = constmap(&mapvdoms,domain + i,domainlen - i))) { if (!*prepend) break; i = str_len(prepend); if (str_diffn(recip,prepend,i)) break; if (recip[i] != '-') break; return recip + i + 1; } return recip; } stralloc bouncetext = {0}; void addbounce(unsigned long id,char *recip,char *report) { int fd; int pos; int w; while (!stralloc_copys(&bouncetext,"<")) nomem(); while (!stralloc_cats(&bouncetext,stripvdomprepend(recip))) nomem(); for (pos = 0; pos < bouncetext.len; ++pos) if (bouncetext.s[pos] == '\n') bouncetext.s[pos] = '_'; while (!stralloc_cats(&bouncetext,">:\n")) nomem(); while (!stralloc_cats(&bouncetext,report)) nomem(); if (report[0]) if (report[str_len(report) - 1] != '\n') while (!stralloc_cats(&bouncetext,"\n")) nomem(); for (pos = bouncetext.len - 2; pos > 0; --pos) if (bouncetext.s[pos] == '\n') if (bouncetext.s[pos - 1] == '\n') bouncetext.s[pos] = '/'; while (!stralloc_cats(&bouncetext,"\n")) nomem(); fnmake2_bounce(id); for (;;) { fd = open_append(fn2.s); if (fd != -1) break; log1s("alert: qmail-send is unable to append to bounce message; HELP! sleeping...\n"); sleep(10); } pos = 0; while (pos < bouncetext.len) { w = write(fd,bouncetext.s + pos,bouncetext.len - pos); if (w <= 0) { log1s("alert: qmail-send is unable to append to bounce message; HELP! sleeping...\n"); sleep(10); } else pos += w; } close(fd); } int injectbounce(unsigned long id) { struct qmail qqt; struct stat st; char *bouncesender; char *bouncerecip; int r; int fd; buffer bi; char buf[BUFSIZE_SMALL]; char inbuf[BUFSIZE_SMALL]; static stralloc sender = {0}; static stralloc quoted = {0}; datetime_sec birth; unsigned long qp; int bytestogo; int bytestoget; if (!getinfo(&sender,&birth,id)) return 0; /* XXX: print warning */ /* owner-@host-@[] -> owner-@host */ if (sender.len >= 5) if (str_equal(sender.s + sender.len - 5,"-@[]")) { sender.len -= 4; sender.s[sender.len - 1] = 0; } fnmake2_bounce(id); fnmake_mess(id); if (stat(fn2.s,&st) == -1) { if (errno == ENOENT) return 1; log3s("warning: qmail-send is unable to stat ",fn2.s,"\n"); return 0; } if (str_equal(sender.s,"#@[]")) log3s("triple bounce: discarding ",fn2.s,"\n"); else if (!*sender.s && *doublebounceto.s == '@') log3s("double bounce: discarding ",fn2.s,"\n"); else { if (qmail_open(&qqt) == -1) { log1s("warning: qmail-send is unable to start qmail-queue, will try later\n"); return 0; } qp = qmail_qp(&qqt); if (*sender.s) { bouncesender = ""; bouncerecip = sender.s; } else { bouncesender = "#@[]"; bouncerecip = doublebounceto.s; } while (!newfield_datemake(now())) nomem(); qmail_put(&qqt,newfield_date.s,newfield_date.len); qmail_puts(&qqt,"From: "); while (!quote("ed,&bouncefrom)) nomem(); qmail_put(&qqt,quoted.s,quoted.len); qmail_puts(&qqt,"@"); qmail_put(&qqt,bouncehost.s,bouncehost.len); qmail_puts(&qqt,"\nTo: "); while (!quote2("ed,bouncerecip)) nomem(); qmail_put(&qqt,quoted.s,quoted.len); qmail_puts(&qqt,"\n\ Subject: failure notice\n\ \n\ Hi. This is the qmail-send program at "); qmail_put(&qqt,bouncehost.s,bouncehost.len); qmail_puts(&qqt,*sender.s ? ".\n\ I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.\n\ This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.\n\ \n\ " : ".\n\ I tried to deliver a bounce message to this address, but the bounce bounced!\n\ \n\ "); fd = open_read(fn2.s); if (fd == -1) qmail_fail(&qqt); else { buffer_init(&bi,read,fd,inbuf,sizeof(inbuf)); while ((r = buffer_get(&bi,buf,sizeof(buf))) > 0) qmail_put(&qqt,buf,r); close(fd); if (r == -1) qmail_fail(&qqt); } qmail_puts(&qqt,*sender.s ? "--- Below this line is a copy of the message.\n\n" : "--- Below this line is the original bounce.\n\n"); qmail_puts(&qqt,"Return-Path: <"); while (!quote2("ed,sender.s)) nomem(); qmail_put(&qqt,quoted.s,quoted.len); qmail_puts(&qqt,">\n"); fd = open_read(fn.s); if (fd == -1) qmail_fail(&qqt); else { if (bouncemaxbytes) { bytestogo = bouncemaxbytes; bytestoget = (bytestogo < sizeof(buf)) ? bytestogo : sizeof(buf); buffer_init(&bi,read,fd,inbuf,sizeof(inbuf)); while (bytestoget > 0 && (r = buffer_get(&bi,buf,bytestoget)) > 0) { qmail_put(&qqt,buf,r); bytestogo -= bytestoget; bytestoget = (bytestogo < sizeof(buf)) ? bytestogo : sizeof(buf); } if (r > 0) qmail_puts(&qqt,"\n\n--- Rest of message truncated.\n"); } else { /* preserve default behavior */ buffer_init(&bi,read,fd,inbuf,sizeof(inbuf)); while ((r = buffer_get(&bi,buf,sizeof(buf))) > 0) qmail_put(&qqt,buf,r); } close(fd); if (r == -1) qmail_fail(&qqt); } qmail_from(&qqt,bouncesender); qmail_to(&qqt,bouncerecip); if (*qmail_close(&qqt)) { log1s("warning: qmail-send has trouble injecting bounce message, will try later\n"); return 0; } strnum2[fmt_ulong(strnum2,id)] = 0; log2s("bounce msg ",strnum2); strnum2[fmt_ulong(strnum2,qp)] = 0; log3s(" qp ",strnum2,"\n"); } if (unlink(fn2.s) != 0) { log3s("warning: qmail-send is unable to unlink ",fn2.s,"\n"); return 0; } return 1; } /* this file is too long ---------------------------------------- DELIVERIES */ struct del { int used; int j; unsigned long delid; seek_pos mpos; stralloc recip; }; unsigned long masterdelid = 1; unsigned int concurrency[CHANNELS] = { 10, 20 }; unsigned int concurrencyused[CHANNELS] = { 0, 0 }; struct del *d[CHANNELS]; stralloc dline[CHANNELS]; char delbuf[2048]; void del_status() { int c; log1s("status:"); for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c) { strnum2[fmt_ulong(strnum2,(unsigned long) concurrencyused[c])] = 0; strnum3[fmt_ulong(strnum3,(unsigned long) concurrency[c])] = 0; log2s(chanstatusmsg[c],strnum2); log2s("/",strnum3); } if (flagexitasap) log1s(" exitasap"); log1s("\n"); } void del_init() { int c; int i; for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c) { flagspawnalive[c] = 1; while (!(d[c] = (struct del *) alloc(concurrency[c] * sizeof(struct del)))) nomem(); for (i = 0; i < concurrency[c]; ++i) { d[c][i].used = 0; d[c][i].recip.s = 0; } dline[c].s = 0; while (!stralloc_copys(&dline[c],"")) nomem(); } del_status(); } int del_canexit() { int c; for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c) if (flagspawnalive[c]) /* if dead, nothing we can do about its jobs */ if (concurrencyused[c]) return 0; return 1; } int del_avail(int c) { return flagspawnalive[c] && comm_canwrite(c) && (concurrencyused[c] < concurrency[c]); } void del_start(int j,seek_pos mpos,char *recip) { int i; int c; c = jo[j].channel; if (!flagspawnalive[c]) return; if (!comm_canwrite(c)) return; for (i = 0; i < concurrency[c]; ++i) if (!d[c][i].used) break; if (i == concurrency[c]) return; if (!stralloc_copys(&d[c][i].recip,recip)) { nomem(); return; } if (!stralloc_0(&d[c][i].recip)) { nomem(); return; } d[c][i].j = j; ++jo[j].refs; d[c][i].delid = masterdelid++; d[c][i].mpos = mpos; d[c][i].used = 1; ++concurrencyused[c]; comm_write(c,i,jo[j].id,jo[j].sender.s,recip); strnum2[fmt_ulong(strnum2,d[c][i].delid)] = 0; strnum3[fmt_ulong(strnum3,jo[j].id)] = 0; log2s("starting delivery ",strnum2); log3s(": msg ",strnum3,tochan[c]); logsafe(recip); log1s("\n"); del_status(); } void markdone(int c,unsigned long id,seek_pos pos) { struct stat st; int fd; fnmake_chanaddr(id,c); for (;;) { fd = open_write(fn.s); if (fd == -1) break; if (fstat(fd,&st) == -1) { close(fd); break; } if (seek_set(fd,pos) == -1) { close(fd); break; } if (write(fd,"D",1) != 1) { close(fd); break; } /* further errors -> double delivery without us knowing about it, oh well */ close(fd); return; } log3s("warning: qmail-send has trouble marking ",fn.s,"; message will be delivered twice!\n"); } void del_dochan(int c) { int r; char ch; int i; int delnum; r = read(chanfdin[c],delbuf,sizeof(delbuf)); if (r == -1) return; if (r == 0) { spawndied(c); return; } for (i = 0; i < r; ++i) { ch = delbuf[i]; while (!stralloc_append(&dline[c],&ch)) nomem(); if (dline[c].len > REPORTMAX) dline[c].len = REPORTMAX; /* qmail-lspawn and qmail-rspawn are responsible for keeping it short */ /* but from a security point of view, we don't trust rspawn */ if (!ch && (dline[c].len > 1)) { delnum = (unsigned int) (unsigned char) dline[c].s[0]; if ((delnum < 0) || (delnum >= concurrency[c]) || !d[c][delnum].used) log1s("warning: qmail-send's internal error: delivery report out of range\n"); else { strnum3[fmt_ulong(strnum3,d[c][delnum].delid)] = 0; if (dline[c].s[1] == 'Z') if (jo[d[c][delnum].j].flagdying) { dline[c].s[1] = 'D'; --dline[c].len; while (!stralloc_cats(&dline[c],"I'm not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long.\n")) nomem(); while (!stralloc_0(&dline[c])) nomem(); } switch (dline[c].s[1]) { case 'K': log3s("delivery ",strnum3,": success: "); logsafe(dline[c].s + 2); log1s("\n"); markdone(c,jo[d[c][delnum].j].id,d[c][delnum].mpos); --jo[d[c][delnum].j].numtodo; break; case 'Z': log3s("delivery ",strnum3,": deferral: "); logsafe(dline[c].s + 2); log1s("\n"); break; case 'D': log3s("delivery ",strnum3,": failure: "); logsafe(dline[c].s + 2); log1s("\n"); addbounce(jo[d[c][delnum].j].id,d[c][delnum].recip.s,dline[c].s + 2); markdone(c,jo[d[c][delnum].j].id,d[c][delnum].mpos); --jo[d[c][delnum].j].numtodo; break; default: log3s("delivery ",strnum3,": report mangled, will defer\n"); } job_close(d[c][delnum].j); d[c][delnum].used = 0; --concurrencyused[c]; del_status(); } dline[c].len = 0; } } } void del_selprep(int *nfds,fd_set *rfds) { int c; for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c) if (flagspawnalive[c]) { FD_SET(chanfdin[c],rfds); if (*nfds <= chanfdin[c]) *nfds = chanfdin[c] + 1; } } void del_do(fd_set *rfds) { int c; for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c) if (flagspawnalive[c]) if (FD_ISSET(chanfdin[c],rfds)) del_dochan(c); } /* this file is too long -------------------------------------------- PASSES */ struct { unsigned long id; /* if 0, need a new pass */ int j; /* defined if id; job number */ int fd; /* defined if id; reading from {local,remote} */ seek_pos mpos; /* defined if id; mark position */ buffer b; char buf[BUFSIZE_SMALL]; } pass[CHANNELS]; void pass_init() { int c; for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c) pass[c].id = 0; } void pass_selprep(datetime_sec *wakeup) { int c; struct prioq_elt pe; if (flagexitasap) return; for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c) if (pass[c].id) if (del_avail(c)) { *wakeup = 0; return; } if (job_avail()) for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c) if (!pass[c].id) if (prioq_min(&pqchan[c],&pe)) if (*wakeup > pe.dt) *wakeup = pe.dt; if (prioq_min(&pqfail,&pe)) if (*wakeup > pe.dt) *wakeup = pe.dt; if (prioq_min(&pqdone,&pe)) if (*wakeup > pe.dt)*wakeup = pe.dt; } static datetime_sec squareroot(datetime_sec x) /* result^2 <= x < (result + 1)^2 ; assuming: >= 0 */ { datetime_sec y; datetime_sec yy; datetime_sec y21; int j; y = 0; yy = 0; for (j = 15; j >= 0; --j) { y21 = (y << (j + 1)) + (1 << (j + j)); if (y21 <= x - yy) { y += (1 << j); yy += y21; } } return y; } datetime_sec nextretry(datetime_sec birth,int c) { int n; if (birth > recent) n = 0; else n = squareroot(recent - birth); /* no need to add fuzz to recent */ n += chanskip[c]; return birth + n * n; } void pass_dochan(int c) { datetime_sec birth; struct prioq_elt pe; static stralloc line = {0}; int match; if (flagexitasap) return; if (!pass[c].id) { if (!job_avail()) return; if (!prioq_min(&pqchan[c],&pe)) return; if (pe.dt > recent) return; fnmake_chanaddr(pe.id,c); prioq_delmin(&pqchan[c]); pass[c].mpos = 0; pass[c].fd = open_read(fn.s); if (pass[c].fd == -1) goto trouble; if (!getinfo(&line,&birth,pe.id)) { close(pass[c].fd); goto trouble; } pass[c].id = pe.id; buffer_init(&pass[c].b,read,pass[c].fd,pass[c].buf,sizeof(pass[c].buf)); pass[c].j = job_open(pe.id,c); jo[pass[c].j].retry = nextretry(birth,c); jo[pass[c].j].flagdying = (recent > birth + lifetime); while (!stralloc_copy(&jo[pass[c].j].sender,&line)) nomem(); } if (!del_avail(c)) return; if (getln(&pass[c].b,&line,&match,'\0') == -1) { fnmake_chanaddr(pass[c].id,c); log3s("warning: qmail-send has trouble reading ",fn.s,"; will try again later\n"); close(pass[c].fd); job_close(pass[c].j); pass[c].id = 0; return; } if (!match) { close(pass[c].fd); jo[pass[c].j].flaghiteof = 1; job_close(pass[c].j); pass[c].id = 0; return; } switch (line.s[0]) { case 'T': ++jo[pass[c].j].numtodo; del_start(pass[c].j,pass[c].mpos,line.s + 1); break; case 'D': break; default: fnmake_chanaddr(pass[c].id,c); log3s("warning: qmail-send recognizes unknown record type in ",fn.s,"!\n"); close(pass[c].fd); job_close(pass[c].j); pass[c].id = 0; return; } pass[c].mpos += line.len; return; trouble: log3s("warning: qmail-send has trouble opening ",fn.s,"; will try again later\n"); pe.dt = recent + SLEEP_SYSFAIL; while (!prioq_insert(&pqchan[c],&pe)) nomem(); } void messdone(unsigned long id) { char ch; int c; struct prioq_elt pe; struct stat st; for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c) { fnmake_chanaddr(id,c); if (stat(fn.s,&st) == 0) return; /* false alarm; consequence of HOPEFULLY */ if (errno != ENOENT) { log3s("warning: qmail-send is unable to stat ",fn.s,"; will try again later\n"); goto FAIL; } } fnmake_todo(id); if (stat(fn.s,&st) == 0) return; if (errno != ENOENT) { log3s("warning: qmail-send is unable to stat ",fn.s,"; will try again later\n"); goto FAIL; } fnmake_info(id); if (stat(fn.s,&st) == -1) { if (errno == ENOENT) return; log3s("warning: qmail-send is unable to stat ",fn.s,"; will try again later\n"); goto FAIL; } /* -todo +info -local -remote ?bounce */ if (!injectbounce(id)) goto FAIL; /* injectbounce() produced error message */ strnum3[fmt_ulong(strnum3,id)] = 0; log3s("end msg ",strnum3,"\n"); /* -todo +info -local -remote -bounce */ fnmake_info(id); if (unlink(fn.s) == -1) { log3s("warning: qmail-send is unable to unlink ",fn.s,"; will try again later\n"); goto FAIL; } /* -todo -info -local -remote -bounce; we can relax */ fnmake_foop(id); if (buffer_putflush(&toqc,fn.s,fn.len) == -1) { cleandied(); return; } if (buffer_get(&fromqc,&ch,1) != 1) { cleandied(); return; } if (ch != '+') log3s("warning: qmail-clean unable to clean up ",fn.s,"\n"); return; FAIL: pe.id = id; pe.dt = now() + SLEEP_SYSFAIL; while (!prioq_insert(&pqdone,&pe)) nomem(); } void pass_do() { int c; struct prioq_elt pe; for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c) pass_dochan(c); if (prioq_min(&pqfail,&pe)) if (pe.dt <= recent) { prioq_delmin(&pqfail); pqadd(pe.id); } if (prioq_min(&pqdone,&pe)) if (pe.dt <= recent) { prioq_delmin(&pqdone); messdone(pe.id); } } /* this file is too long ------------------------------------- EXTERNAL TODO */ stralloc todoline = {0}; char todobuf[2048]; int todofdin; int todofdout; int flagtodoalive; void tododied() { log1s("alert: qmail-send lost connection to qmail-todo ... exiting\n"); flagexitasap = 1; flagtodoalive = 0; } void todo_init() { todofdout = 7; todofdin = 8; flagtodoalive = 1; /* sync with external todo */ if (write(todofdout,"S",1) != 1) tododied(); return; } void todo_selprep(int *nfds,fd_set *rfds,datetime_sec *wakeup) { if (flagexitasap) { if (flagtodoalive) { write(todofdout,"X",1); } } if (flagtodoalive) { FD_SET(todofdin,rfds); if (*nfds <= todofdin) *nfds = todofdin + 1; } } void todo_del(char* s) { int flagchan[CHANNELS]; struct prioq_elt pe; unsigned long id; unsigned int len; int c; for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c) flagchan[c] = 0; switch (*s++) { case 'L': flagchan[0] = 1; break; case 'R': flagchan[1] = 1; break; case 'B': flagchan[0] = 1; flagchan[1] = 1; break; case 'X': break; default: log1s("warning: qmail-send is unable to understand qmail-todo\n"); return; } len = scan_ulong(s,&id); if (!len || s[len]) { log1s("warning: qmail-send is unable to understand qmail-todo\n"); return; } pe.id = id; pe.dt = now(); for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c) if (flagchan[c]) while (!prioq_insert(&pqchan[c],&pe)) nomem(); for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c) if (flagchan[c]) break; if (c == CHANNELS) while (!prioq_insert(&pqdone,&pe)) nomem(); return; } void todo_do(fd_set *rfds) { int r; char ch; int i; if (!flagtodoalive) return; if (!FD_ISSET(todofdin,rfds)) return; r = read(todofdin,todobuf,sizeof(todobuf)); if (r == -1) return; if (r == 0) { if (flagexitasap) flagtodoalive = 0; else tododied(); return; } for (i = 0; i < r; ++i) { ch = todobuf[i]; while (!stralloc_append(&todoline,&ch)) nomem(); if (todoline.len > REPORTMAX) todoline.len = REPORTMAX; /* qmail-todo is responsible for keeping it short */ if (!ch && (todoline.len > 1)) { switch (todoline.s[0]) { case 'D': if (flagexitasap) break; todo_del(todoline.s + 1); break; case 'L': log1s(todoline.s + 1); break; case 'X': if (flagexitasap) flagtodoalive = 0; else tododied(); break; default: log1s("warning: qmail-send is unable to understand qmail-todo: report mangled\n"); break; } todoline.len = 0; } } } /* this file is too long ---------------------------------------------- MAIN */ int getcontrols() { if (control_init() == -1) return 0; if (control_readint(&lifetime,"control/queuelifetime") == -1) return 0; if (control_readint(&concurrency[0],"control/concurrencylocal") == -1) return 0; if (control_readint(&concurrency[1],"control/concurrencyremote") == -1) return 0; if (control_rldef(&envnoathost,"control/envnoathost",1,"envnoathost") != 1) return 0; if (control_rldef(&bouncefrom,"control/bouncefrom",0,"MAILER-DAEMON") != 1) return 0; if (control_rldef(&bouncehost,"control/bouncehost",1,"bouncehost") != 1) return 0; if (control_readint(&bouncemaxbytes,"control/bouncemaxbytes") == -1) return 0; if (control_rldef(&doublebouncehost,"control/doublebouncehost",1,"doublebouncehost") != 1) return 0; if (control_rldef(&doublebounceto,"control/doublebounceto",0,"postmaster") != 1) return 0; if (!stralloc_cats(&doublebounceto,"@")) return 0; if (!stralloc_cat(&doublebounceto,&doublebouncehost)) return 0; if (!stralloc_0(&doublebounceto)) return 0; if (control_readfile(&locals,"control/locals",1) != 1) return 0; if (!constmap_init(&maplocals,locals.s,locals.len,0)) return 0; switch (control_readfile(&percenthack,"control/percenthack",0)) { case -1: return 0; case 0: if (!constmap_init(&mappercenthack,"",0,0)) return 0; break; case 1: if (!constmap_init(&mappercenthack,percenthack.s,percenthack.len,0)) return 0; break; } switch (control_readfile(&vdoms,"control/virtualdomains",0)) { case -1: return 0; case 0: if (!constmap_init(&mapvdoms,"",0,1)) return 0; break; case 1: if (!constmap_init(&mapvdoms,vdoms.s,vdoms.len,1)) return 0; break; } return 1; } stralloc newlocals = {0}; stralloc newvdoms = {0}; void regetcontrols() { int r; if (control_readfile(&newlocals,"control/locals",1) != 1) { log1s("alert: qmail-send is unable to reread control/locals\n"); return; } if (control_readint(&concurrency[0],"control/concurrencylocal") == -1) { log1s("alert: qmail-send is unable to reread control/concurrencylocal\n"); return; } if (control_readint(&concurrency[1],"control/concurrencyremote") == -1) { log1s("alert: qmail-send is unable to reread control/concurrencyremote\n"); return; } if (control_readint(&lifetime,"control/queuelifetime") == -1) { log1s("alert: qmail-send is unable to reread control/queuelifetime\n"); return; } r = control_readfile(&newvdoms,"control/virtualdomains",0); if (r == -1) { log1s("alert: qmail-send is unable to reread control/virtualdomains\n"); return; } constmap_free(&maplocals); constmap_free(&mapvdoms); while (!stralloc_copy(&locals,&newlocals)) nomem(); while (!constmap_init(&maplocals,locals.s,locals.len,0)) nomem(); if (r) { while (!stralloc_copy(&vdoms,&newvdoms)) nomem(); while (!constmap_init(&mapvdoms,vdoms.s,vdoms.len,1)) nomem(); } else while (!constmap_init(&mapvdoms,"",0,1)) nomem(); } void reread() { if (chdir(auto_qmail) == -1) { log1s("alert: qmail-send is unable to reread controls: unable to switch to home directory\n"); return; } write(todofdout,"H",1); regetcontrols(); while (chdir(queuedir.s) == -1) { log1s("alert: qmail-send is unable to switch back to queue directory; HELP! sleeping...\n"); sleep(10); } } int main() { int fd; datetime_sec wakeup; fd_set rfds; fd_set wfds; int nfds; struct timeval tv; int c; int u; int r; char ch; if (!stralloc_copys(&queuedir,auto_queue)) _exit(110); if (!stralloc_cats(&queuedir,"/queue")) _exit(110); if (!stralloc_0(&queuedir)) _exit(110); if (chdir(auto_qmail) == -1) { log3s("alert: qmail-send is unable to switch to home directory ",auto_qmail,"\n"); _exit(110); } if (!getcontrols()) { log1s("alert: qmail-send is unable to read controls\n"); _exit(111); } if (chdir(queuedir.s) == -1) { log3s("alert: qmail-send cannot start and is unable to switch to queue directory ",queuedir.s,"\n"); _exit(110); } sig_pipeignore(); sig_termcatch(sigterm); sig_alarmcatch(sigalrm); sig_hangupcatch(sighup); sig_childdefault(); umask(077); fd = open_write("lock/sendmutex"); if (fd == -1) { log1s("alert: qmail-send is unable to open mutex\n"); _exit(111); } if (lock_exnb(fd) == -1) { log1s("alert: qmail-send is already running\n"); _exit(111); } numjobs = 0; for (c = 0;c < CHANNELS;++c) { do r = read(chanfdin[c],&ch,1); while ((r == -1) && (errno == EINTR)); if (r < 1) { log1s("alert: cannot start: hath the daemon spawn no fire?\n"); _exit(111); } u = (unsigned int) (unsigned char) ch; if (concurrency[c] > u) concurrency[c] = u; numjobs += concurrency[c]; } fnmake_init(); comm_init(); pqstart(); job_init(); del_init(); pass_init(); todo_init(); cleanup_init(); while (!flagexitasap || !del_canexit() || flagtodoalive) { recent = now(); if (flagrunasap) { flagrunasap = 0; pqrun(); } if (flagreadasap) { flagreadasap = 0; reread(); } wakeup = recent + SLEEP_FOREVER; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_ZERO(&wfds); nfds = 1; comm_selprep(&nfds,&wfds); del_selprep(&nfds,&rfds); pass_selprep(&wakeup); todo_selprep(&nfds,&rfds,&wakeup); cleanup_selprep(&wakeup); if (wakeup <= recent) tv.tv_sec = 0; else tv.tv_sec = wakeup - recent + SLEEP_FUZZ; tv.tv_usec = 0; if (select(nfds,&rfds,&wfds,(fd_set *) 0,&tv) == -1) if (errno == EINTR) ; else log1s("warning: qmail-send has trouble in select\n"); else { recent = now(); comm_do(&wfds); del_do(&rfds); todo_do(&rfds); pass_do(); cleanup_do(); } } pqfinish(); log1s("status: qmail-send exiting\n"); _exit(0); }