mess882x – RFC 822 Message parser and (s/)qmail helpers
- mess822x is a fork of D.J.B.'s mess822-0.58 package,
- ported to fehQlibs(-16) and
- provided in the /slashpackage format accordingly.
- 822* and mess822 routines for RFC 2822 mail message handling covering the header and the body of the message
- tai* libraries for TAI time handling and formating, including reading, conversion between localtime and timezones.
- (s/)qmail add-ons handler and programs to be used in a dot-qmail file
mess822* AND 822* ROUTINES:
- 822body - display the body of a RFC 822 message
- 822date - read the date and time from a message
- 822field - read (and display) arbitrary fields in here
- 822header - print the header of the message
- 822mimeparts - disentangle MIME parts of a message
- 822print - read, re-structure, and dispay the message header
- 822received - show the 'Received' header fields
- b64decode/b64encode - generic BASE64 encoding + decoding
- qpdecode/qpencode - Quoted-printable encoding and decoding
RFC 2047 and RFC 4648 are respected.
(s/)qmail's ADD-ONS:
- ifvalidto - check if SMTP recipient is listed in To:/CC:; optionally bounce or redirect the mail
- iftocc - check if SMTP recipient is potentially in BCC:; optionally bounce the message
- new-inject - preprocess a message, including address rewriting and change of envelope sender
- ofmipd - accept outgoing mail through OFMIP, the Old-Fashioned Mail Injection Protocol
- ofmipname - build a name-address database (cdb)
After compilation the following two libraries are available:
- libtai.a: time&date functions
- mess822.a: mail message parsing functions including base64 and quoted-printable primitives
- fehQlibs (>=25) – can't build w/o it
- Read the doc/INSTALL document
- Check the ./doc directory
- See doc/CHANGES for version information.
- An updated leapsecs.dat file will be installed under /etc.
mess822x (1.x) – this README is not comprehensive yet
Date: December, 11th, 2024