If -v is given as argument, the location of the MIME parts in the message is given additionally with their approximate line numbers on STDERR. Providing -l will generate a symlink for an attachment in case a file name is given. 822mimeparts supports the 'getopts' argument style.
822mimeparts decomposes a 822 mail message in a 'flat' format not respecting its potential 'tree' structure given other RFC822 messages referenced there in.
MIME attachements which are decoded prior of writing them to a file. In case the attachment is supplied with a file name in the MIME section, it is shown on STDERR.
The name of a MIME parts file is structured in three tokens:
In case any information is missing 'unknown' is used as substitude.
822mimeparts cuts each input name to 8 characters and provides a normalization of the input names to exclude shell escape characters while using lower case characters entirely.