ucspi-ssl is a joined project of William Baxter (Copyright 2001 SuperScript Technology, Inc.) and me (FEHCom).
ucspi-ssl home page
- OpenSSL or LibreSSL providing crypto services for TLS 1.3.
- fehQlibs(>=25) need to be installed (usually located at /usr/local) for network and DNS services.
Installation and Customization
- Read INSTALL for installation instructions.
- Read doc/CERTS for the X.509 certificates shipped.
- Read doc/CHAIN-SSL how to configure X.509 chaining support.
Changelog and Internals
- Read doc/CHANGES for changes and bug fixes.
- Read doc/UCSPI-SSL to find some internal information.
- Read doc/TLS_1_3 how to use an OpenSSL/LibreSSL version providing TLS 1.3 support.
- Read doc/TLSVERSION_CIPHERSUITES how to tweak TLS version and cipher suites.
- Read doc/TODO what is missing still.
CDB rules file
- In order to generate the 'cdb' rules file ucspi-tcp(6) is required, providing the program 'tcprules'.
- Applying 'tcprules' from ucspi-tcp6 allows recognition of IPv6 addresses and usage in the common CIDR format for both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
- Old 'cdb' formats and their generating rules file are accepted unaltered.
- sslserver and sslhandle support the 'MAXCONIP' feature.
- sslserver is enabled to evaluate an early 'cdb' lookup before DNS resolution.
Cryptomaterial and X.509 certs
- In the directory ./etc you will find some X.509 certificate, key files and other crypto material required for a first setup.
- All X.509 certificates use now ECC crypto instead of RSA.
- Read etc/README_CERTS.md.
Regression Testing
- ucspi-tcp6 has to be installed (under /usr/local/bin, or any accessible path).
- Run package/rts in ucspi-ssl's directory.
- The output should show up different SSL session IDs, but nothing else.
- Read doc/README_RTS.md for more information.
Erwin Hoffmann, September 2024.