qmail-popup hostname subprogram
qmail-popup reads a POP username and password from the network. It
then runs subprogram.
qmail-popup expects descriptor 0 to read from the network and descrip-
tor 1 to write to the network. It reads a username and password from
descriptor 0 in POP's USER-PASS style or APOP style. File descriptor 5
is used to provide additional logging. It invokes subprogram, with the
same descriptors 0 and 1; descriptor 2 writing to the network; and
descriptor 3 reading the username, a 0 byte, the password, another 0
byte, an APOP timestamp derived from hostname, and a final 0 byte.
qmail-popup then waits for subprogram to finish. It prints an error
message if subprogram crashes or exits nonzero.
qmail-popup has a 20-minute idle timeout.
qmail-popup supports both username/password and APOP authentication.
This latter is invoked, once the environment variable POP3AUTH='apop'
or POP3AUTH='+apop' is set. In this case, you need to provide a APOP-
capable PAM, eg. qmail-authuser.
qmail-popup should be used only within a secure network. Otherwise an
eavesdropper can steal passwords. Even if you use APOP, an active
attacker can still take over the connection and wreak havoc.
qmail-popup can be adviced to work on a TLS encrypted connection.
At first, using sslserver and binding qmail-popup, qmail-pop3d on (in
particular) the POP3S port 995 provides mandatory TLS encryption.
Second, in case you provide the environment variable UCSPITLS=''
together with sslserver, qmail-popup communicates with the sslserver
program interface through a control socket, a reading and a writing
pipe created dynamically during the session start after announcing STLS
to the client, thus allowing TLS encryption on request. In case
UCSPITLS='!' is set, STLS is required; while setting UCSPITLS='-' dis-
ables STLS.
qmail-popup provides logging of accepted and rejected POP3 sessions
using about the same format as qmail-smtpd. The authentication mecha-
nism is indicated via User in case the userid/password method was used,
and Apop if APOP challenge/response was applicable. The communication
protocol may be either POP3 or POP3S for of a STLS/POP3S secured con-
nection. The username provided for authentication is displayed after
the sequence '?~'. In case qmail-popup is setup requiring STLS by
means of UCSPITLS='!', the log displays 'Any' as auth method and
'unknown' as username.
The log is available on file descriptor 5. In order to display the
result use the redirection '5>&1'.
qmail-popup is based on a program contributed by Russ Nelson.
maildir(5), qmail-authuser(8), qmail-pop3d(8), qmail-
8 s/qmail:(qmail-popup)
Man(1) output converted with