diff options
authorJannis M. Hoffmann <>2023-03-13 21:34:03 +0100
committerJannis M. Hoffmann <>2023-03-13 21:34:03 +0100
commit8ee2d7149baa58ea225cb40e0f95030ee21f1081 (patch)
parent6441b5ad6657873fcd8f3695515fa6ef3bc4e6f5 (diff)
Split up Helper plugin and added Views instead
-rw-r--r--lib/JWebmail/View/ (renamed from lib/JWebmail/Plugin/
-rw-r--r--t/Pagination.t (renamed from t/Helper.t)91
-rw-r--r--templates/not_found.production.html.ep (renamed from templates/not_found_.html.ep)0
13 files changed, 582 insertions, 570 deletions
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
index 3d6f0c9..18478ef 100644
@@ -13,14 +13,15 @@ lib/JWebmail/Model/ReadMails/
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ templates/displayheaders/_folders.html.ep
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index eb03167..e672903 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -43,8 +43,7 @@ sub startup {
if (fc $self->config->{session}{secure} eq fc 's3d') {
- $self->plugin('Helper');
- $self->plugin('RenderMail');
+ $self->plugin('Paginate');
my $i18n_route = $self->plugin('I18N2', $self->config('i18n'));
$self->secrets( [$self->config('secret')] ) if $self->config('secret');
@@ -70,6 +69,9 @@ sub startup {
$JWebmail::Model::WriteMails::Block_Writes = 1
if $self->mode eq 'development' && $self->config->{model}{write}{devel}{block_writes};
+ $self->validator->add_check(mail_line => \&_mail_line);
+ $self->validator->add_filter(non_empty_ul => \&_filter_empty_upload);
$self->defaults(version => __PACKAGE__->VERSION);
@@ -101,6 +103,38 @@ sub route {
+### filter and checks for mojo validator
+sub _mail_line {
+ my ($v, $name, $value, @args) = @_;
+ my $mail_addr = qr/\w+\@\w+\.\w+/;
+ # my $unescaped_quote = qr/"(*nlb:\\)/; # greater perl version required
+ my $unescaped_quote = qr/"(?<!:\\)/;
+ return $value !~ /^(
+ (
+ (
+ (
+ $unescaped_quote.*?$unescaped_quote
+ ) | (
+ [\w\s]*
+ )
+ )
+ \s*<$mail_addr>
+ ) | (
+ $mail_addr
+ ))$
+ /xn;
+sub _filter_empty_upload {
+ my ($v, $name, $value) = @_;
+ return $value->filename ? $value : undef;
@@ -123,6 +157,26 @@ And use a server in reverse proxy configuration.
Use the I<jwebmail.conf> file or for a specific I<$mode> the I<jwebmail.$mode.conf>.
+=head2 mail_line
+A check for validator used in mail headers for fields containing email addresses.
+ $app->validator->add_check(mail_line => \&JWebmail::Plugin::Helper::mail_line);
+ my $v = $c->validation;
+ $v->required('to', 'not_empty')->check('mail_line');
+=head2 filter_empty_upload
+A filter for validator used to filter out empty uploads.
+ $app->validator->add_filter(non_empty_ul => \&JWebmail::Plugin::Helper::filter_empty_upload);
+ my $v = $c->validation;
+ $v->required('file_upload', 'non_empty_ul');
=head1 AUTHORS
Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Jannis M. Hoffmann L<>
diff --git a/lib/JWebmail/Controller/ b/lib/JWebmail/Controller/
index 8325050..acf7557 100644
--- a/lib/JWebmail/Controller/
+++ b/lib/JWebmail/Controller/
@@ -2,13 +2,20 @@ package JWebmail::Controller::Webmail;
use Mojo::Base Mojolicious::Controller;
+use Carp 'carp';
use List::Util 'first';
+use Mojo::Util qw(encode decode b64_encode b64_decode);
use Mojolicious::Types;
+use JWebmail::View::Webmail;
+use JWebmail::View::RenderMail;
+use constant TRUE_RANDOM => eval { require Crypt::URandom; Crypt::URandom->import('urandom'); 1 };
use constant {
- S_USER => 'user', # Key for user name in active session
- ST_AUTH => 'auth',
+ SES_USER => 'user', # Key for user name in active session
+ STS_AUTH => 'auth',
@@ -16,7 +23,7 @@ use constant {
sub noaction {
my $self = shift;
- my $user = $self->session(S_USER);
+ my $user = $self->session(SES_USER);
if ($user) {
@@ -30,8 +37,8 @@ sub noaction {
sub auth {
my $self = shift;
- my $user = $self->session(S_USER);
- my ($pw, $ch) = $self->session_passwd();
+ my $user = $self->session(SES_USER);
+ my ($pw, $ch) = $self->_session_passwd();
unless ($user && $pw) {
$self->flash(message => $self->l('No active session.'));
@@ -40,7 +47,7 @@ sub auth {
return 0;
- $self->stash(ST_AUTH() => $self->users->Auth(user => $user, password => $pw, challenge => $ch));
+ $self->stash(STS_AUTH() => $self->users->Auth(user => $user, password => $pw, challenge => $ch));
return 1;
@@ -86,8 +93,8 @@ sub login {
my $valid = _time { $self->users->verify_user($auth) } $self, 'verify user';
if ($valid) {
- $self->session(S_USER() => $user);
- $self->session_passwd($passwd, $challenge);
+ $self->session(SES_USER() => $user);
+ $self->_session_passwd($passwd, $challenge);
@@ -104,8 +111,8 @@ sub login {
sub logout {
my $self = shift;
- delete $self->session->{S_USER()};
- $self->session_passwd('');
+ delete $self->session->{SES_USER()};
+ $self->_session_passwd('');
# $self->session(expires => 1);
@@ -130,7 +137,7 @@ sub displayheaders {
no warnings 'experimental::smartmatch';
my $self = shift;
- my $auth = $self->stash(ST_AUTH);
+ my $auth = $self->stash(STS_AUTH);
my $folders = _time { $self->users->folders($auth) } $self, 'user folders';
@@ -178,6 +185,7 @@ sub displayheaders {
$self->app->log->debug(sprintf("Reading user headers took %fs", $elapsed));
+ v => JWebmail::View::Webmail->new,
msgs => $headers,
mail_folders => $folders,
total_size => $count->{byte_size},
@@ -190,7 +198,7 @@ sub readmail {
my $self = shift;
my $mid = $self->stash('id');
- my $auth = $self->stash(ST_AUTH);
+ my $auth = $self->stash(STS_AUTH);
my $mail;
my $ok = eval { $mail = $self->users->show($auth, '', $mid); 1 };
@@ -203,7 +211,10 @@ sub readmail {
- $self->stash(msg => $mail);
+ $self->stash(
+ v => JWebmail::View::RenderMail->new(c => $self),
+ msg => $mail,
+ );
@@ -211,7 +222,7 @@ sub raw {
my $self = shift;
my $mid = $self->stash('id');
- my $auth = $self->stash(ST_AUTH);
+ my $auth = $self->stash(STS_AUTH);
# select a single body element
my $v = $self->validation;
@@ -221,9 +232,9 @@ sub raw {
my $content = $self->users->raw($auth, '', $mid, $path);
$self->res->headers->content_disposition(qq[attachment; filename="$content->{head}{filename}"])
- if lc $content->{head}{content_disposition} eq 'attachment';
- my $ct = $self->to_mime_type($content->{head});
- if ($ct eq 'text/plain') { $ct .= '; charset=UTF-8' }
+ if lc ($content->{head}{content_disposition}//'') eq 'attachment';
+ my $ct = JWebmail::View::RenderMail::to_mime_type($content->{head});
+ if ($ct =~ m'^text/') { $ct .= '; charset=UTF-8' }
$self->render(data => $content->{body});
@@ -246,7 +257,7 @@ sub sendmail {
bcc => scalar $v->optional('bcc', 'not_empty')->check('mail_line')->every_param,
reply => scalar $v->optional('back_to', 'not_empty')->check('mail_line')->param,
attach => scalar $v->optional('attach', 'non_empty_ul')->upload->param,
- from => scalar $self->stash(ST_AUTH)->{user},
+ from => scalar $self->stash(STS_AUTH)->{user},
$mail{attach_type} = Mojolicious::Types->new()->file_type($mail{attach}->filename) if $mail{attach};
@@ -287,7 +298,7 @@ sub move {
- my $auth = $self->stash(ST_AUTH);
+ my $auth = $self->stash(STS_AUTH);
my $folders = $self->users->folders($auth);
my $mm = $self->every_param('mail');
@@ -304,6 +315,85 @@ sub move {
+### session password handling
+use constant { S_PASSWD => 'pw', S_OTP_S3D_PW => 'otp_s3d_pw' };
+sub _rand_data {
+ my $len = shift;
+ if (TRUE_RANDOM) {
+ #return makerandom_octet(Length => $len, Strength => 0); # was used for Crypt::Random
+ return urandom($len);
+ }
+ else {
+ my $res = '';
+ for (0..$len-1) {
+ vec($res, $_, 8) = int rand 256;
+ }
+ return $res;
+ }
+sub _session_passwd {
+ my ($self, $passwd, $challenge) = @_;
+ my $secAlg = $self->config->{session}{secure};
+ $self->_warn_crypt;
+ if (defined $passwd) { # set
+ if ($secAlg eq 'cram') {
+ $self->session(S_PASSWD() => $passwd, challenge => $challenge);
+ }
+ elsif ($secAlg eq 's3d') {
+ unless ($passwd) {
+ $self->s3d(S_PASSWD, '');
+ delete $self->session->{S_OTP_S3D_PW()};
+ return;
+ }
+ die "'$passwd' contains invalid character \\n" if $passwd =~ /\n/;
+ if (length $passwd < 20) {
+ $passwd .= "\n" . ' ' x (20 - length($passwd) - 1);
+ }
+ my $passwd_utf8 = encode('UTF-8', $passwd);
+ my $rand_bytes = _rand_data(length $passwd_utf8);
+ $self->s3d(S_PASSWD, b64_encode($passwd_utf8 ^ $rand_bytes, ''));
+ $self->session(S_OTP_S3D_PW, b64_encode($rand_bytes, ''));
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->session(S_PASSWD() => $passwd);
+ }
+ }
+ else { # get
+ if ($secAlg eq 'cram') {
+ wantarray or carp "you forgot the challenge";
+ return ($self->session(S_PASSWD), $self->session('challenge'));
+ }
+ elsif ($secAlg eq 's3d') {
+ my $pw = b64_decode($self->s3d(S_PASSWD) || '');
+ my $otp = b64_decode($self->session(S_OTP_S3D_PW) || '');
+ my ($res) = split "\n", decode('UTF-8', $pw ^ $otp), 2;
+ return $res;
+ }
+ else {
+ return $self->session(S_PASSWD);
+ }
+ }
+sub _warn_crypt {
+ my $self = shift;
+ state $once = 0;
+ if ( !TRUE_RANDOM && !$once && lc $self->config->{session}{secure} eq 's3d' ) {
+ $self->log->warn("Falling back to pseudo random generation. Please install Crypt::URandom");
+ $once = 1;
+ }
@@ -368,3 +458,41 @@ Sends a mail written in writemail.
=head2 move
Moves mails between mail forlders.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 _session_passwd
+A helper used to set and get the session password. The behavior can be altered by
+setting the config variable C<< session => {secure => 's3d'} >>.
+ $c->_session_passwd('s3cret');
+Currently the following modes are supported:
+=over 6
+=item none
+The password is plainly stored in session cookie.
+The cookie is stored on the client side and send with every request.
+=item cram
+A nonce is send to the client and the cram_md5 is generated there via js
+and crypto-js.
+This is vulnurable to replay attacks as the nonce is not invalidated ever.
+=item s3d
+The password is stored on the server. Additionally the password is encrypted
+by an one-time-pad that is stored in the users cookie.
+This is vulnurable to replay attacks during an active session.
+On log-in it is transfered plainly.
+Crypt::URandom is recommended
diff --git a/lib/JWebmail/Plugin/ b/lib/JWebmail/Plugin/
deleted file mode 100644
index b298a17..0000000
--- a/lib/JWebmail/Plugin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-package JWebmail::Plugin::Helper;
-use Mojo::Base Mojolicious::Plugin;
-use List::Util qw(all any min max);
-use Carp 'carp';
-use POSIX qw(floor round log ceil);
-use Mojo::Util qw(encode decode b64_encode b64_decode xml_escape);
-use constant TRUE_RANDOM => eval { require Crypt::URandom; Crypt::URandom->import('urandom'); 1 };
-### filter and checks for mojo validator
-sub mail_line {
- my ($v, $name, $value, @args) = @_;
- my $mail_addr = qr/\w+\@\w+\.\w+/;
- # my $unescaped_quote = qr/"(*nlb:\\)/; # greater perl version required
- my $unescaped_quote = qr/"(?<!:\\)/;
- return $value !~ /^(
- (
- (
- (
- $unescaped_quote.*?$unescaped_quote
- ) | (
- [\w\s]*
- )
- )
- \s*<$mail_addr>
- ) | (
- $mail_addr
- ))$
- /xn;
-sub filter_empty_upload {
- my ($v, $name, $value) = @_;
- return $value->filename ? $value : undef;
-### template formatting functions
-sub print_sizes10 {
- my $var = shift || return '0 Byte';
- my $i = floor(((log($var)/log(10))+1e-5) / 3);
- my $expo = $i * 3;
- my @PREFIX;
- $PREFIX[0] = 'Byte';
- $PREFIX[1] = 'kByte';
- $PREFIX[2] = 'MByte';
- $PREFIX[3] = 'GByte';
- $PREFIX[4] = 'TByte';
- $PREFIX[5] = 'PByte';
- return sprintf('%.0f %s', $var / (10**$expo), $PREFIX[$i]);
-sub print_sizes2 {
- my $var = shift || return '0 Byte';
- my $i = floor(((log($var)/log(2))+1e-5) / 10);
- my $expo = $i * 10;
- my %PREFIX = (
- 0 => 'Byte',
- 1 => 'KiByte',
- 2 => 'MiByte',
- 3 => 'GiByte',
- 4 => 'TiByte',
- 5 => 'PiByte',
- );
- my $pref = $PREFIX{$i};
- return round($var / (2**$expo)) . " $pref";
-my sub dgt { "([[:digit:]]{$_[0]})" }
-sub parse_iso_date {
- state $rx = do { my $re = dgt(4).'-'.dgt(2).'-'.dgt(2).'T'.dgt(2).':'.dgt(2).':'.dgt(2); qr/$re/a };
- my @d = shift =~ /$rx/;
- if (@d != 6) {
- # TODO
- warn "issue when parsing date";
- }
- return {
- year => $d[0],
- month => $d[1],
- mday => $d[2],
- hour => $d[3],
- min => $d[4],
- sec => $d[5],
- };
-### session password handling
-use constant { S_PASSWD => 'pw', S_OTP_S3D_PW => 'otp_s3d_pw' };
-sub _rand_data {
- my $len = shift;
- if (TRUE_RANDOM) {
- #return makerandom_octet(Length => $len, Strength => 0); # was used for Crypt::Random
- return urandom($len);
- }
- else {
- my $res = '';
- for (0..$len-1) {
- vec($res, $_, 8) = int rand 256;
- }
- return $res;
- }
-sub session_passwd {
- my ($c, $passwd, $challenge) = @_;
- my $secAlg = $c->config->{session}{secure};
- warn_crypt($c);
- if (defined $passwd) { # set
- if ($secAlg eq 'cram') {
- $c->session(S_PASSWD() => $passwd, challenge => $challenge);
- }
- elsif ($secAlg eq 's3d') {
- unless ($passwd) {
- $c->s3d(S_PASSWD, '');
- delete $c->session->{S_OTP_S3D_PW()};
- return;
- }
- die "'$passwd' contains invalid character \\n" if $passwd =~ /\n/;
- if (length $passwd < 20) {
- $passwd .= "\n" . ' ' x (20 - length($passwd) - 1);
- }
- my $passwd_utf8 = encode('UTF-8', $passwd);
- my $rand_bytes = _rand_data(length $passwd_utf8);
- $c->s3d(S_PASSWD, b64_encode($passwd_utf8 ^ $rand_bytes, ''));
- $c->session(S_OTP_S3D_PW, b64_encode($rand_bytes, ''));
- }
- else {
- $c->session(S_PASSWD() => $passwd);
- }
- }
- else { # get
- if ($secAlg eq 'cram') {
- wantarray or carp "you forgot the challenge";
- return ($c->session(S_PASSWD), $c->session('challenge'));
- }
- elsif ($secAlg eq 's3d') {
- my $pw = b64_decode($c->s3d(S_PASSWD) || '');
- my $otp = b64_decode($c->session(S_OTP_S3D_PW) || '');
- my ($res) = split "\n", decode('UTF-8', $pw ^ $otp), 2;
- return $res;
- }
- else {
- return $c->session(S_PASSWD);
- }
- }
-sub warn_crypt {
- my $c = shift;
- state $once = 0;
- if ( !TRUE_RANDOM && !$once && lc $c->config->{session}{secure} eq 's3d' ) {
- $c->log->warn("Falling back to pseudo random generation. Please install Crypt::URandom");
- $once = 1;
- }
-### pagination
-sub _clamp {
- my ($x, $y, $z) = @_;
- die '!($x <= $z)' unless $x <= $z;
- if ($x <= $y && $y <= $z) {
- return $y;
- }
- return $x if ($y < $x);
- return $z if ($z < $y);
-sub _paginate {
- my %args = @_;
- my $first_item = $args{first_item};
- my $page_size = $args{page_size};
- my $total_items = $args{total_items};
- my $current_page = ceil($first_item/$page_size);
- my $total_pages = ceil($total_items/$page_size);
- my $page = sub {
- my $page_ = shift;
- return [0, 0] unless $total_items;
- $page_ = _clamp(0, $page_, $total_pages-1);
- [_clamp(0, $page_*$page_size, $total_items-1), _clamp(0, ($page_+1)*$page_size, $total_items)]
- };
- my $ret = {
- total_items => $total_items,
- page_size => $page_size,
- total_pages => $total_pages,
- current_page => $current_page,
- first_page => $page->(0),
- prev_page => $page->($current_page-1),
- this_page => $page->($current_page),
- next_page => $page->($current_page+1),
- last_page => $page->($total_pages-1),
- };
- if ($total_items) {
- $ret->{first_item} = $first_item;
- $ret->{last_item} = _clamp($first_item, $first_item+$page_size-1, $total_items-1);
- }
- return $ret;
-sub paginate {
- my $c = shift;
- my ($count) = @_;
- my $v = $c->validation;
- my $start = $v->optional('start')->num(0, undef)->param // 0;
- my $psize = $v->optional('page_size')->num(1, undef)->param // 50;
- $start = _clamp(0, $start, max($count-1, 0));
- my $end = _clamp($start, $start+$psize, max($count, 0));
- $c->stash(pgn => _paginate(
- first_item => int($start/$psize)*$psize,
- page_size => $psize,
- total_items => $count,
- ));
- return $start, $end;
-### registering
-sub register {
- my ($self, $app, $conf) = @_;
- $conf //= {};
- if (ref $conf->{import} eq 'ARRAY' and my @import = @{ $conf->{import} }) {
- my sub contains { any { $_[0] eq $_ } @import }
- # selective import
- $app->helper(print_sizes10 => sub { shift; print_sizes10(@_) })
- if contains 'print_sizes10';
- $app->helper(parse_iso_date => sub { shift; parse_iso_date(@_) })
- if contains 'parse_iso_date';
- $app->helper(print_sizes2 => sub { shift; print_sizes2(@_) })
- if contains 'print_sizes2';
- $app->helper(mime_render => \&mime_render)
- if contains 'mime_render';
- $app->helper(session_passwd => \&session_passwd)
- if contains 'session_passwd';
- $app->helper(paginate => \&paginate)
- if contains 'paginate';
- $app->validator->add_check(mail_line => \&mail_line)
- if contains 'mail_line';
- $app->validator->add_filter(non_empty_ul => \&filter_empty_upload)
- if contains 'non_empty_ul';
- }
- elsif (!$conf->{import}) { # default imports
- $app->helper(print_sizes10 => sub { shift; print_sizes10(@_) });
- $app->helper(parse_iso_date => sub { shift; parse_iso_date(@_) });
- $app->helper(mime_render => \&mime_render);
- $app->helper(session_passwd => \&session_passwd);
- $app->helper(paginate => \&paginate);
- $app->validator->add_check(mail_line => \&mail_line);
- $app->validator->add_filter(non_empty_ul => \&filter_empty_upload);
- }
- else {
- die 'unkown value for "import"'
- }
-=encoding utf-8
-=head1 NAME
-Helper - Functions used as helpers in controller and templates and additional validator checks and filters
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';
- sub startup($self) {
- $app->plugin('Helper');
- }
-L<JWebmail::Helper> provides useful helper functions and validator cheks and filter for
-L<JWebmail::Controller::All> and various templates.
-=head1 HELPERS
-=head2 mail_line
-A check for validator used in mail headers for fields containing email addresses.
- $app->validator->add_check(mail_line => \&JWebmail::Plugin::Helper::mail_line);
- my $v = $c->validation;
- $v->required('to', 'not_empty')->check('mail_line');
-=head2 filter_empty_upload
-A filter for validator used to filter out empty uploads.
- $app->validator->add_filter(non_empty_ul => \&JWebmail::Plugin::Helper::filter_empty_upload);
- my $v = $c->validation;
- $v->required('file_upload', 'non_empty_ul');
-=head2 print_sizes10
-A helper for templates used to format byte sizes.
- $app->helper(print_sizes10 => sub { shift; JWebmail::Plugin::Helper::print_sizes10(@_) });
- %= print_sizes10 12345 # => 12 kB
-=head2 print_sizes2
-A helper for templates used to format byte sizes.
- %= print_sizes10 12345 # => 12 KiB
-This is not registered by default.
-=head2 paginate
-A helper for calculating page bounds.
-Takes the total number of items as argument.
-Reads in 'start' and 'page_size' query arguments.
-start is 0 based.
-Returns the calculated start and end points as 0 based inclusive range.
-Sets the stash values (all 1 based inclusive):
- first_item
- last_item
- total_items
- page_size
- total_pages
- current_page
- first_page
- prev_page
- next_page
- last_page
-=head2 session_passwd
-A helper used to set and get the session password. The behavior can be altered by
-setting the config variable C<< session => {secure => 's3d'} >>.
- $app->helper(session_passwd => \&JWebmail::Plugin::Helper::session_passwd);
- $c->session_passwd('s3cret');
-Currently the following modes are supported:
-=over 6
-=item none
-The password is plainly stored in session cookie.
-The cookie is stored on the client side and send with every request.
-=item cram
-A nonce is send to the client and the cram_md5 is generated there via js
-and crypto-js.
-This is vulnurable to replay attacks as the nonce is not invalidated ever.
-=item s3d
-The password is stored on the server. Additionally the password is encrypted
-by an one-time-pad that is stored in the users cookie.
-This is vulnurable to replay attacks during an active session.
-On log-in it is transfered plainly.
-Mojolicious and recommended Crypt::URandom.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-=head1 NOTICE
-This package is part of JWebmail.
diff --git a/lib/JWebmail/Plugin/ b/lib/JWebmail/Plugin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a48ed3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/JWebmail/Plugin/
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+package JWebmail::Plugin::Paginate;
+use Mojo::Base Mojolicious::Plugin;
+use List::Util qw(any max);
+use POSIX 'ceil';
+sub _clamp {
+ my ($x, $y, $z) = @_;
+ die '!($x <= $z)' unless $x <= $z;
+ if ($x <= $y && $y <= $z) {
+ return $y;
+ }
+ return $x if ($y < $x);
+ return $z if ($z < $y);
+sub _paginate {
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $first_item = $args{first_item};
+ my $page_size = $args{page_size};
+ my $total_items = $args{total_items};
+ my $current_page = ceil($first_item/$page_size);
+ my $total_pages = ceil($total_items/$page_size);
+ my $page = sub {
+ my $page_ = shift;
+ return [0, 0] unless $total_items;
+ $page_ = _clamp(0, $page_, $total_pages-1);
+ [_clamp(0, $page_*$page_size, $total_items-1), _clamp(0, ($page_+1)*$page_size, $total_items)]
+ };
+ my $ret = {
+ total_items => $total_items,
+ page_size => $page_size,
+ total_pages => $total_pages,
+ current_page => $current_page,
+ first_page => $page->(0),
+ prev_page => $page->($current_page-1),
+ this_page => $page->($current_page),
+ next_page => $page->($current_page+1),
+ last_page => $page->($total_pages-1),
+ };
+ if ($total_items) {
+ $ret->{first_item} = $first_item;
+ $ret->{last_item} = _clamp($first_item, $first_item+$page_size-1, $total_items-1);
+ }
+ return $ret;
+sub paginate {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my ($count) = @_;
+ my $v = $c->validation;
+ my $start = $v->optional('start')->num(0, undef)->param // 0;
+ my $psize = $v->optional('page_size')->num(1, undef)->param // 50;
+ $start = _clamp(0, $start, max($count-1, 0));
+ my $end = _clamp($start, $start+$psize, max($count, 0));
+ $c->stash(pgn => _paginate(
+ first_item => int($start/$psize)*$psize,
+ page_size => $psize,
+ total_items => $count,
+ ));
+ return $start, $end;
+sub register {
+ my ($self, $app, $conf) = @_;
+ $conf //= {};
+ $app->helper(paginate => \&paginate);
+=encoding utf-8
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ sub my_route {
+ my ($c) = @_;
+ $c->stash($c->paginate(1234));
+ }
+L<JWebmail::Helper> provides useful helper functions and validator cheks and filter for
+L<JWebmail::Controller::All> and various templates.
+=head1 HELPERS
+=head2 paginate
+A helper for calculating page bounds.
+Takes the total number of items as argument.
+Reads in 'start' and 'page_size' query arguments.
+start is 0 based.
+Returns the calculated start and end points as 0 based inclusive range.
+Sets the stash values (all 1 based inclusive):
+ first_item
+ last_item
+ total_items
+ page_size
+ total_pages
+ current_page
+ first_page
+ prev_page
+ next_page
+ last_page
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 NOTICE
+This package is part of JWebmail.
diff --git a/lib/JWebmail/Plugin/ b/lib/JWebmail/View/
index 22edbbd..07f356c 100644
--- a/lib/JWebmail/Plugin/
+++ b/lib/JWebmail/View/
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
-package JWebmail::Plugin::RenderMail;
+package JWebmail::View::RenderMail;
-use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin';
+use Mojo::Base -base;
use Mojo::ByteStream;
use Mojo::Util 'xml_escape';
+has 'c';
sub render_text_plain {
- my ($_c, $_subtype, $content, $_path) = @_;
+ my ($_self, $_subtype, $content, $_path) = @_;
$content = xml_escape($content);
$content =~ s/\n/<br>/g;
@@ -16,16 +19,22 @@ sub render_text_plain {
sub render_text_html {
- my ($c, $_subtype, $_content, $path) = @_;
+ my ($self, $_subtype, $_content, $path) = @_;
- my $url = $c->url_for('raw', id => $c->stash('id'));
+ my $url = $self->c->url_for('raw', id => $self->c->stash('id'));
$url = $url->query(path => join('.', @$path)) if @$path;
return qq'<iframe src="$url" class="jwm-mail-body-text-html" ></iframe>\n';
+sub render_image {
+ my ($_self, $subtype, $content, $_path) = @_;
+ return qq'<img src="data:image/$subtype;base64,$content" />';
sub render_multipart_alternative {
- my ($c, $_subtype, $content, $path) = @_;
+ my ($self, $_subtype, $content, $path) = @_;
my $parts = $content->{parts};
my $R = qq'<div class="jwm-mail-body jwm-mail-body-multipart-alternative"\n>';
@@ -34,7 +43,7 @@ sub render_multipart_alternative {
for (reverse @$parts) {
if (!$end) {
- my $x = mime_render($c, to_mime_types($_->{head}), $_->{body}, [@$path, $#$parts-$i]);
+ my $x = $self->mime_render(to_mime_types($_->{head}), $_->{body}, [@$path, $#$parts-$i]);
if ($x) {
$R .= $x;
$end = 1;
@@ -45,7 +54,7 @@ sub render_multipart_alternative {
$R .= '<summary>';
$R .= to_mime_type($_->{head});
$R .= "</summary>\n";
- $R .= mime_render($c, to_mime_types($_->{head}), $_->{body}, [@$path, $#$parts-$i]);
+ $R .= $self->mime_render(to_mime_types($_->{head}), $_->{body}, [@$path, $#$parts-$i]);
$R .= "</details>\n";
@@ -54,7 +63,7 @@ sub render_multipart_alternative {
sub render_multipart {
- my ($c, $_subtype, $content, $path) = @_;
+ my ($self, $_subtype, $content, $path) = @_;
my $parts = $content->{parts};
my $R = qq'<div class="jwm-mail-body jwm-mail-body-multipart"\n>';
@@ -65,11 +74,11 @@ sub render_multipart {
|| lc $_->{head}{content_disposition} eq 'none'
|| lc $_->{head}{content_disposition} eq 'inline') {
- $R .= mime_render($c, to_mime_types($_->{head}), $_->{body}, [@$path, $i]);
+ $R .= $self->mime_render(to_mime_types($_->{head}), $_->{body}, [@$path, $i]);
elsif (lc $_->{head}{content_disposition} eq 'attachment') {
$R .= '<p>';
- $R .= $c->link_to($c->url_for(raw => id => $c->stash('id'))->query(path => join('.', @$path, $i)), (download => $_->{head}{filename}) => sub {
+ $R .= $self->c->link_to($self->c->url_for(raw => id => $self->c->stash('id'))->query(path => join('.', @$path, $i)), (download => $_->{head}{filename}) => sub {
'Attachment ' . xml_escape($_->{head}{filename}) . ' of type ' . to_mime_type($_->{head});
$R .= "</p>\n";
@@ -84,12 +93,12 @@ sub render_multipart {
sub _format_header {
- my ($c, $category, $value) = @_;
+ my ($self, $category, $value) = @_;
my $R = '';
if (ref $value eq 'ARRAY' && $value->@*) {
- $R .= '<dt>' . xml_escape(uc $c->l($category)) . "</dt>\n";
+ $R .= '<dt>' . xml_escape(uc $self->c->l($category)) . "</dt>\n";
for ($value->@*) {
$R .= '<dd>';
$R .= xml_escape($_->{display_name} ? qq("$_->{display_name}" <$_->{address}>) : "$_->{address}");
@@ -100,28 +109,28 @@ sub _format_header {
sub render_message {
- my ($c, $subtype, $msg, $path) = @_;
+ my ($self, $subtype, $msg, $path) = @_;
warn "unkown mime-subtype $subtype" unless $subtype eq 'rfc822';
my $R .= '<div clas="jwm-mail">';
$R .= '<dl class="jwm-mail-header">';
- $R .= '<dt>' . xml_escape(uc $c->l('subject')) . '</dt>';
+ $R .= '<dt>' . xml_escape(uc $self->c->l('subject')) . '</dt>';
$R .= '<dd>' . xml_escape($msg->{head}{subject}) . "</dd>\n";
- $R .= _format_header($c, from => $msg->{head}{from});
- $R .= _format_header($c, to => $msg->{head}{to});
- $R .= _format_header($c, cc => $msg->{head}{cc});
- $R .= _format_header($c, bcc => $msg->{head}{bcc});
- $R .= '<dt>' . xml_escape(uc $c->l('date')) . '</dt>';
+ $R .= $self->_format_header(from => $msg->{head}{from});
+ $R .= $self->_format_header(to => $msg->{head}{to});
+ $R .= $self->_format_header(cc => $msg->{head}{cc});
+ $R .= $self->_format_header(bcc => $msg->{head}{bcc});
+ $R .= '<dt>' . xml_escape(uc $self->c->l('date')) . '</dt>';
$R .= '<dd>' . xml_escape($msg->{head}{date}) . "</dd>\n";
- $R .= '<dt>' . xml_escape(uc $c->l('content-type')) . '</dt>';
+ $R .= '<dt>' . xml_escape(uc $self->c->l('content-type')) . '</dt>';
$R .= '<dd>' . to_mime_type($msg->{head}{mime}) . "</dd>\n";
$R .= "</dl>\n";
#my $content = ref $msg->{body} && exists $msg->{body}{parts} ? $msg->{body}{parts} : $msg->{body};
- $R .= mime_render($c, to_mime_types($msg->{head}{mime}), $msg->{body}, [@$path, 0]);
+ $R .= $self->mime_render(to_mime_types($msg->{head}{mime}), $msg->{body}, [@$path, 0]);
return $R . "</div>\n";
@@ -132,10 +141,11 @@ our %MIME_Render_Subs = (
'multipart/alternative' => \&render_multipart_alternative,
'multipart' => \&render_multipart,
'message' => \&render_message,
+ 'image' => \&render_image,
sub mime_render {
- my ($c, $maintype, $subtype, $content, $path) = @_;
+ my ($self, $maintype, $subtype, $content, $path) = @_;
my $renderer = $MIME_Render_Subs{"$maintype/$subtype"} || $MIME_Render_Subs{$maintype};
@@ -143,7 +153,7 @@ sub mime_render {
return "<p>Unsupported MIME type of <code>$maintype/$subtype</code>.</p>\n";
- return $renderer->($c, $subtype, $content, $path);
+ return $renderer->($self, $subtype, $content, $path);
@@ -151,12 +161,10 @@ sub to_mime_type { lc xml_escape("$_[0]->{content_maintype}/$_[0]->{content_sub
sub to_mime_types { return xml_escape($_[0]->{content_maintype}), xml_escape($_[0]->{content_subtype}) }
-sub register {
- my ($self, $app, $conf) = @_;
- $conf //= {};
+sub format_mail {
+ my ($self, $mail) = @_;
- $app->helper('render_mail.format_mail' => sub { Mojo::ByteStream->new(mime_render($_[0], 'message', 'rfc822', $_[1], [])) });
- $app->helper(to_mime_type => sub { shift; to_mime_type(@_) });
+ return Mojo::ByteStream->new($self->mime_render('message', 'rfc822', $mail, []));
@@ -167,16 +175,17 @@ __END__
=head1 NAME
-JWebmail::Plugin::RenderMail - Does the heavy lifting of converting an E-Mail to HTML
-=head1 HELPERS
+JWebmail::View::RenderMail - Does the heavy lifting of converting an E-Mail to HTML
-=head2 render_mail.format_mail
-Renders a mail to html recursively.
=head2 to_mime_type
Combines the content_maintype and content_subtype attributes into the regular MIME description.
These attributes are found in a mail head mime section or as head for multipart messages.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 format_mail
+Renders a mail to html recursively.
diff --git a/lib/JWebmail/View/ b/lib/JWebmail/View/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..464c97e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/JWebmail/View/
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+package JWebmail::View::Webmail;
+use Mojo::Base -base;
+use POSIX qw(floor round log);
+### template formatting functions
+sub print_sizes10 {
+ shift;
+ my $var = shift || return '0 Byte';
+ my $i = floor(((log($var)/log(10))+1e-5) / 3);
+ my $expo = $i * 3;
+ my @PREFIX;
+ $PREFIX[0] = 'Byte';
+ $PREFIX[1] = 'kByte';
+ $PREFIX[2] = 'MByte';
+ $PREFIX[3] = 'GByte';
+ $PREFIX[4] = 'TByte';
+ $PREFIX[5] = 'PByte';
+ return sprintf('%.0f %s', $var / (10**$expo), $PREFIX[$i]);
+sub print_sizes2 {
+ shift;
+ my $var = shift || return '0 Byte';
+ my $i = floor(((log($var)/log(2))+1e-5) / 10);
+ my $expo = $i * 10;
+ my %PREFIX = (
+ 0 => 'Byte',
+ 1 => 'KiByte',
+ 2 => 'MiByte',
+ 3 => 'GiByte',
+ 4 => 'TiByte',
+ 5 => 'PiByte',
+ );
+ my $pref = $PREFIX{$i};
+ return round($var / (2**$expo)) . " $pref";
+my sub dgt { "([[:digit:]]{$_[0]})" }
+sub parse_iso_date {
+ shift;
+ state $rx = do { my $re = dgt(4).'-'.dgt(2).'-'.dgt(2).'T'.dgt(2).':'.dgt(2).':'.dgt(2); qr/$re/a };
+ my @d = shift =~ /$rx/;
+ if (@d != 6) {
+ # TODO
+ warn "issue when parsing date";
+ }
+ return {
+ year => $d[0],
+ month => $d[1],
+ mday => $d[2],
+ hour => $d[3],
+ min => $d[4],
+ sec => $d[5],
+ };
+=head2 print_sizes10
+A helper for templates used to format byte sizes.
+ $app->helper(print_sizes10 => sub { shift; JWebmail::Plugin::Helper::print_sizes10(@_) });
+ %= print_sizes10 12345 # => 12 kB
+=head2 print_sizes2
+A helper for templates used to format byte sizes.
+ %= print_sizes10 12345 # => 12 KiB
+This is not registered by default.
+=head2 parse_iso_date
diff --git a/t/Helper.t b/t/Pagination.t
index 4578594..e06df03 100644
--- a/t/Helper.t
+++ b/t/Pagination.t
@@ -1,89 +1,19 @@
use v5.22;
use warnings;
+use strict;
use utf8;
use Test::More;
-use Encode 'decode';
-use MIME::Words 'decode_mimewords';
-use JWebmail::Plugin::Helper;
-subtest 'print_size10' => sub {
- my %TESTS = (
- 1 => '1 Byte',
- 10 => '10 Byte',
- 100 => '100 Byte',
- 1000 => '1 kByte',
- 10000 => '10 kByte',
- 100000 => '100 kByte',
- 1000000 => '1 MByte',
- 10 * 10**6 => '10 MByte',
- 10 * 2**20 => '10 MByte',
- 800 => '800 Byte',
- 9999 => '10 kByte',
- 9500 => '10 kByte',
- 1024 => '1 kByte',
- 1023 => '1 kByte',
- );
- plan tests => scalar keys %TESTS;
- while (my ($input, $want) = each %TESTS) {
- is(JWebmail::Plugin::Helper::print_sizes10($input), $want);
- }
-subtest 'vaild_mail_line' => sub {
- my %TESTS = (
- '' => 1,
- 'ABC Ex <>' => 1,
- '"ABC Ex" <>' => 1,
- '"A@B.V Ex" <>' => 1,
- '"A@B.V Ex\"" <>' => 1,
- 'ABC Ex' => 0,
- );
- plan tests => scalar keys %TESTS;
- while (my ($input, $want) = each %TESTS) {
- cmp_ok(JWebmail::Plugin::Helper->mail_line('', $input), '!=', $want);
- }
-subtest 'mime_word_decode' => sub {
- my $input = "=?utf-8?Q?Jannis=20wir=20vermissen=20dich!=20Komm=20zur=C3=BCck=20und=20spare=20mit=20uns=20beim=20shoppen=20deiner=20Lieblingsmarken?=";
- my $want = "Jannis wir vermissen dich! Komm zurück und spare mit uns beim shoppen deiner Lieblingsmarken";
- my $got = scalar decode_mimewords $input;
- isnt $want, $got;
- is $want, _to_perl_enc(decode_mimewords $input);
- is $want, decode('MIME-Header', $input);
- done_testing 3;
-sub _to_perl_enc {
- my $out = '';
- for (@_) {
- if ($_->[1]) {
- $out .= decode($_->[1], $_->[0]);
- }
- else {
- $out .= $_->[0];
- }
- }
- return $out;
+use JWebmail::Plugin::Paginate;
subtest 'pagination' => sub {
my %res;
- %res = JWebmail::Plugin::Helper::_paginate(first_item => 0, page_size => 10, total_items => 55)->%*;
+ my $p = \&JWebmail::Plugin::Paginate::_paginate;
+ %res = $p->(first_item => 0, page_size => 10, total_items => 55)->%*;
is $res{first_item}, 0;
is $res{last_item}, 9;
@@ -98,7 +28,7 @@ subtest 'pagination' => sub {
is_deeply $res{next_page}, [10, 20], 'next';
is_deeply $res{last_page}, [50, 55], 'last';
- %res = JWebmail::Plugin::Helper::_paginate(first_item => 10, page_size => 10, total_items => 55)->%*;
+ %res = $p->(first_item => 10, page_size => 10, total_items => 55)->%*;
is $res{first_item}, 10;
is $res{last_item}, 19;
@@ -113,7 +43,7 @@ subtest 'pagination' => sub {
is_deeply $res{next_page}, [20, 30], 'next';
is_deeply $res{last_page}, [50, 55], 'last';
- %res = JWebmail::Plugin::Helper::_paginate(first_item => 20, page_size => 10, total_items => 55)->%*;
+ %res = $p->(first_item => 20, page_size => 10, total_items => 55)->%*;
is $res{first_item}, 20;
is $res{last_item}, 29;
@@ -128,7 +58,7 @@ subtest 'pagination' => sub {
is_deeply $res{next_page}, [30, 40], 'next';
is_deeply $res{last_page}, [50, 55], 'last';
- %res = JWebmail::Plugin::Helper::_paginate(first_item => 50, page_size => 10, total_items => 55)->%*;
+ %res = $p->(first_item => 50, page_size => 10, total_items => 55)->%*;
is $res{first_item}, 50;
is $res{last_item}, 54;
@@ -143,7 +73,7 @@ subtest 'pagination' => sub {
is_deeply $res{next_page}, [50, 55], 'next';
is_deeply $res{last_page}, [50, 55], 'last';
- %res = JWebmail::Plugin::Helper::_paginate(first_item => 0, page_size => 10, total_items => 0)->%*;
+ %res = $p->(first_item => 0, page_size => 10, total_items => 0)->%*;
ok !defined $res{first_item};
ok !defined $res{last_item};
@@ -161,7 +91,7 @@ subtest 'pagination' => sub {
skip 'The first_item does not align with page boundaries and behaiviour is not specified.';
- %res = JWebmail::Plugin::Helper::_paginate(first_item => 19, page_size => 10, total_items => 55)->%*;
+ %res = $p->(first_item => 19, page_size => 10, total_items => 55)->%*;
is $res{first_item}, 20;
is $res{last_item}, 29;
@@ -180,5 +110,4 @@ subtest 'pagination' => sub {
diff --git a/t/ViewWebmail.t b/t/ViewWebmail.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1dd75f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/ViewWebmail.t
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+use v5.22;
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use utf8;
+use Test::More;
+use Encode 'decode';
+use MIME::Words 'decode_mimewords';
+use JWebmail;
+use JWebmail::View::Webmail;
+subtest 'print_size10' => sub {
+ my %TESTS = (
+ 1 => '1 Byte',
+ 10 => '10 Byte',
+ 100 => '100 Byte',
+ 1000 => '1 kByte',
+ 10000 => '10 kByte',
+ 100000 => '100 kByte',
+ 1000000 => '1 MByte',
+ 10 * 10**6 => '10 MByte',
+ 10 * 2**20 => '10 MByte',
+ 800 => '800 Byte',
+ 9999 => '10 kByte',
+ 9500 => '10 kByte',
+ 1024 => '1 kByte',
+ 1023 => '1 kByte',
+ );
+ plan tests => scalar keys %TESTS;
+ while (my ($input, $want) = each %TESTS) {
+ is(JWebmail::View::Webmail->print_sizes10($input), $want);
+ }
+subtest 'vaild_mail_line' => sub {
+ my %TESTS = (
+ '' => 1,
+ 'ABC Ex <>' => 1,
+ '"ABC Ex" <>' => 1,
+ '"A@B.V Ex" <>' => 1,
+ '"A@B.V Ex\"" <>' => 1,
+ 'ABC Ex' => 0,
+ );
+ plan tests => scalar keys %TESTS;
+ while (my ($input, $want) = each %TESTS) {
+ cmp_ok(JWebmail->_mail_line('', $input), '!=', $want);
+ }
+subtest 'mime_word_decode' => sub {
+ my $input = "=?utf-8?Q?Jannis_wir_vermissen_dich!=20Komm=20zur=C3=BCck=20und=20spare=20mit=20uns=20beim=20shoppen=20deiner=20Lieblingsmarken?=";
+ my $want = "Jannis wir vermissen dich! Komm zurück und spare mit uns beim shoppen deiner Lieblingsmarken";
+ my $got = scalar decode_mimewords $input;
+ isnt $want, $got;
+ is $want, _to_perl_enc(decode_mimewords $input);
+ is $want, decode('MIME-Header', $input);
+ done_testing 3;
+sub _to_perl_enc {
+ my $out = '';
+ for (@_) {
+ if ($_->[1]) {
+ $out .= decode($_->[1], $_->[0]);
+ }
+ else {
+ $out .= $_->[0];
+ }
+ }
+ return $out;
diff --git a/templates/displayheaders/_folders.html.ep b/templates/displayheaders/_folders.html.ep
index be5bdd9..b341768 100644
--- a/templates/displayheaders/_folders.html.ep
+++ b/templates/displayheaders/_folders.html.ep
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<p class="pure-u-1-1 pure-u-md-1-2">
<%= l('[_1] of [_2] messages', $pgn->{this_page}[1] - $pgn->{this_page}[0], $pgn->{total_items}) %>\
<%= l(', [_1] new', $total_new_mails) if $total_new_mails > 0 =%>
- <%= l(' - mailbox size: [_1]', print_sizes10 $total_size) if $total_size %>
+ <%= l(' - mailbox size: [_1]', $v->print_sizes10($total_size)) if $total_size %>
diff --git a/templates/displayheaders/_main_table.html.ep b/templates/displayheaders/_main_table.html.ep
index 5430c15..06bbbfc 100644
--- a/templates/displayheaders/_main_table.html.ep
+++ b/templates/displayheaders/_main_table.html.ep
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
<div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-4-24">
- % my $date = parse_iso_date $msg->{head}{date};
+ % my $date = $v->parse_iso_date($msg->{head}{date});
%= join('/', $date->{mday}, $date->{month}, $date->{year}) . " $date->{hour}:$date->{min}";
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
<td class="hide-small" style="text-align: right; white-space: nowrap">
- %= print_sizes10 $msg->{byte_size};
+ %= $v->print_sizes10($msg->{byte_size});
diff --git a/templates/not_found_.html.ep b/templates/not_found.production.html.ep
index b96e46e..b96e46e 100644
--- a/templates/not_found_.html.ep
+++ b/templates/not_found.production.html.ep
diff --git a/templates/webmail/readmail.html.ep b/templates/webmail/readmail.html.ep
index 5bdc27e..529bbe6 100644
--- a/templates/webmail/readmail.html.ep
+++ b/templates/webmail/readmail.html.ep
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<h1>Read Mail</h1>
-%= $c->render_mail->format_mail($msg)
+%= $v->format_mail($msg)
<a href="javascript:history.back()" class="pure-button">