path: root/lib/JWebmail/Model
diff options
authorJannis M. Hoffmann <>2020-10-29 12:13:04 +0100
committerJannis M. Hoffmann <>2020-10-29 12:13:04 +0100
commitee43823179ee627ac16ea9da8168e5f1bf9619c0 (patch)
tree5e6c36d5629d2ce79f3cb1310998dc715a6f19c7 /lib/JWebmail/Model
Initial commit; Stable version
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/JWebmail/Model')
5 files changed, 907 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/JWebmail/Model/Driver/ b/lib/JWebmail/Model/Driver/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb8c0d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/JWebmail/Model/Driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+package JWebmail::Model::Driver::Mock;
+use Mojo::Base -base;
+use List::Util 'sum';
+use Mojo::JSON qw(decode_json);
+use constant {
+ VALID_USER => '',
+ VALID_PW => 'vwxyz',
+use constant {
+ LIST_START => 0,
+ LIST_END => 1,
+ LIST_SORT => 2,
+sub _read_json_file {
+ my ($file_name) = @_;
+ open(my $body_file, '<', $file_name);
+ local $/;
+ my $body = <$body_file>;
+ close $body_file;
+ return decode_json($body);
+sub list_reply {
+ state $init = _read_json_file('msgs.json');
+sub read_reply {
+ state $init = {
+ 'SC-ORD-MAIL54526c63b751646618a793be3f8329cca@sc-ord-mail5' => _read_json_file('msg2.json'),
+ 'example' => _read_json_file('msg.json'),
+ };
+sub communicate {
+ no warnings 'experimental::smartmatch';
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ given ($args{mode}) {
+ when ('auth') {
+ return (undef, 0) if $args{user} eq VALID_USER && $args{password} eq VALID_PW;
+ return (undef, 2);
+ }
+ when ('list') {
+ return ([@{ $self->list_reply }[$args{args}->[LIST_START]..$args{args}->[LIST_END]]], 0) if !$args{args}->[LIST_SORT];
+ return ([], 0) if $args{args}->[LIST_FOLDER] eq 'test';
+ my $s = sub {
+ my $sort_by = $args{args}->[LIST_SORT];
+ my $rev = $sort_by !~ m/^![[:lower:]]+/ ? 1 : -1;
+ $sort_by =~ s/!//;
+ return ($a->{$sort_by} cmp $b->{$sort_by}) * $rev;
+ };
+ return ([sort { &$s } @{ $self->list_reply }[$args{args}->[LIST_START]..$args{args}->[LIST_END]]], 0);
+ }
+ when ('count') {
+ return ({
+ count => scalar(@{ $self->list_reply }),
+ size => sum(map {$_->{size}} @{ $self->list_reply }),
+ new => 0,
+ }, 0);
+ }
+ when ('read-mail') {
+ my $mid = $args{args}->[0];
+ my $mail = $self->read_reply->{$mid};
+ return ($mail, 0) if $mail;
+ return ({error => 'unkown mail-id'}, 3);
+ }
+ when ('folders') {
+ return ([qw(cur test devel debug)], 0);
+ }
+ when ('move') {
+ local $, = ' ';
+ say "@{ $args{args} }";
+ return (undef, 0);
+ }
+ default { return ({error => 'unkown mode'}, 3); }
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+Mock - Simple file based mock for the L<JWebmail::Model::ReadMails> module.
+=cut \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/JWebmail/Model/Driver/ b/lib/JWebmail/Model/Driver/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65e90f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/JWebmail/Model/Driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+package JWebmail::Model::Driver::QMailAuthuser;
+use Mojo::Base -base;
+use IPC::Open2;
+use File::Basename 'fileparse';
+use JSON::PP;
+has 'user';
+has 'maildir';
+has 'include';
+has qmail_dir => '/var/qmail/';
+has prog => [fileparse(__FILE__)]->[1] . '/QMailAuthuser/';
+has logfile => '/dev/null';
+sub communicate {
+ use autodie;
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $args{challenge} //= '';
+ $args{args} //= [];
+ my $exec = do {
+ if ($args{mode} eq 'auth') {
+ $self->qmail_dir . "/bin/qmail-authuser true 3<&0";
+ }
+ else {
+ my ($user_name) = $args{user} =~ /(\w*)@/;
+ $self->qmail_dir.'/bin/qmail-authuser'
+ . ' perl '
+ . join('', map { ' -I ' . $_ } @{ $self->include })
+ . ' -- '
+ . join(' ', map { $_ =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g; "'$_'" } ($self->prog, $self->maildir, $self->user, $user_name, $args{mode}, @{$args{args}}))
+ . ' 3<&0'
+ . ' 2>>'.$self->logfile;
+ }
+ };
+ my $pid = open2(my $reader, my $writer, $exec)
+ or die 'failed to create subprocess';
+ $writer->print("$args{user}\0$args{password}\0$args{challenge}\0")
+ or die 'pipe wite failed';
+ close $writer
+ or die 'closing write pipe failed';
+ binmode $reader, ':utf8';
+ my $input = <$reader>;
+ close $reader
+ or die 'closing read pipe failed';
+ waitpid($pid, 0);
+ my $rc = $? >> 8;
+ my $resp;
+ if ($rc == 3 || $rc == 0) {
+ eval { $resp = decode_json $input; };
+ if ($@) { $resp = {error => 'decoding error'} };
+ }
+ elsif ($rc) {
+ $resp = {error => "qmail-authuser returned code: $rc"};
+ }
+ return ($resp, $rc);
+=encoding utf-8
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my $m = JWebmail::Model::ReadMails->new(driver => JWebmail::Model::Driver::QMailAuthuser->new(...));
+This ReadMails driver starts and communicates with L<JWebmail::Model::Driver::QMailAuthuser::Extract> over qmail-authuser.
+The Extract programm runs with elevated priviliges to be able to read and modify mailboxes.
+=head2 qmail_dir
+The parent directory of the bin directory where all qmail executables live.
+Default C</var/qmail/>.
+=head2 prog
+The path to the extractor programm.
+Default is the location of L<JWebmail::Model::Driver::QMailAuthuser::Extract> package.
+=head2 logfile
+A path to a log file that the extractor logs to.
+Default '/dev/null' but highly recommended to set a real one.
+Keep in mind that a different user need to be able to write to it.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 communicate
+=over 6
+=item mode
+=item args
+Depends on the mode
+=item user
+User name
+=item password
+User password
+=item challenge
+Challenge when using cram
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<JWebmail::Model::ReadMails>, L<JWebmail::Model::Driver::QMailAuthuser::Extract>
+=cut \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/JWebmail/Model/Driver/QMailAuthuser/ b/lib/JWebmail/Model/Driver/QMailAuthuser/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..30ac4e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/JWebmail/Model/Driver/QMailAuthuser/
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+package JWebmail::Model::Driver::QMailAuthuser::Extract;
+use v5.18;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+use POSIX ();
+use JSON::PP;
+use Carp;
+use Encode v2.88 qw(decode);
+use open IO => ':encoding(UTF-8)', ':std';
+no warnings 'experimental::smartmatch';
+use Mail::Box::Manager;
+use constant {
+ ROOT_MAILDIR => '.',
+sub main {
+ my ($maildir) = shift(@ARGV) =~ m/(.*)/;
+ my ($su) = shift(@ARGV) =~ m/(.*)/;
+ my ($user) = shift(@ARGV) =~ m/([[:alpha:]]+)/;
+ my $mode = shift @ARGV; _ok($mode =~ m/([[:alpha:]-]{1,20})/);
+ my @args = @ARGV;
+ delete $ENV{PATH};
+ my $netfehcom_uid = getpwnam($su);
+ #$> = $netfehcom_uid;
+ die "won't stay as root" if $netfehcom_uid == 0;
+ POSIX::setuid($netfehcom_uid);
+ if ($!) {
+ warn 'error setting uid';
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ my $folder = Mail::Box::Manager->new->open(
+ folder => "$maildir/$user/",
+ type => 'maildir',
+ access => 'rw',
+ );
+ my $reply = do {
+ given ($mode) {
+ when('list') { list($folder, @args) }
+ when('read-mail') { read_mail($folder, @args) }
+ when('count') { count_messages($folder, @args) }
+ when('search') { search($folder, @args) }
+ when('folders') { folders($folder, @args) }
+ when('move') { move($folder, @args) }
+ default { {error => 'unkown mode', mode => $mode} }
+ }
+ };
+ $folder->close;
+ print encode_json $reply;
+ if (ref $reply eq 'HASH' && $reply->{error}) {
+ exit 3;
+ }
+sub _sort_mails {
+ my $sort = shift // '';
+ my $reverse = 1;
+ if ($sort =~ m/^!/) {
+ $reverse = -1;
+ $sort = substr $sort, 1;
+ }
+ given ($sort) {
+ when ('date') { return sub { ($a->timestamp <=> $b->timestamp) * $reverse } }
+ when ('sender') { return sub { ($a->from->[0] cmp $b->from->[0]) * $reverse } }
+ when ('subject') { return sub { ($a->subject cmp $b->subject) * $reverse } }
+ when ('size') { return sub { ($a->size <=> $b->size) * $reverse } }
+ when ('') { return sub { ($a->timestamp <=> $b->timestamp) * $reverse } }
+ default { warn "unkown sort-verb '$sort'"; return sub { ($a->timestamp <=> $b->timestamp) * $reverse } }
+ }
+sub _ok {
+ if (!shift) {
+ carp 'verify failed';
+ exit 4;
+ }
+sub list {
+ my ($f, $start, $end, $sortby, $folder) = @_;
+ $folder = ".$folder";
+ _ok($start =~ m/^\d+$/);
+ _ok($end =~ m/^\d+$/);
+ _ok(0 <= $start && $start <= $end);
+ _ok($sortby =~ m/^(!?\w+|\w*)$/n);
+ _ok($folder ~~ [$f->listSubFolders, ROOT_MAILDIR]);
+ $f = $f->openSubFolder($folder) if $folder ne ROOT_MAILDIR;
+ return [] if $start == $end;
+ my $sref = _sort_mails($sortby);
+ my @msgs = $f->messages;
+ @msgs = sort { &$sref } @msgs;
+ @msgs = @msgs[$start..$end];
+ my @msgs2;
+ for my $msg (@msgs) {
+ my $msg2 = {
+ #subject => scalar decode_mimewords($msg->subject),
+ subject => decode('MIME-Header', $msg->subject),
+ from => _addresses($msg->from),
+ to => _addresses($msg->to),
+ cc => _addresses($msg->cc),
+ bcc => _addresses($msg->bcc),
+ date => _iso8601_utc($msg->timestamp),
+ size => $msg->size,
+ content_type => ''. $msg->contentType,
+ mid => $msg->messageId,
+ new => $msg->label('seen'),
+ };
+ push @msgs2, $msg2;
+ }
+ return \@msgs2;
+sub count_messages {
+ my ($f, $folder) = @_;
+ $folder = ".$folder";
+ _ok($folder ~~ [$f->listSubFolders, ROOT_MAILDIR]);
+ $f = $f->openSubFolder($folder) if $folder ne ROOT_MAILDIR;
+ return {
+ count => scalar($f->messages('ALL')),
+ size => $f->size,
+ new => scalar $f->messages('!seen'),
+ }
+sub _iso8601_utc {
+ my @date_time = gmtime(shift);
+ $date_time[5] += 1900;
+ $date_time[4]++;
+ return sprintf('%6$04d-%5$02d-%4$02dT%3$02d:%2$02d:%1$02dZ', @date_time);
+sub _unquote { my $x = shift; [$x =~ m/"(.*?)"(?<!\\)/]->[0] || $x }
+sub _addresses {
+ [map { {address => $_->address, name => _unquote(decode('MIME-Header', $_->phrase))} } @_]
+sub read_mail {
+ my ($folder, $mid) = @_;
+ my $msg = $folder->find($mid);
+ return {error => 'no such message', mid => $mid} unless $msg;
+ return {
+ subject => decode('MIME-Header', $msg->subject),
+ from => _addresses($msg->from),
+ to => _addresses($msg->to),
+ cc => _addresses($msg->cc),
+ bcc => _addresses($msg->bcc),
+ date => _iso8601_utc($msg->timestamp),
+ size => $msg->size,
+ content_type => ''. $msg->contentType,
+ body => do {
+ if ($msg->isMultipart) {
+ [map {{type => ''. $_->contentType, val => '' . $_->decoded}} $msg->body->parts]
+ }
+ else {
+ '' . $msg->body->decoded
+ }
+ },
+ }
+sub search {
+ my $f = shift;
+ my $search_pattern = shift;
+ my $folder = shift;
+ $folder = ".$folder";
+ $f = $f->openSubFolder($folder) if $folder ne ROOT_MAILDIR;
+ my @msgs = $f->messages(sub {
+ my $m = shift;
+ return scalar(grep { $_->decoded =~ /$search_pattern/ || (decode('MIME-Header', $_->subject)) =~ /$search_pattern/ } $m->body->parts)
+ if $m->isMultipart;
+ $m->body->decoded =~ /$search_pattern/ ||(decode('MIME-Header', $m->subject)) =~ /$search_pattern/;
+ });
+ my @msgs2;
+ for my $msg (@msgs) {
+ my $msg2 = {
+ subject => decode('MIME-Header', $msg->subject),
+ from => _addresses($msg->from),
+ to => _addresses($msg->to),
+ cc => _addresses($msg->cc),
+ bcc => _addresses($msg->bcc),
+ date => _iso8601_utc($msg->timestamp),
+ size => $msg->size,
+ content_type => ''. $msg->contentType,
+ mid => $msg->messageId,
+ };
+ push @msgs2, $msg2;
+ }
+ return \@msgs2;
+sub folders {
+ my $f = shift;
+ return [grep { $_ =~ m/^\./ && $_ =~ s/\.// && 1 } $f->listSubFolders];
+sub move {
+ my ($f, $mid, $dst) = @_;
+ $dst = ".$dst";
+ _ok($dst ~~ [$f->listSubFolders, ROOT_MAILDIR]);
+ $f->moveMessage($dst, $dst->find($mid));
+main() if !caller;
+=encoding utf-8
+=head1 NAME
+JWebmail::Model::Driver::QMailAuthuser::Extract - Maildir reader
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Extract delivers information about emails.
+Runs with elevated priviliges.
+This programm is started by qmail-authuser with elevated priviliges after
+a succsessful login.
+Input directives are provided as command line arguments.
+Output is delivered via STDOUT and log information via STDERR.
+ prog <maildir> <system-user> <mail-user> <mode> <args...>
+=head2 Modes
+ list <start> <end> <sort-by> <folder>
+ count <folder>
+ read-mail <mid>
+ search <pattern> <folder>
+ folders
+ move <mid> <dst-folder>
+All arguments must be supplied for a given mode even if empty (as '').
+Currently Mail::Box::Manager does all the hard work.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=cut \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/JWebmail/Model/ b/lib/JWebmail/Model/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f2e1cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/JWebmail/Model/
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+package JWebmail::Model::ReadMails;
+use Mojo::Base -base;
+use Class::Struct AuthReadMails => {
+ user => '$',
+ password => '$',
+ challenge => '$',
+has 'driver';
+sub verify_user {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($user, $password) = @_;
+ return !scalar $self->driver->communicate(
+ user => $user,
+ password => $password,
+ mode => 'auth',
+ )
+sub read_headers_for {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %h = @_;
+ my ($auth, $folder, $start, $end, $sort) = @h{qw(auth folder start end sort)};
+ my ($resp, $rc) = $self->driver->communicate(
+ user => $auth->user,
+ password => $auth->password,
+ challenge => $auth->challenge,
+ mode => 'list',
+ args => [$start || '0', $end || '0', $sort || 'date', $folder || ''],
+ );
+ die "connection error: $resp->{error}" if $rc;
+ return $resp;
+sub count {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($auth, $folder) = @_;
+ my ($resp, $rc) = $self->driver->communicate(
+ user => $auth->user,
+ password => $auth->password,
+ challenge => $auth->challenge,
+ mode => 'count',
+ args => [$folder],
+ );
+ die "connection error: $resp->{error}" if $rc;
+ return ($resp->{size}, $resp->{count}, $resp->{new});
+sub show {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($auth, $mid) = @_;
+ my ($resp, $rc) = $self->driver->communicate(
+ user => $auth->user,
+ password => $auth->password,
+ challenge => $auth->challenge,
+ mode => 'read-mail',
+ args => [$mid],
+ );
+ die "connection error: $resp->{error}, $resp->{mid}" if $rc;
+ return $resp;
+sub search {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($auth, $pattern, $folder) = @_;
+ my ($resp, $rc) = $self->driver->communicate(
+ user => $auth->user,
+ password => $auth->password,
+ challenge => $auth->challenge,
+ mode => 'search',
+ args => [$pattern, $folder],
+ );
+ die "connection error: $resp->{error}" if $rc;
+ return $resp;
+sub folders {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($auth) = @_;
+ my ($resp, $rc) = $self->driver->communicate(
+ user => $auth->user,
+ password => $auth->password,
+ challenge => $auth->challenge,
+ mode => 'folders',
+ );
+ die "connection error: $resp->{error}" if $rc;
+ return $resp;
+sub move {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($auth, $mid, $folder) = @_;
+ my ($resp, $rc) = $self->driver->communicate(
+ user => $auth->user,
+ password => $auth->password,
+ challenge => $auth->challenge,
+ mode => 'move',
+ args => [$mid, $folder],
+ );
+ die "connection error: $resp->{error}" if $rc;
+ return 1;
+=encoding utf-8
+=head1 NAME
+ReadMails - Read recieved mails
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my $m = JWebmail::Model::ReadMails->new(driver => ...);
+ $m->search($auth, qr/Hot singles in your area/, '');
+This module is a facade for the actions of its driver.
+All actions are delegated to it.
+The first parameter is authentication info as AuthReadMails
+whith the rest varying.
+The communication is stateless.
+=head2 driver
+The driver does the actual work of reading the mailbox.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 new
+Instantiate a new object. The 'driver' option is required.
+=head2 verify_user
+Checks user name and password.
+=head2 read_headers_for
+Provides bundeled information on a subset of mails of a mailbox.
+Can be sorted and of varying size.
+=head2 count
+Returns size of the mail box folder in bytes the number of mails.
+=head2 show
+Returns a sepecific mail as a perl hash.
+=head2 search
+Searches for a message with the given pattern.
+=head2 folders
+List all mailbox sub folders.
+=head2 move
+Move mails between folders.
+=head1 CLASSES
+=head2 AuthReadMails
+A struct that bundles auth data.
+=head3 Attributes
+=head4 user
+The user name.
+=head4 password
+The users password in plaintext or as hmac if cram is used.
+=head4 challenge
+Optinal challange for when you use cram authentication.
+=head3 Methods
+=head4 new
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<JWebmail::Model::Driver::QMailAuthuser>, L<JWebmail::Model::Driver::Mock>, L<JWebmail>
+=cut \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/JWebmail/Model/ b/lib/JWebmail/Model/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5df5379
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/JWebmail/Model/
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+package JWebmail::Model::WriteMails;
+use v5.18;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+use Exporter 'import';
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw(sendmail);
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Email::MIME;
+our $Block_Writes = 0;
+sub _build_mail {
+ my $mail = shift;
+ my $text_part = Email::MIME->create(
+ attributes => {
+ content_type => 'text/plain',
+ charset => 'utf-8',
+ encoding => '8bit',
+ },
+ body_str => $mail->{message},
+ );
+ my $attach;
+ $attach = Email::MIME->create(
+ attributes => {
+ content_type => $mail->{attach_type},
+ encoding => 'base64',
+ },
+ body => $mail->{attach}->asset->slurp,
+ ) if $mail->{attach};
+ my $email = Email::MIME->create(
+ header_str => [
+ From => $mail->{from},
+ To => $mail->{to},
+ Subject => $mail->{subject},
+ 'X-Mailer' => 'JWebmail',
+ ],
+ parts => [$text_part, $attach || () ],
+ );
+ $email->header_str_set(CC => @{$mail->{cc}}) if $mail->{cc};
+ $email->header_str_set('Reply-To' => $mail->{reply}) if $mail->{reply};
+ return $email->as_string;
+sub _send {
+ my ($mime, @recipients) = @_;
+ open(my $m, '|-', 'sendmail', '-i', @recipients)
+ or die 'Connecting to sendmail failed. Is it in your PATH?';
+ $m->print($mime->as_string);
+ close($m);
+ return $? >> 8;
+sub sendmail {
+ my $mail = shift;
+ my $mime = _build_mail($mail);
+ my @recipients;
+ push @recipients, @{ $mail->{to} } if $mail->{to};
+ push @recipients, @{ $mail->{cc} } if $mail->{cc};
+ push @recipients, @{ $mail->{bcc} } if $mail->{bcc};
+ say $mime if $Block_Writes;
+ return 1 if $Block_Writes;
+ return _send($mime, @recipients);
+=encoding utf-8
+=head1 NAME
+WriteMails - Build and send mails via a sendmail interface
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ JWebmail::Model::WriteMails::sendmail {
+ from => ...,
+ to => ...,
+ subject => ...,
+ };
+Build and send mails.
+=head2 sendmail
+Send the mail immediately.
+=head3 from
+The sender.
+=head3 to
+The recipient(s).
+=head3 reply
+The address the recipient is meant to reply to (optinal, if missing from is assumed).
+=head3 cc
+Secondary recipients, visible to other.
+=head3 bcc
+Secondary recipients, invisible to other.
+=head3 subject
+=head3 message
+The message body. Should be plain text encoded as utf-8.
+=head3 attach
+Optinal attachment.
+=head3 attach_type
+The mime type of the attachment.
+=cut \ No newline at end of file