path: root/lib/JWebmail
diff options
authorJannis M. Hoffmann <>2023-09-29 12:54:17 +0200
committerJannis M. Hoffmann <>2023-09-29 12:54:17 +0200
commit61b3caeaa912add5bb677e1aecf67d77cde21f52 (patch)
treefee2c0e4b45f409d905d434225af5cc2959d5def /lib/JWebmail
parentafbc16cec0f9d25e945668a54364c4b6a732c423 (diff)
remove unused modules
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/JWebmail')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 351 deletions
diff --git a/lib/JWebmail/Plugin/ b/lib/JWebmail/Plugin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 55b1a39..0000000
--- a/lib/JWebmail/Plugin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-package JWebmail::Plugin::I18N;
-use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin';
-use Mojolicious::Controller;
-use Mojo::File;
-use Mojo::Util 'monkey_patch';
-use Config::Tiny;
-has '_language_loaded' => sub { {} };
-sub register {
- my ($self, $app, $conf) = @_;
- $conf //= {};
- my $i18n_log = $app->log->context('[' . __PACKAGE__ . ']');
- # config
- # 1. what languages
- # 2. where are the files
- # 3. fallback language
- #
- # look for languages automatically
- my $defaultLang = $conf->{default_language} || 'en';
- my $fileLocation = $conf->{directory} && Mojo::File->new($conf->{directory})->is_abs
- ? $conf->{directory}
- : $app->home->child($conf->{directory} || 'lang');
- my @languages = keys %{$conf->{languages} // {}};
- unless (@languages) {
- @languages = map { $_ =~ s|^.*/(..)\.lang$|$1|r } glob("$fileLocation/*.lang");
- }
- $app->defaults(lang => $defaultLang);
- $app->defaults(languages => [@languages]);
- # load languages
- my $TXT;
- for my $l (@languages) {
- $TXT->{$l} = _loadi18n($fileLocation, $l, $i18n_log);
- }
- {
- local $" = ',';
- $i18n_log->info("loaded languages (@languages)");
- }
- $self->_language_loaded( { map { $_ => 1 } @languages } );
- # add translator as helper
- my $i18n = sub {
- my ($lang, $word) = @_;
- $TXT->{$lang}{$word} || scalar(
- local $" = ' ',
- $lang && $word ? $app->log->warn('[' . __PACKAGE__ . "] missing translation for $lang:$word @{[ caller(2) ]}[0..2]") : (),
- '',
- )
- };
- $app->helper( l => sub { my $c = shift; $i18n->($c->stash->{lang}, shift) } );
- # rewrite url
- $app->hook(before_dispatch => sub { $self->read_language_hook(@_) });
- # patch url_for
- my $mojo_url_for = Mojolicious::Controller->can('url_for');
- my $i18n_url_for = sub {
- my $c = shift;
- my $url = $mojo_url_for->($c, @_);
- my $args = (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' and $_[0]) || (ref $_[1] eq 'HASH' and $_[1]) || do { my %x = @_[(@_ % 2) .. $#_]; \%x };
- my $lang = $args->{lang} // $c->stash->{lang};
- if ( $lang && (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' || !ref $_[0] && ($_[0]//'') !~ m![:@/.]!) ) {
- unshift @{ $url->path->parts }, $lang
- if ($url->path->parts->[0] // '') ne $lang;
- $url = $url->to_abs(Mojo::URL->new('/'));
- }
- return $url;
- };
- monkey_patch 'Mojolicious::Controller', url_for => $i18n_url_for;
- 0
-sub read_language_hook {
- my $self = shift;
- my $c = shift;
- # URL detection
- if (my $path = $c->req->url->path) {
- my $part = $path->parts->[0];
- if ( $part && $self->_language_loaded->{$part} ) {
- # Ignore static files
- return if $c->res->code;
- $c->app->log->debug('[' . __PACKAGE__ . "] Found language $part in URL $path");
- # Save lang in stash
- $c->stash(lang => $part);
- if ( @{ $path->parts } == 1 && !$path->trailing_slash ) {
- return $c->redirect_to($c->req->url->path->trailing_slash(1)); # default controller adds language back
- }
- # Clean path
- shift @{$path->parts};
- $path->trailing_slash(0);
- }
- }
-sub _loadi18n {
- my $langsubdir = shift;
- my $lang = shift;
- my $log = shift;
- my $langFile = "$langsubdir/$lang.lang";
- my $TXT;
- if ( -f $langFile ) {
- $TXT = Config::Tiny->read($langFile, 'utf8')->{'_'};
- if ($@ || !defined $TXT) {
- $log->error("error reading file $langFile: $@");
- }
- }
- else {
- $log->warn("language file $langFile does not exist!");
- }
- return $TXT;
-=encoding utf8
-=head1 NAME
-JWebmail::Plugin::I18N - Custom Made I18N Support Inspired by Mojolicious::Plugin::I18N
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- $app->plugin('I18N', {
- languages => [qw(en de es)],
- default_language => 'en',
- directory => '/path/to/language/files/',
- })
- # in your controller
- $c->l('hello')
- # in your templates
- <%= l 'hello' %>
- @@ de.lang
- login = anmelden
- userid = nuzerkennung
- passwd = passwort
- failed = fehlgeschlagen
- about = über
- # $c->stash('lang') eq 'de'
- # $c->stash('lang') eq $defaultLanguage
- # on
- url_for('my_other_route') #=>
- url_for('my_other_route', lang => 'es') #=>
-L<JWebmail::Plugin::I18N> provides I18N support.
-The language will be taken from the first path segment of the url.
-Be carefult with colliding routes.
-Mojolicious::Controller::url_for is patched so that the current language will be kept for
-router named urls.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=head2 default_language
-The default language when no other information is provided.
-=head2 directory
-Directory to look for language files.
-=head2 languages
-List of allowed languages.
-Files of the pattern "$lang.lang" will be looked for.
-=head1 HELPERS
-=head2 l
-This is used for your translations.
- $c->l('hello')
- $app->helper('hello')->()
diff --git a/lib/JWebmail/Plugin/ b/lib/JWebmail/Plugin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 08e1ef1..0000000
--- a/lib/JWebmail/Plugin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-package JWebmail::Plugin::INIConfig;
-use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin::Config';
-use List::Util 'all';
-use Config::Tiny;
-sub parse {
- my ($self, $content, $file, $conf, $_app) = @_;
- my $ct = Config::Tiny->new();
- my $config = $ct->read_string($content, 'utf8');
- die qq{Can't parse config "$file": } . $ct->errstr unless defined $config;
- $config = _process_config($config) unless $conf->{flat};
- return $config;
-sub _process_config {
- my $val_prev = shift;
- my %val = %$val_prev;
- # arrayify section with number keys
- for my $key (keys %val) {
- if (keys %{$val{$key}} && all { $_ =~ /\d+/} keys %{$val{$key}}) {
- my $tmp = $val{$key};
- $val{$key} = [];
- for (keys %$tmp) {
- $val{$key}[$_] = $tmp->{$_};
- }
- }
- }
- # merge top section
- my $top_section = $val{'_'};
- delete $val{'_'};
- for (keys %$top_section) {
- $val{$_} = $top_section->{$_} unless $val{$_};
- }
- # make implicit nesting explicit
- for my $key (grep { $_ =~ /^\w+(::\w+)+$/} keys %val) {
- my @sections = split m/::/, $key;
- my $x = \%val;
- my $y;
- for (@sections) {
- $x->{$_} = {} unless ref $x->{$_};# eq 'HASH';
- $y = $x;
- $x = $x->{$_};
- }
- # merge
- if (ref $val{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
- $y->{$sections[-1]} = [];
- $x = $y->{$sections[-1]};
- for ( keys @{ $val{$key} } ) {
- $x->[$_] = $val{$key}[$_];
- }
- }
- else {
- for ( keys %{ $val{$key} } ) {
- $x->{$_} = $val{$key}{$_};
- }
- }
- delete $val{$key};
- }
- return \%val
-=encoding utf-8
-=head1 NAME
-INIConfig - Reads in ini config files.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- $app->plugin('INIConfig');
- @@ my_app.conf
- # global section
- key = val ; line comment
- [section]
- other_key = other_val
- [other::section]
- 0 = key1
- 1 = key2
- 2 = key3
-INI configuration is simple with limited nesting and propper comments.
-For more precise specification on the syntax see the Config::Tiny documentation
-on cpan.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=head2 default
-Sets default configuration values.
-=head2 ext
-Sets file extension defaults to '.conf'.
-=head2 file
-Sets file name default '$app->moniker'.
-=head2 flat
-Keep configuration to exactly two nesting levels for all
-and disable auto array conversion.
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 parse
-overrides the parse method of Mojolicious::Plugin::Config