diff options
-rw-r--r--lib/JWebmail/Model/ReadMails/ (renamed from lib/JWebmail/Model/Driver/
-rw-r--r--lib/JWebmail/Model/ReadMails/schema.json (renamed from lib/JWebmail/Model/Driver/QMailAuthuser/schema.json)0
-rwxr-xr-xscript/ (renamed from lib/JWebmail/Model/Driver/QMailAuthuser/
16 files changed, 580 insertions, 541 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 87ac7f6..418e2e5 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ Makefile
diff --git a/Makefile.PL b/Makefile.PL
index b51c6b4..ac6013a 100644
--- a/Makefile.PL
+++ b/Makefile.PL
@@ -1,20 +1,18 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
- AUTHOR => '"Jannis M. Hoffmann" <>',
- MIN_PERL_VERSION => 'v5.22',
- NAME => 'JWebmail',
- VERSION_FROM => 'lib/',
- LICENSE => 'gpl_3',
- PREREQ_PM => {
- 'Mojolicious' => '8.64',
- 'Config::Tiny' => 'v2.24',
- 'Crypt::URandom' => 0,
- 'Email::MIME' => 0,
- 'Mail::Box::Manager' => 'v3.9',
- },
- test => {TESTS => 't/*.t'}
+ AUTHOR => '"Jannis M. Hoffmann" <>',
+ MIN_PERL_VERSION => 'v5.22',
+ NAME => 'JWebmail',
+ VERSION_FROM => 'lib/',
+ LICENSE => 'gpl_3',
+ PREREQ_PM => {
+ 'Mojolicious' => '8.64',
+ 'Config::Tiny' => 'v2.24',
+ 'Crypt::URandom' => 0,
+ 'Email::MIME' => 0,
+ 'Mail::Box::Manager' => 'v3.9',
+ 'Role::Tiny' => 'v2.0.1',
+ },
+ test => {TESTS => 't/*.t'}
diff --git a/jwebmail.development.conf b/jwebmail.development.conf
index bab91bf..4daeb16 100644
--- a/jwebmail.development.conf
+++ b/jwebmail.development.conf
@@ -18,8 +18,7 @@ directory = lang
#sendmail = /usr/sbin/sendmail
-#use_read_mock = maildir
-use_read_mock = json
+read_mock = JWebmail::Model::ReadMails::MockJSON ; JWebmail::Model::ReadMails::MockMaildir
block_writes = 1
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 2c03d1b..82c94c1 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
-package JWebmail v1.1.0;
+package JWebmail v1.2.0;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';
use JWebmail::Controller::Webmail;
-use JWebmail::Model::ReadMails;
-use JWebmail::Model::Driver::QMailAuthuser;
+use JWebmail::Model::ReadMails::Role;
+use JWebmail::Model::ReadMails::QMailAuthuser;
use JWebmail::Model::WriteMails;
-use JWebmail::Model::Driver::MockJSON;
-use JWebmail::Model::Driver::MockMaildir;
sub startup {
my $self = shift;
@@ -31,22 +28,23 @@ sub startup {
delete $self->config->{secret};
# initialize models
- no warnings "experimental::smartmatch";
- my $driver = do {
- given ($self->config->{development}{use_read_mock}) {
- when (/^json/) { JWebmail::Model::Driver::MockJSON->new() }
- when (/^maildir/) { JWebmail::Model::Driver::MockMaildir->new(extractor => 'rust') }
- default {
- JWebmail::Model::Driver::QMailAuthuser->new(
- logfile => $self->home->child('log', 'extract.log'),
- %{ $self->config->{model}{read}{driver} // {} })
- }
+ my $read_mails = do {
+ if ($mode eq 'development') {
+ my $cls = $self->config->{development}{read_mock};
+ eval "require $cls" || die "Issue for module $cls with: $@";
+ $cls->new;
+ }
+ else {
+ JWebmail::Model::ReadMails::QMailAuthuser->new(
+ logfile => $self->home->child('log', 'extract.log'),
+ );
- my $read_mails = JWebmail::Model::ReadMails->new(driver => $driver);
+ die "given class @{[ ref $read_mails ]} does not ReadMails"
+ unless $read_mails->DOES('JWebmail::Model::ReadMails::Role');
$self->helper(users => sub { $read_mails });
$self->helper(send_mail => sub { my ($c, $mail) = @_; JWebmail::Model::WriteMails::sendmail($mail) });
- $JWebmail::Model::WriteMails::Block_Writes = 1 if $self->config->{development}{block_writes};
+ $JWebmail::Model::WriteMails::Block_Writes = 1 if $mode eq 'development';
$self->defaults(version => __PACKAGE__->VERSION);
@@ -57,7 +55,7 @@ sub startup {
sub route {
my $self = shift;
- my $r = shift // $self->routes;
+ my $r = shift || $self->routes;
$r->get('/' => 'noaction')->to('Webmail#noaction');
@@ -86,7 +84,7 @@ JWebmail - Provides a web based e-mail client meant to be used with s/qmail.
- hypnotoad script/jwebmail
+ hypnotoad script/jwebmail
And use a server in reverse proxy configuration.
diff --git a/lib/JWebmail/Controller/ b/lib/JWebmail/Controller/
index cd7b5c7..3566c83 100644
--- a/lib/JWebmail/Controller/
+++ b/lib/JWebmail/Controller/
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ sub _time :prototype(&$$) {
my @res = $code->();
my $elapsed = $self->timing->elapsed($name);
- $self->app->log->debug("$name took $elapsed seconds");
+ $self->app->log->debug(sprintf("%s took %fs", $name, $elapsed));
return wantarray ? @res : $res[-1];
@@ -60,13 +60,14 @@ sub login {
my $user = $v->required('userid')->size(4, 50)->param;
my $passwd = $v->required('password')->size(4, 50)->like(qr/^.+$/)->param; # no new-lines
+ my $auth = $self->users->Auth(user => $user, password => $passwd);
if ($v->has_error) {
return $self->render(action => 'noaction');
- my $valid = _time { $self->users->verify_user($user, $passwd) } $self, 'verify user';
+ my $valid = _time { $self->users->verify_user($auth) } $self, 'verify user';
if ($valid) {
$self->session(S_USER() => $user);
@@ -113,14 +114,13 @@ sub displayheaders {
no warnings 'experimental::smartmatch';
my $self = shift;
- my $auth = AuthReadMails->new(
+ my $auth = $self->users->Auth(
user => $self->session(S_USER),
password => $self->session_passwd,
challenge => $self->app->secrets->[0],
my $folders = _time { $self->users->folders($auth) } $self, 'user folders';
- push @$folders, '';
unless ( $self->stash('folder') ~~ $folders ) {
@@ -146,23 +146,24 @@ sub displayheaders {
my ($start, $end) = $self->paginate($cnt);
- my $headers;
- if ($search) {
- $headers = $self->users->search(
- $auth, $search, $self->stash('folder'),
- );
- }
- else {
- $headers = $self->users->read_headers_for(
- auth => $auth,
- folder => $self->stash('folder'),
- start => $start,
- end => $end,
- sort => $sort,
- );
- }
+ my $headers = do {
+ if ($search) {
+ $self->users->search(
+ $auth, $search, $self->stash('folder'),
+ )
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->users->read_headers_for(
+ $auth,
+ folder => $self->stash('folder'),
+ start => $start,
+ end => $end,
+ sort => $sort,
+ )
+ }
+ };
my $elapsed = $self->timing->elapsed('user_headers');
- $self->app->log->debug("Reading user headers took $elapsed seconds");
+ $self->app->log->debug(sprintf("Reading user headers took %fs", $elapsed));
msgs => $headers,
@@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ sub readmail {
my $mid = $self->stash('id');
- my $auth = AuthReadMails->new(
+ my $auth = $self->users->Auth(
user => $self->session(S_USER),
password => $self->session_passwd,
challenge => $self->app->secrets->[0],
@@ -257,7 +258,7 @@ sub move {
- my $auth = AuthReadMails->new(
+ my $auth = $self->users->Auth(
user => $self->session(S_USER),
password => $self->session_passwd,
challenge => $self->app->secrets->[0],
@@ -283,7 +284,7 @@ sub raw {
my $mid = $self->stash('id');
- my $auth = AuthReadMails->new(
+ my $auth = $self->users->Auth(
user => $self->session(S_USER),
password => $self->session_passwd,
challenge => $self->app->secrets->[0],
diff --git a/lib/JWebmail/Model/Driver/ b/lib/JWebmail/Model/Driver/
deleted file mode 100644
index 258246d..0000000
--- a/lib/JWebmail/Model/Driver/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-package JWebmail::Model::Driver::MockJSON;
-use Mojo::Base -base;
-use List::Util 'sum';
-use Mojo::JSON qw(decode_json);
-use constant {
- VALID_USER => '',
- VALID_PW => 'vwxyz',
-use constant {
- LIST_START => 0,
- LIST_END => 1,
- LIST_SORT => 2,
-sub _read_json_file {
- my ($file_name) = @_;
- use constant PREFIX => 't/private/';
- open(my $body_file, '<', PREFIX . $file_name);
- local $/;
- my $body = <$body_file>;
- close $body_file;
- return decode_json($body);
-sub list_reply {
- state $init = _read_json_file('msgs.json');
-sub read_reply {
- state $init = {
- 'SC-ORD-MAIL54526c63b751646618a793be3f8329cca@sc-ord-mail5' => _read_json_file('msg2.json'),
- 'example' => _read_json_file('msg.json'),
- };
-sub communicate {
- no warnings 'experimental::smartmatch';
- my $self = shift;
- my %args = @_;
- given ($args{mode}) {
- when ('auth') {
- return (undef, 0) if $args{user} eq VALID_USER && $args{password} eq VALID_PW;
- return (undef, 2);
- }
- when ('list') {
- return ([@{ $self->list_reply }[$args{args}->[LIST_START]..$args{args}->[LIST_END]]], 0) if !$args{args}->[LIST_SORT];
- return ([], 0) if $args{args}->[LIST_FOLDER] eq 'test';
- my $s = sub {
- my $sort_by = $args{args}->[LIST_SORT];
- my $rev = $sort_by !~ m/^![[:lower:]]+/ ? 1 : -1;
- $sort_by =~ s/^!//;
- return (($a->{$sort_by}||$a->{head}{$sort_by}) cmp ($b->{$sort_by}||$b->{head}{$sort_by})) * $rev;
- };
- return ([sort { &$s } @{ $self->list_reply }[$args{args}->[LIST_START]..$args{args}->[LIST_END]]], 0);
- }
- when ('count') {
- return ({
- count => scalar(@{ $self->list_reply }),
- size => sum(map {$_->{size}} @{ $self->list_reply }),
- new => 0,
- }, 0);
- }
- when ('read-mail') {
- my $mid = $args{args}->[0];
- my $mail = $self->read_reply->{$mid};
- return ($mail, 0) if $mail;
- return ({error => 'unkown mail-id'}, 3);
- }
- when ('folders') {
- return ([qw(cur test devel debug)], 0);
- }
- when ('move') {
- local $, = ' ';
- say "@{ $args{args} }";
- return (undef, 0);
- }
- default { return ({error => 'unkown mode'}, 3); }
- }
-=head1 NAME
-Mock - Simple file based mock for the L<JWebmail::Model::ReadMails> module.
diff --git a/lib/JWebmail/Model/Driver/ b/lib/JWebmail/Model/Driver/
deleted file mode 100644
index a310024..0000000
--- a/lib/JWebmail/Model/Driver/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-package JWebmail::Model::Driver::QMailAuthuser;
-use Mojo::Base -base;
-use IPC::Open2;
-use File::Basename 'fileparse';
-use JSON::PP 'decode_json';
-has 'user';
-has 'maildir';
-has 'prefix' => '';
-has qmail_dir => '/var/qmail/';
-has prog => [fileparse(__FILE__)]->[1] . '/QMailAuthuser/';
-has logfile => '/dev/null';
-sub communicate {
- my $self = shift;
- my %args = @_;
- $args{challenge} //= '';
- $args{args} //= [];
- my $exec = do {
- if ($args{mode} eq 'auth') {
- $self->qmail_dir . "/bin/qmail-authuser true 3<&0";
- }
- else {
- my ($user_name) = $args{user} =~ /(\w*)@/;
- $self->qmail_dir.'/bin/qmail-authuser'
- . $self->prefix . ' '
- . join(' ', map { $_ =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g; "'$_'" } ($self->prog, $self->maildir, $self->user, $user_name, $args{mode}, @{$args{args}}))
- . ' 3<&0'
- . ' 2>>'.$self->logfile;
- }
- };
- my $pid = open2(my $reader, my $writer, $exec)
- or die 'failed to create subprocess';
- $writer->print("$args{user}\0$args{password}\0$args{challenge}\0")
- or die 'pipe wite failed';
- close $writer
- or die 'closing write pipe failed';
- binmode $reader, ':utf8';
- my $input = <$reader>;
- close $reader
- or die 'closing read pipe failed';
- waitpid($pid, 0);
- my $rc = $? >> 8;
- my $resp;
- if ($rc == 3 || $rc == 0) {
- eval { $resp = decode_json $input; };
- if ($@) { $resp = {error => 'decoding error'} };
- }
- elsif ($rc) {
- $resp = {error => "qmail-authuser returned code: $rc"};
- }
- return ($resp, $rc);
-=encoding utf-8
-=head1 NAME
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- my $m = JWebmail::Model::ReadMails->new(driver => JWebmail::Model::Driver::QMailAuthuser->new(...));
-This ReadMails driver starts and communicates with L<JWebmail::Model::Driver::QMailAuthuser::Extract> over qmail-authuser.
-The Extract programm runs with elevated priviliges to be able to read and modify mailboxes.
-=head2 qmail_dir
-The parent directory of the bin directory where all qmail executables live.
-Default C</var/qmail/>.
-=head2 prog
-The path to the extractor programm.
-Default is the location of L<JWebmail::Model::Driver::QMailAuthuser::Extract> package.
-=head2 logfile
-A path to a log file that the extractor logs to.
-Default '/dev/null' but highly recommended to set a real one.
-Keep in mind that a different user need to be able to write to it.
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 communicate
-=over 6
-=item mode
-=item args
-Depends on the mode
-=item user
-E-Mail address of the user
-=item password
-Corresponding e-mail user password
-=item challenge
-Challenge when using cram
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<JWebmail::Model::ReadMails>, L<JWebmail::Model::Driver::QMailAuthuser::Extract>
diff --git a/lib/JWebmail/Model/ b/lib/JWebmail/Model/
deleted file mode 100644
index e541de1..0000000
--- a/lib/JWebmail/Model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-package JWebmail::Model::ReadMails;
-use Mojo::Base -base;
-use Class::Struct AuthReadMails => {
- user => '$',
- password => '$',
- challenge => '$',
-has 'driver';
-sub verify_user {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($user, $password) = @_;
- return !scalar $self->driver->communicate(
- user => $user,
- password => $password,
- mode => 'auth',
- )
-sub read_headers_for {
- my $self = shift;
- my %h = @_;
- my ($auth, $folder, $start, $end, $sort) = @h{qw(auth folder start end sort)};
- my ($resp, $rc) = $self->driver->communicate(
- user => $auth->user,
- password => $auth->password,
- challenge => $auth->challenge,
- mode => 'list',
- args => [$start // 0, $end // 0, $sort // 'date', $folder // ''],
- );
- die "connection error: $resp->{error}" if $rc;
- return $resp;
-sub count {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($auth, $folder) = @_;
- my ($resp, $rc) = $self->driver->communicate(
- user => $auth->user,
- password => $auth->password,
- challenge => $auth->challenge,
- mode => 'count',
- args => [$folder],
- );
- die "connection error: $resp->{error}" if $rc;
- return ($resp->{size}, $resp->{count}, $resp->{new});
-sub show {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($auth, $mid) = @_;
- my ($resp, $rc) = $self->driver->communicate(
- user => $auth->user,
- password => $auth->password,
- challenge => $auth->challenge,
- mode => 'read-mail',
- args => [$mid],
- );
- die "connection error: $resp->{error}, $resp->{mid}" if $rc;
- return $resp;
-sub search {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($auth, $pattern, $folder) = @_;
- my ($resp, $rc) = $self->driver->communicate(
- user => $auth->user,
- password => $auth->password,
- challenge => $auth->challenge,
- mode => 'search',
- args => [$pattern, $folder],
- );
- die "connection error: $resp->{error}" if $rc;
- return $resp;
-sub folders {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($auth) = @_;
- my ($resp, $rc) = $self->driver->communicate(
- user => $auth->user,
- password => $auth->password,
- challenge => $auth->challenge,
- mode => 'folders',
- );
- die "connection error: $resp->{error}" if $rc;
- return $resp;
-sub move {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($auth, $mid, $folder) = @_;
- my ($resp, $rc) = $self->driver->communicate(
- user => $auth->user,
- password => $auth->password,
- challenge => $auth->challenge,
- mode => 'move',
- args => [$mid, $folder],
- );
- die "connection error: $resp->{error}" if $rc;
- return 1;
-=encoding utf-8
-=head1 NAME
-ReadMails - Read received mails
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- my $m = JWebmail::Model::ReadMails->new(driver => ...);
- $m->search($auth, qr/Hot singles in your area/, '');
-This module is a facade for the actions of its driver.
-All actions are delegated to it.
-The first parameter is authentication info as AuthReadMails
-whith the rest varying.
-The communication is stateless.
-=head2 driver
-The driver does the actual work of reading the mailbox.
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 new
-Instantiate a new object. The 'driver' option is required.
-=head2 verify_user
-Checks user name and password.
-=head2 read_headers_for
-Provides bundeled information on a subset of mails of a mailbox.
-Can be sorted and of varying size.
- start..end inclusive 0 based range
-=head2 count
-Returns size of the mail box folder in bytes the number of mails.
-=head2 show
-Returns a sepecific mail as a perl hash.
-=head2 search
-Searches for a message with the given pattern.
-=head2 folders
-List all mailbox sub folders.
-=head2 move
-Move mails between folders.
-=head1 CLASSES
-=head2 AuthReadMails
-A struct that bundles auth data.
-=head3 Attributes
-=head4 user
-The user name.
-=head4 password
-The users password in plaintext or as hmac if cram is used.
-=head4 challenge
-Optinal challange for when you use cram authentication.
-=head3 Methods
-=head4 new
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<JWebmail::Model::Driver::QMailAuthuser>, L<JWebmail::Model::Driver::Mock>, L<JWebmail>
diff --git a/lib/JWebmail/Model/ReadMails/ b/lib/JWebmail/Model/ReadMails/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb105d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/JWebmail/Model/ReadMails/
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+package JWebmail::Model::ReadMails::MockJSON;
+use v5.24;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+use List::Util 'sum';
+use Role::Tiny::With;
+use Mojo::JSON qw(decode_json);
+use constant {
+ VALID_USER => '',
+ VALID_PW => 'vwxyz',
+use namespace::clean;
+with 'JWebmail::Model::ReadMails::Role';
+sub new { bless {} }
+sub _read_json_file {
+ my ($file_name) = @_;
+ use constant PREFIX => 't/private/';
+ open(my $body_file, '<', PREFIX . $file_name);
+ local $/;
+ my $body = <$body_file>;
+ close $body_file;
+ return decode_json($body);
+sub list_reply {
+ state $init = _read_json_file('msgs.json');
+sub read_reply {
+ state $init = {
+ 'SC-ORD-MAIL54526c63b751646618a793be3f8329cca@sc-ord-mail5' => _read_json_file('msg2.json'),
+ 'example' => _read_json_file('msg.json'),
+ };
+sub verify_user {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $auth = shift;
+ return $auth->{user} eq VALID_USER && $auth->{password} eq VALID_PW;
+sub read_headers_for {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $auth = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my ($start, $end, $sort, $folder) = @args{qw(start end sort folder)};
+ unless ($sort) {
+ return [@{ $self->list_reply }[$start..$end]];
+ }
+ if ($folder eq 'test') {
+ return [];
+ }
+ my $s = sub {
+ my $sort_by = $sort;
+ my $rev = $sort_by !~ m/^![[:lower:]]+/ ? 1 : -1;
+ $sort_by =~ s/^!//;
+ return (($a->{$sort_by}||$a->{head}{$sort_by}) cmp ($b->{$sort_by}||$b->{head}{$sort_by})) * $rev;
+ };
+ return [sort { &$s } @{ $self->list_reply }[$start..$end]];
+sub count {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $auth = shift;
+ my $_folder = shift;
+ return (
+ sum(map {$_->{size}} @{ $self->list_reply }), # size
+ scalar(@{ $self->list_reply }), # count
+ 0, # new
+ );
+sub show {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $auth = shift;
+ my $mid = shift;
+ my $mail = $self->read_reply->{$mid};
+ if ($mail) {
+ return $mail;
+ }
+ else {
+ die 'unkown mail-id';
+ }
+sub folders { ['', qw(cur test devel debug)] }
+sub search { ... }
+sub move { ... }
+=head1 NAME
+Mock - Simple file based mock for the L<JWebmail::Model::ReadMails> module.
diff --git a/lib/JWebmail/Model/Driver/ b/lib/JWebmail/Model/ReadMails/
index e8956ed..31e9618 100644
--- a/lib/JWebmail/Model/Driver/
+++ b/lib/JWebmail/Model/ReadMails/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package JWebmail::Model::Driver::MockMaildir;
+package JWebmail::Model::ReadMails::MockMaildir;
use Mojo::Base -base;
diff --git a/lib/JWebmail/Model/ReadMails/ b/lib/JWebmail/Model/ReadMails/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8387217
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/JWebmail/Model/ReadMails/
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+package JWebmail::Model::ReadMails::QMailAuthuser;
+use v5.22;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+use IPC::Open2;
+use File::Basename 'fileparse';
+use JSON::PP 'decode_json';
+use Params::Check 'check';
+use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
+use Role::Tiny::With;
+use namespace::clean;
+with 'JWebmail::Model::ReadMails::Role';
+my $QMailAuthuserCheck = {
+ user => {defined => 1, required => 1},
+ maildir => {defined => 1, required => 1},
+ prefix => {defined => 1, default => ''},
+ qmail_dir => {defined => 1, default => '/var/qmail/'},
+ logfile => {defined => 1, default => '/dev/null'},
+ prog => {defined => 1, default => ([fileparse(__FILE__)]->[1] . '/QMailAuthuser/')},
+sub new {
+ my $cls = shift;
+ my $self = @_ == 1 ? $_[0] : {@_};
+ if (my $pkg = blessed $cls) {
+ $self = {%$cls, %$self};
+ $cls = $pkg;
+ }
+ $self = check($QMailAuthuserCheck, $self, 1) || die;
+ return bless $self, $cls;
+sub verify_user {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $auth = shift;
+ return !scalar $self->communicate(
+ user => $auth->{user},
+ password => $auth->{password},
+ challenge => $auth->{challenge},
+ mode => 'auth',
+ )
+sub read_headers_for {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $auth = shift;
+ my %h = @_;
+ my ($folder, $start, $end, $sort) = @h{qw(folder start end sort)};
+ my ($resp, $rc) = $self->communicate(
+ user => $auth->{user},
+ password => $auth->{password},
+ challenge => $auth->{challenge},
+ mode => 'list',
+ args => [$start // 0, $end // 0, $sort // 'date', $folder // ''],
+ );
+ die "connection error: $resp->{error}" if $rc;
+ return $resp;
+sub count {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($auth, $folder) = @_;
+ my ($resp, $rc) = $self->communicate(
+ user => $auth->{user},
+ password => $auth->{password},
+ challenge => $auth->{challenge},
+ mode => 'count',
+ args => [$folder],
+ );
+ die "connection error: $resp->{error}" if $rc;
+ return ($resp->{size}, $resp->{count}, $resp->{new});
+sub show {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($auth, $mid) = @_;
+ my ($resp, $rc) = $self->communicate(
+ user => $auth->{user},
+ password => $auth->{password},
+ challenge => $auth->{challenge},
+ mode => 'read-mail',
+ args => [$mid],
+ );
+ die "connection error: $resp->{error}, $resp->{mid}" if $rc;
+ return $resp;
+sub search {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($auth, $pattern, $folder) = @_;
+ my ($resp, $rc) = $self->communicate(
+ user => $auth->{user},
+ password => $auth->{password},
+ challenge => $auth->{challenge},
+ mode => 'search',
+ args => [$pattern, $folder],
+ );
+ die "connection error: $resp->{error}" if $rc;
+ return $resp;
+sub folders {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($auth) = @_;
+ my ($resp, $rc) = $self->communicate(
+ user => $auth->{user},
+ password => $auth->{password},
+ challenge => $auth->{challenge},
+ mode => 'folders',
+ );
+ die "connection error: $resp->{error}" if $rc;
+ return $resp;
+sub move {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($auth, $mid, $folder) = @_;
+ my ($resp, $rc) = $self->communicate(
+ user => $auth->{user},
+ password => $auth->{password},
+ challenge => $auth->{challenge},
+ mode => 'move',
+ args => [$mid, $folder],
+ );
+ die "connection error: $resp->{error}" if $rc;
+ return 1;
+sub communicate {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $args{challenge} //= '';
+ $args{args} //= [];
+ my $exec = do {
+ if ($args{mode} eq 'auth') {
+ $self->{qmail_dir} . "/bin/qmail-authuser true 3<&0";
+ }
+ else {
+ my ($user_name) = $args{user} =~ /(\w*)@/;
+ $self->{qmail_dir}.'/bin/qmail-authuser'
+ . $self->{prefix} . ' '
+ . join(' ', map { s/(['\\])/\\$1/g; "'$_'" } ($self->{prog}, $self->{maildir}, $self->{user}, $user_name, $args{mode}, @{$args{args}}))
+ . ' 3<&0'
+ . ' 2>>'.$self->{logfile};
+ }
+ };
+ my $pid = open2(my $reader, my $writer, $exec)
+ or die 'failed to create subprocess';
+ $writer->print("$args{user}\0$args{password}\0$args{challenge}\0")
+ or die 'pipe wite failed';
+ close $writer
+ or die 'closing write pipe failed';
+ binmode $reader, ':utf8';
+ my $input = <$reader>;
+ close $reader
+ or die 'closing read pipe failed';
+ waitpid($pid, 0);
+ my $rc = $? >> 8;
+ my $resp;
+ if ($rc == 3 || $rc == 0) {
+ eval { $resp = decode_json $input; };
+ if ($@) { $resp = {error => 'decoding error'} };
+ }
+ elsif ($rc) {
+ $resp = {error => "qmail-authuser returned code: $rc"};
+ }
+ return ($resp, $rc);
+=encoding utf-8
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ ...
+This ReadMails driver starts and communicates with L<JWebmail::Model::Driver::QMailAuthuser::Extract> over qmail-authuser.
+The Extract programm runs with elevated priviliges to be able to read and modify mailboxes.
+=head2 qmail_dir
+The parent directory of the bin directory where all qmail executables live.
+Default C</var/qmail/>.
+=head2 prog
+The path to the extractor programm.
+Default is the location of L<JWebmail::Model::Driver::QMailAuthuser::Extract> package.
+=head2 logfile
+A path to a log file that the extractor logs to.
+Default '/dev/null' but highly recommended to set a real one.
+Keep in mind that a different user need to be able to write to it.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 communicate
+=over 6
+=item mode
+=item args
+Depends on the mode
+=item user
+E-Mail address of the user
+=item password
+Corresponding e-mail user password
+=item challenge
+Challenge when using cram
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<JWebmail::Model::ReadMails>, L<JWebmail::Model::Driver::QMailAuthuser::Extract>
diff --git a/lib/JWebmail/Model/ReadMails/ b/lib/JWebmail/Model/ReadMails/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c6d7ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/JWebmail/Model/ReadMails/
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+package JWebmail::Model::ReadMails::Role;
+use Params::Check 'check';
+use Mojo::Base -role; # load after imports
+sub Auth {
+ shift;
+ state $AuthCheck = {
+ user => {required => 1, defined => 1},
+ password => {required => 1, defined => 1},
+ challenge => {defined => 1},
+ };
+ my $self = @_ == 1 ? {$_[0]} : {@_};
+ return check($AuthCheck, $self, 1) || die;
+ # name:type parmeter of type
+ # *key key => value
+ # key=value default argument of value
+ # ^ throws exception
+ # ^type throws exception of type
+ # Read operations
+ 'verify_user', # auth:Auth -> :truthy
+ 'read_headers_for', # auth:Auth, *folder='', *start=0, *end=24, *sort='date' -> ^ :hashref
+ 'count', # auth:Auth, folder -> ^ size:int count:int new:int
+ 'show', # auth:Auth, mid -> ^ :hashref
+ 'search', # auth:Auth, pattern, folder -> ^ :hashref
+ 'folders', # auth:Auth -> ^ :arrayref
+ # Write operations
+ 'move', # auth:Auth, mid, folder -> ^ 1
+around read_headers_for => sub {
+ my $orig = shift;
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $auth = shift;
+ my $args = {@_};
+ state $ArgsCheck = {
+ start => {default => 0},
+ end => {default => 24},
+ sort => {default => 'date'},
+ folder => {default => ''},
+ };
+ $orig->($self, $auth, %{ check($ArgsCheck, $args, 1) })
+=encoding utf-8
+=head1 NAME
+ReadMails::Role - Interface to a repository of mails
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my $m = Some::Implementation->with_role('JWebmail::Model::ReadMails::Role');
+ $m->search($auth, qr/Hot singles in your area/, '');
+The communication is assumed to be stateless.
+=head2 verify_user
+Checks user name and password.
+=head2 read_headers_for
+Provides bundeled information on a subset of mails of a mailbox.
+Can be sorted and of varying size.
+ start..end inclusive 0 based range
+=head2 count
+Returns size of the mail box folder in bytes the number of mails.
+=head2 show
+Returns a sepecific mail as a perl hash.
+=head2 search
+Searches for a message with the given pattern.
+=head2 folders
+List all mailbox sub folders.
+=head2 move
+Move mails between folders.
+=head2 Auth
+A sub that returns a hashref of bundled authentication data.
+=head3 Attributes
+=head4 user
+The user name.
+=head4 password
+The users password in plaintext or as hmac if cram is used.
+=head4 challenge
+Optinal challange for when you use cram authentication.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<JWebmail::Model::ReadMails::QMailAuthuser>, L<JWebmail::Model::ReadMails::Mock>, L<JWebmail>
diff --git a/lib/JWebmail/Model/Driver/QMailAuthuser/schema.json b/lib/JWebmail/Model/ReadMails/schema.json
index b63a5eb..b63a5eb 100644
--- a/lib/JWebmail/Model/Driver/QMailAuthuser/schema.json
+++ b/lib/JWebmail/Model/ReadMails/schema.json
diff --git a/lib/JWebmail/Plugin/ b/lib/JWebmail/Plugin/
index fe0fb1a..be9841e 100644
--- a/lib/JWebmail/Plugin/
+++ b/lib/JWebmail/Plugin/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use Config::Tiny;
sub parse {
- my ($self, $content, $file, $conf, $app) = @_;
+ my ($self, $content, $file, $conf, $_app) = @_;
my $ct = Config::Tiny->new;
my $config = $ct->read_string($content, 'utf8');
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ INIConfig - Reads in ini config files.
INI configuration is simple with limited nesting and propper comments.
For more precise specification on the syntax see the Config::Tiny documentation
-on metacpan.
+on cpan.
=head1 OPTIONS
@@ -133,4 +133,4 @@ overrides the parse method of Mojolicious::Plugin::Config
-=cut \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/JWebmail/Model/Driver/QMailAuthuser/ b/script/
index a59e265..5bc7bb5 100755
--- a/lib/JWebmail/Model/Driver/QMailAuthuser/
+++ b/script/
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
-package JWebmail::Model::Driver::QMailAuthuser::Extract;
+package JWebmail::QMAuth;
use v5.18;
-use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
diff --git a/t/Webmail.t b/t/Webmail.t
index 06efd49..4cef937 100644
--- a/t/Webmail.t
+++ b/t/Webmail.t
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use utf8;
use Test::More;
use Test::Mojo;
-use JWebmail::Model::Driver::MockJSON;
+use JWebmail::Model::ReadMails::MockJSON;
use constant DEFAULT_LANGUAGE => 'en';
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ my $pw = JWebmail::Model::Driver::MockJSON::VALID_PW;
my $t = Test::Mojo->new('JWebmail', {
- development => { use_read_mock => 'json', block_writes => 1 },
+ development => { read_mock => 'JWebmail::Model::ReadMails::MockJSON', block_writes => 1 },
i18n => { default_language => DEFAULT_LANGUAGE },