path: root/src/newaliases.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/newaliases.c')
1 files changed, 326 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/newaliases.c b/src/newaliases.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98aa095
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/newaliases.c
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include "buffer.h"
+#include "logmsg.h"
+#include "genalloc.h"
+#include "stralloc.h"
+#include "getln.h"
+#include "open.h"
+#include "token822.h"
+#include "control.h"
+#include "auto_qmail.h"
+#include "case.h"
+#include "cdbmake.h"
+#include "byte.h"
+#define WHO "newaliases"
+int rename(const char *,const char *); // stdio.h
+void nomem()
+ logmsg(WHO,111,FATAL,"out of memory");
+void nulbyte()
+ logmsg(WHO,100,FATAL,"NUL bytes are not permitted");
+void longaddress()
+ logmsg(WHO,100,FATAL,"addresses over 800 bytes are not permitted");
+void writeerr()
+ logmsg(WHO,111,FATAL,"unable to write to /etc/aliases.tmp");
+void readerr()
+ logmsg(WHO,111,FATAL,"unable to read /etc/aliases");
+void die_control()
+ logmsg(WHO,111,FATAL,"unable to read controls");
+stralloc me = {0};
+stralloc defaulthost = {0};
+stralloc defaultdomain = {0};
+stralloc plusdomain = {0};
+void readcontrols()
+ int r;
+ int fddir;
+ fddir = open_read(".");
+ if (fddir == -1)
+ logmsg(WHO,111,FATAL,"unable to open current directory");
+ if (chdir(auto_qmail) == -1)
+ logmsg(WHO,111,FATAL,B("unable to chdir to: ",auto_qmail));
+ r = control_readline(&me,"control/me");
+ if (r == -1) die_control();
+ if (!r) if (!stralloc_copys(&me,"me")) nomem();
+ r = control_readline(&defaultdomain,"control/defaultdomain");
+ if (r == -1) die_control();
+ if (!r) if (!stralloc_copy(&defaultdomain,&me)) nomem();
+ r = control_readline(&defaulthost,"control/defaulthost");
+ if (r == -1) die_control();
+ if (!r) if (!stralloc_copy(&defaulthost,&me)) nomem();
+ r = control_readline(&plusdomain,"control/plusdomain");
+ if (r == -1) die_control();
+ if (!r) if (!stralloc_copy(&plusdomain,&me)) nomem();
+ if (fchdir(fddir) == -1)
+ logmsg(WHO,111,FATAL,"unable to set current directory");
+stralloc target = {0};
+stralloc fulltarget = {0};
+stralloc instr = {0};
+stralloc cbuf = {0};
+token822_alloc toks = {0};
+token822_alloc tokaddr = {0};
+stralloc address = {0};
+void gotincl()
+ token822_reverse(&tokaddr);
+ if (token822_unquote(&address,&tokaddr) != 1) nomem();
+ tokaddr.len = 0;
+ if (!address.len)
+ logmsg(WHO,111,FATAL,"empty :include: filenames not permitted");
+ if (byte_chr(address.s,address.len,'\0') < address.len)
+ logmsg(WHO,111,FATAL,"NUL not permitted in :include: filenames");
+ if ((address.s[0] != '.') && (address.s[0] != '/'))
+ if (!stralloc_cats(&instr,"./")) nomem();
+ if (!stralloc_cat(&instr,&address)) nomem();
+ if (!stralloc_cats(&instr,".bin")) nomem();
+ if (!stralloc_0(&instr)) nomem();
+void gotaddr()
+ int i;
+ int j;
+ int flaghasat;
+ token822_reverse(&tokaddr);
+ if (token822_unquote(&address,&tokaddr) != 1) nomem();
+ if (!address.len)
+ logmsg(WHO,111,FATAL,"empty recipient addresses not permitted");
+ flaghasat = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < tokaddr.len; ++i)
+ if (tokaddr.t[i].type == TOKEN822_AT)
+ flaghasat = 1;
+ tokaddr.len = 0;
+ if (!address.len) return;
+ if (!flaghasat)
+ if (address.s[0] == '/') {
+ if (!stralloc_0(&address)) nomem();
+ logmsg(WHO,111,FATAL,B("file delivery for ",address.s," not supported"));
+ }
+ if (!flaghasat)
+ if (address.s[0] == '|') {
+ if (byte_chr(address.s,address.len,'\0') < address.len)
+ logmsg(WHO,111,FATAL,"NUL not permitted in program names");
+ if (!stralloc_cats(&instr,"!")) nomem();
+ if (!stralloc_catb(&instr,address.s + 1,address.len - 1)) nomem();
+ if (!stralloc_0(&instr)) nomem();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (target.len) {
+ if (!stralloc_cats(&instr,"&")) nomem();
+ if (!stralloc_cat(&instr,&fulltarget)) nomem();
+ if (!stralloc_0(&instr)) nomem();
+ }
+ if (!flaghasat)
+ if (!stralloc_cats(&address,"@")) nomem();
+ if (!stralloc_copy(&target,&address)) nomem();
+ if (!stralloc_copy(&fulltarget,&address)) nomem();
+ if (fulltarget.s[fulltarget.len - 1] == '@')
+ if (!stralloc_cat(&fulltarget,&defaulthost)) nomem();
+ if (fulltarget.s[fulltarget.len - 1] == '+') {
+ fulltarget.s[fulltarget.len - 1] = '.';
+ if (!stralloc_cat(&fulltarget,&plusdomain)) nomem();
+ }
+ j = 0;
+ for (i = 0;i < fulltarget.len;++i) if (fulltarget.s[i] == '@') j = i;
+ for (i = j;i < fulltarget.len;++i) if (fulltarget.s[i] == '.') break;
+ if (i == fulltarget.len) {
+ if (!stralloc_cats(&fulltarget,".")) nomem();
+ if (!stralloc_cat(&fulltarget,&defaultdomain)) nomem();
+ }
+ if (fulltarget.len > 800) longaddress();
+ if (byte_chr(fulltarget.s,fulltarget.len,'\0') < fulltarget.len)
+ logmsg(WHO,111,FATAL,"NUL not permitted in recipient addresses");
+stralloc line = {0};
+stralloc newline = {0};
+int match;
+void parseerr()
+ if (!stralloc_0(&line)) nomem();
+ logmsg(WHO,111,FATAL,B("unable to parse this line: ",line.s));
+void parseline()
+ int wordok;
+ struct token822 *t;
+ struct token822 *beginning;
+ switch (token822_parse(&toks,&line,&cbuf)) {
+ case -1: nomem();
+ case 0: parseerr();
+ }
+ beginning = toks.t;
+ t = toks.t + toks.len;
+ wordok = 1;
+ if (!token822_readyplus(&tokaddr,1)) nomem();
+ tokaddr.len = 0;
+ while (t > beginning)
+ switch ((--t)->type) {
+ case TOKEN822_SEMI:
+ break; /*XXX*/
+ case TOKEN822_COLON:
+ if (t >= beginning + 2)
+ if (t[-2].type == TOKEN822_COLON)
+ if (t[-1].type == TOKEN822_ATOM)
+ if (t[-1].slen == 7)
+ if (!byte_diff(t[-1].s,7,"include")) {
+ gotincl();
+ t -= 2;
+ }
+ break; /*XXX*/
+ case TOKEN822_RIGHT:
+ if (tokaddr.len) gotaddr();
+ while ((t > beginning) && (t[-1].type != TOKEN822_LEFT))
+ if (!token822_append(&tokaddr,--t)) nomem();
+ gotaddr();
+ if (t <= beginning) parseerr();
+ --t;
+ while ((t > beginning) && ((t[-1].type == TOKEN822_COMMENT) || (t[-1].type == TOKEN822_ATOM) || (t[-1].type == TOKEN822_QUOTE) || (t[-1].type == TOKEN822_AT) || (t[-1].type == TOKEN822_DOT)))
+ --t;
+ wordok = 0;
+ continue;
+ case TOKEN822_ATOM: case TOKEN822_QUOTE: case TOKEN822_LITERAL:
+ if (!wordok) if (tokaddr.len) gotaddr();
+ wordok = 0;
+ if (!token822_append(&tokaddr,t)) nomem();
+ continue;
+ case TOKEN822_COMMENT:
+ /* comment is lexically a space; shouldn't affect wordok */
+ break;
+ case TOKEN822_COMMA:
+ if (tokaddr.len) gotaddr();
+ wordok = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ wordok = 1;
+ if (!token822_append(&tokaddr,t)) nomem();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (tokaddr.len) gotaddr();
+char inbuf[1024];
+buffer bi;
+struct cdb_make cdb;
+stralloc key = {0};
+void doit()
+ if (!instr.len) {
+ if (target.len) parseerr();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!target.len) parseerr();
+ if (stralloc_starts(&target,"owner-")) {
+ if (!stralloc_copys(&key,"?")) nomem();
+ if (!stralloc_catb(&key,target.s + 6,target.len - 6)) nomem();
+ case_lowerb(key.s,key.len);
+ if (cdb_make_add(&cdb,key.s,key.len,fulltarget.s,fulltarget.len) == -1) writeerr();
+ }
+ if (!stralloc_copys(&key,":")) nomem();
+ if (!stralloc_cat(&key,&target)) nomem();
+ case_lowerb(key.s,key.len);
+ if (cdb_make_add(&cdb,key.s,key.len,instr.s,instr.len) == -1) writeerr();
+int main()
+ int fd;
+ umask(033);
+ readcontrols();
+ fd = open_read("/etc/aliases");
+ if (fd == -1) readerr();
+ buffer_init(&bi,read,fd,inbuf,sizeof(inbuf));
+ fd = open_trunc("/etc/aliases.tmp");
+ if (fd == -1) logmsg(WHO,111,FATAL,"unable to create /etc/aliases.tmp");
+ if (cdb_make_start(&cdb,fd) == -1) writeerr();
+ if (!stralloc_copys(&line,"")) nomem();
+ for (;;) {
+ if (getln(&bi,&newline,&match,'\n') != 0) readerr();
+ if (match && (newline.s[0] == '\n')) continue;
+ if (match && ((newline.s[0] == ' ') || (newline.s[0] == '\t'))) {
+ if (!stralloc_cat(&line,&newline)) nomem();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (line.len)
+ if (line.s[0] != '#') {
+ if (!stralloc_copys(&target,"")) nomem();
+ if (!stralloc_copys(&fulltarget,"")) nomem();
+ if (!stralloc_copys(&instr,"")) nomem();
+ parseline();
+ doit();
+ }
+ if (!match) break;
+ if (!stralloc_copy(&line,&newline)) nomem();
+ }
+ if (cdb_make_finish(&cdb) == -1) writeerr();
+ if (fsync(fd) == -1) writeerr();
+ if (close(fd) == -1) writeerr(); /* NFS stupidity */
+ if (rename("/etc/aliases.tmp","/etc/aliases.cdb") == -1)
+ logmsg(WHO,111,FATAL,"unable to move /etc/aliases.tmp to /etc/aliases.cdb");
+ _exit(0);