path: root/src/sslhandle.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/sslhandle.c')
1 files changed, 887 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/sslhandle.c b/src/sslhandle.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f31cee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sslhandle.c
@@ -0,0 +1,887 @@
+ @file sslhandle.c
+ @author web, feh
+ @brief IPv6 enabled TLS framework for a preforking server
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include "ucspissl.h"
+#include "uint_t.h"
+#include "str.h"
+#include "byte.h"
+#include "fmt.h"
+#include "scan.h"
+#include "ip.h"
+#include "fd.h"
+#include "exit.h"
+#include "env.h"
+#include "prot.h"
+#include "open.h"
+#include "wait.h"
+#include "stralloc.h"
+#include "alloc.h"
+#include "buffer.h"
+#include "getln.h"
+#include "logmsg.h"
+#include "getoptb.h"
+#include "socket_if.h"
+#include "ndelay.h"
+#include "remoteinfo.h"
+#include "rules.h"
+#include "sig.h"
+#include "iopause.h"
+#include "dnsresolv.h"
+#include "auto_cafile.h"
+#include "auto_cadir.h"
+#include "auto_ccafile.h"
+#include "auto_dhfile.h"
+#include "auto_certchainfile.h"
+#include "auto_certfile.h"
+#include "auto_keyfile.h"
+#include "auto_ciphers.h"
+#include "iopause.h"
+#include "coe.h"
+#include "lock.h"
+extern void server(int argcs,char * const *argvs);
+char *who;
+int verbosity = 1;
+int flagkillopts = 1;
+int flagafter = 0;
+int flagdelay = 0;
+const char *banner = "";
+int flagremoteinfo = 1;
+int flagremotehost = 1;
+int flagparanoid = 0;
+int flagclientcert = 0;
+int flagsslenv = 0;
+int flagtcpenv = 0;
+unsigned long timeout = 26;
+unsigned long ssltimeout = 26;
+unsigned int progtimeout = 3600;
+uint32 netif = 0;
+int selfpipe[2];
+int flagexit = 0;
+int flagdualstack = 0;
+static stralloc tcpremoteinfo = {0};
+uint16 localport;
+char localportstr[FMT_ULONG];
+char localip[16] = { 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0 };
+char localipstr[IP6_FMT];
+static stralloc localhostsa;
+const char *localhost = 0;
+const char *lockfile = 0;
+int fdlock;
+uint16 remoteport;
+char remoteportstr[FMT_ULONG];
+char remoteip[16];
+char remoteipstr[IP6_FMT];
+static stralloc remotehostsa;
+char *remotehost = 0;
+const char *hostname;
+const char *loopback = "";
+static char strnum[FMT_ULONG];
+static char strnum2[FMT_ULONG];
+static stralloc tmp;
+static stralloc fqdn;
+static stralloc addresses;
+static stralloc certname;
+stralloc envplus = {0};
+stralloc envtmp = {0};
+char bspace[16];
+buffer b;
+SSL_CTX *ctx;
+const char *certchainfile = auto_certchainfile;
+const char *certfile = auto_certfile;
+const char *keyfile = auto_keyfile;
+stralloc password = {0};
+int match = 0;
+const char *cafile = auto_cafile;
+const char *ccafile = auto_ccafile;
+const char *cadir = auto_cadir;
+const char *ciphers = auto_ciphers;
+int verifydepth = 1;
+const char *dhfile = auto_dhfile;
+int rsalen = SSL_RSA_LEN;
+int pi[2];
+int po[2];
+X509 *cert;
+char buf[SSL_NAME_LEN];
+char **e;
+char **e1;
+/* ---------------------------- child */
+int flagdeny = 0;
+int flagallownorules = 0;
+const char *fnrules = 0;
+void drop_nomem(void) {
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,"out of memory");
+void drop_notemp(void) {
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,"out of timestamps");
+void cats(const char *s) {
+ if (!stralloc_cats(&tmp,s)) drop_nomem();
+void append(const char *ch) {
+ if (!stralloc_append(&tmp,ch)) drop_nomem();
+void safecats(const char *s) {
+ char ch;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0;i < 100;++i) {
+ ch = s[i];
+ if (!ch) return;
+ if (ch < 33) ch = '?';
+ if (ch > 126) ch = '?';
+ if (ch == '%') ch = '?'; /* logger stupidity */
+ append(&ch);
+ }
+ cats("...");
+void env(const char *s,const char *t) {
+ if (!s) return;
+ if (!stralloc_copys(&envtmp,s)) drop_nomem();
+ if (t) {
+ if (!stralloc_cats(&envtmp,"=")) drop_nomem();
+ if (!stralloc_cats(&envtmp,t)) drop_nomem();
+ }
+ if (!stralloc_0(&envtmp)) drop_nomem();
+ if (!stralloc_cat(&envplus,&envtmp)) drop_nomem();
+static void env_def() {
+ unsigned int elen;
+ unsigned int i;
+ unsigned int j;
+ unsigned int split;
+ unsigned int t;
+ if (!stralloc_cats(&envplus,"")) return;
+ elen = 0;
+ for (i = 0; environ[i]; ++i)
+ ++elen;
+ for (i = 0; i < envplus.len; ++i)
+ if (!envplus.s[i])
+ ++elen;
+ e = (char **) alloc((elen + 1) * sizeof(char *));
+ if (!e) return;
+ elen = 0;
+ for (i = 0; environ[i]; ++i)
+ e[elen++] = environ[i];
+ j = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < envplus.len; ++i)
+ if (!envplus.s[i]) {
+ split = str_chr(envplus.s + j,'=');
+ for (t = 0;t < elen;++t)
+ if (byte_equal(envplus.s + j,split,e[t]))
+ if (e[t][split] == '=') {
+ --elen;
+ e[t] = e[elen];
+ break;
+ }
+ if (envplus.s[j + split])
+ e[elen++] = envplus.s + j;
+ j = i + 1;
+ }
+ e[elen] = 0;
+ e1 = environ;
+ environ = e;
+void env_reset(void) {
+ if (e) {
+ if (e != environ) {
+ alloc_free((char *)e);
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,"environ changed");
+ }
+ }
+ environ = e1;
+ envplus.len = 0;
+int error_warn(const char *x) {
+ if (!x) return 0;
+ log_who(who,"x");
+ return 0;
+void drop_rules(void) {
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,B("unable to read: ",(char *)fnrules));
+void found(char *data,unsigned int datalen) {
+ unsigned int next0;
+ unsigned int split;
+ while ((next0 = byte_chr(data,datalen,0)) < datalen) {
+ switch(data[0]) {
+ case 'D':
+ flagdeny = 1;
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ split = str_chr(data + 1,'=');
+ if (data[1 + split] == '=') {
+ data[1 + split] = 0;
+ env(data + 1,data + 1 + split + 1);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ ++next0;
+ data += next0; datalen -= next0;
+ }
+int doit(int t) {
+ int j;
+ SSL *ssl;
+ uint32 netif;
+ if (ip6_isv4mapped(remoteip)) {
+ remoteipstr[ip4_fmt(remoteipstr,remoteip+12)] = 0;
+ localipstr[ip4_fmt(localipstr,localip + 12)] = 0;
+ } else {
+ remoteipstr[ip6_fmt(remoteipstr,remoteip)] = 0;
+ localipstr[ip6_fmt(localipstr,localip)] = 0;
+ }
+ if (verbosity >= 2) {
+ strnum[fmt_ulong(strnum,getpid())] = 0;
+ log_who(who,B("pid ",strnum," from ",remoteipstr));
+ }
+ if (socket_local(t,localip,&localport,&netif) == -1)
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,"unable to get local address");
+ remoteportstr[fmt_ulong(remoteportstr,remoteport)] = 0;
+ if (!localhost)
+ if (dns_name(&localhostsa,localip) >= 0)
+ if (localhostsa.len) {
+ if (!stralloc_0(&localhostsa)) drop_nomem();
+ localhost = localhostsa.s;
+ }
+ env("PROTO","TLS");
+ env("SSLLOCALIP",localipstr);
+ env("SSLLOCALPORT",localportstr);
+ env("SSLLOCALHOST",localhost);
+ env("SSLREMOTEIP",remoteipstr);
+ env("SSLREMOTEPORT",remoteportstr);
+ env("SSLREMOTEHOST",remotehost);
+ if (flagtcpenv) {
+ env("TCPLOCALIP",localipstr);
+ env("TCPLOCALPORT",localportstr);
+ env("TCPLOCALHOST",localhost);
+ env("TCPREMOTEIP",remoteipstr);
+ env("TCPREMOTEPORT",remoteportstr);
+ env("TCPREMOTEHOST",remotehost);
+ if (!ip6_isv4mapped(localip)) {
+ env("PROTO","TCP6");
+ env("TCP6LOCALIP",localipstr);
+ env("TCP6LOCALHOST",localhost);
+ env("TCP6LOCALPORT",localportstr);
+ env("TCP6REMOTEIP",remoteipstr);
+ env("TCP6REMOTEPORT",remoteportstr);
+ env("TCP6REMOTEHOST",remotehost);
+ if (netif)
+ env("TCP6INTERFACE",socket_getifname(netif));
+ } else
+ env("PROTO","TCP");
+ }
+ if (flagremotehost)
+ if (dns_name(&remotehostsa,remoteip) >= 0)
+ if (remotehostsa.len) {
+ if (flagparanoid) {
+ if (dns_ip6(&tmp,&remotehostsa) >= 0)
+ for (j = 0; j + 16 <= tmp.len; j += 16)
+ if (byte_equal(remoteip,16,tmp.s + j)) {
+ flagparanoid = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (dns_ip4(&tmp,&remotehostsa) >= 0)
+ for (j = 0; j + 4 <= tmp.len; j += 4)
+ if (byte_equal(remoteip,4,tmp.s + j)) {
+ flagparanoid = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!flagparanoid) {
+ if (!stralloc_0(&remotehostsa)) drop_nomem();
+ remotehost = remotehostsa.s;
+ }
+ }
+ if (flagremoteinfo) {
+ if (remoteinfo(&tcpremoteinfo,remoteip,remoteport,localip,localport,timeout,netif) == -1)
+ flagremoteinfo = 0;
+ if (!stralloc_0(&tcpremoteinfo)) drop_nomem();
+ }
+ env("SSLREMOTEINFO",flagremoteinfo ? tcpremoteinfo.s : 0);
+ if (flagtcpenv)
+ env("TCPREMOTEINFO",flagremoteinfo ? tcpremoteinfo.s : 0);
+ if (fnrules) {
+ int fdrules;
+ flagdeny = 0;
+ fdrules = open_read(fnrules);
+ if (fdrules == -1) {
+ if (errno != ENOENT) drop_rules();
+ if (!flagallownorules) drop_rules();
+ } else {
+ if (rules(found,fdrules,remoteipstr,remotehost,flagremoteinfo ? tcpremoteinfo.s : 0) == -1)
+ drop_rules();
+ close(fdrules);
+ }
+ }
+ if (verbosity >= 2) {
+ strnum[fmt_ulong(strnum,getpid())] = 0;
+ if (!stralloc_copys(&tmp,who)) drop_nomem();
+ if (!stralloc_cats(&tmp,": ")) drop_nomem();
+ safecats(flagdeny ? "deny" : "ok");
+ cats(" "); safecats(strnum);
+ cats(" "); if (localhost) safecats(localhost);
+ cats(":"); safecats(localipstr);
+ cats(":"); safecats(localportstr);
+ cats(" "); if (remotehost) safecats(remotehost);
+ cats(":"); safecats(remoteipstr);
+ cats(":"); if (flagremoteinfo) safecats(tcpremoteinfo.s);
+ cats(":"); safecats(remoteportstr);
+ cats("\n");
+ buffer_putflush(buffer_2,tmp.s,tmp.len);
+ }
+ if (flagdeny) {
+ close(t);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ if (pipe(pi) == -1) logmsg(who,111,FATAL,"unable to create pipe");
+ if (pipe(po) == -1) logmsg(who,111,FATAL,"unable to create pipe");
+ ssl = ssl_new(ctx,t);
+ if (!ssl) logmsg(who,111,FATAL,"unable to create SSL instance");
+ if (ndelay_on(t) == -1)
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,"unable to set socket options");
+ if (ssl_timeoutaccept(ssl,ssltimeout) == -1) {
+ strnum[fmt_ulong(strnum,getpid())] = 0;
+ logmsg(who,110,DROP,B("unable to TLS accept for pid:",strnum));
+ ssl_error(error_warn);
+ }
+ if (verbosity >= 2) {
+ strnum[fmt_ulong(strnum,getpid())] = 0;
+ log_who(who,B("tls ",strnum," accept "));
+ }
+ if (flagclientcert) {
+ switch(ssl_verify(ssl,remotehost,&certname)) {
+ case -1:
+ logmsg(who,110,ERROR,"no client certificate");
+ case -2:
+ logmsg(who,110,ERROR,"missing credentials (CA) or unable to validate client certificate");
+ case -3:
+ if (!stralloc_0(&certname)) drop_nomem();
+ logmsg(who,110,ERROR,B("client hostname name does not match certificate: ",remotehost," <=> ",certname.s));
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ switch(fork()) {
+ case -1:
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,"unable to fork ");
+ case 0:
+ close(pi[0]); close(po[1]);
+ sig_uncatch(sig_child);
+ sig_unblock(sig_child);
+ if (ssl_io(ssl,pi[1],po[0],progtimeout) == -1) {
+ strnum[fmt_ulong(strnum,getpid())] = 0;
+ logmsg(who,-99,WARN,B("unable to speak TLS for pid: ",strnum));
+ ssl_error(error_warn);
+ _exit(111);
+ }
+ _exit(0);
+ }
+ close(pi[1]); close(po[0]);
+ if (flagsslenv && !ssl_server_env(ssl,&envplus)) drop_nomem();
+ env_def();
+ if (fd_move(0,pi[0]) == -1)
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,"unable to set up descriptor 0");
+ if (fd_move(1,po[1]) == -1)
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,"unable to set up descriptor 1");
+ if (flagkillopts) {
+ socket_ipoptionskill(t);
+ }
+ if (!flagdelay)
+ socket_tcpnodelay(t);
+ if (*banner) {
+ buffer_init(&b,buffer_unixwrite,1,bspace,sizeof(bspace));
+ if (buffer_putsflush(&b,banner) == -1)
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,"unable to print banner");
+ }
+ ssl_free(ssl);
+ return 1;
+void done(void) {
+ if (verbosity >= 2) {
+ strnum[fmt_ulong(strnum,getpid())] = 0;
+ if (!stralloc_copys(&tmp,who)) drop_nomem();
+ if (!stralloc_cats(&tmp,": ")) drop_nomem();
+ cats("done "); safecats(strnum); cats("\n");
+ buffer_putflush(buffer_2,tmp.s,tmp.len);
+ }
+/* ---------------------------- parent */
+void usage(void)
+ logmsg(who,100,USAGE,B(who,"\
+[ -1346UXpPhHrRoOdDqQviIeEsS ] \
+[ -c limit ] \
+[ -x rules.cdb ] \
+[ -B banner ] \
+[ -g gid ] \
+[ -u uid ] \
+[ -b backlog ] \
+[ -l localname ] \
+[ -t timeout ] \
+[ -T ssltimeout ] \
+[ -w progtimeout ] \
+[ -f lockfile ] \
+[ -I interface ] \
+host port program"));
+unsigned long limit = 40;
+unsigned long numchildren = 0;
+int flag1 = 0;
+int flag3 = 0;
+unsigned long backlog = 20;
+unsigned long uid = 0;
+unsigned long gid = 0;
+void printstatus(void) {
+ if (verbosity < 2) return;
+ strnum[fmt_ulong(strnum,numchildren)] = 0;
+ strnum2[fmt_ulong(strnum2,limit)] = 0;
+ log_who(who,B("status: ",strnum,"/",strnum2));
+void trigger(void) {
+ buffer_unixwrite(selfpipe[1],"",1);
+void sigterm(void) {
+ int pid;
+ flagexit = 1;
+ pid = getpid();
+ if (pid < 0) logmsg(who,111,FATAL,"cannot get pid");
+ kill(-pid,SIGTERM);
+ trigger();
+void sigchld(void) {
+ int wstat;
+ int pid;
+ while ((pid = wait_nohang(&wstat)) > 0) {
+ if (verbosity >= 2) {
+ strnum[fmt_ulong(strnum,pid)] = 0;
+ strnum2[fmt_ulong(strnum2,wstat)] = 0;
+ log_who(who,B("end ",strnum," status ",strnum2));
+ }
+ if (numchildren) --numchildren; printstatus();
+ if (flagexit && !numchildren) _exit(0);
+ }
+ trigger();
+void read_passwd(void) {
+ if (!password.len) {
+ buffer_init(&b,buffer_unixread,3,bspace,sizeof(bspace));
+ if (getln(&b,&password,&match,'\0') == -1)
+ logmsg(who,111,ERROR,"unable to read password");
+ close(3);
+ if (match) --password.len;
+ }
+int passwd_cb(char *buff,int size,int rwflag,void *userdata) {
+ if (size < password.len)
+ logmsg(who,111,ERROR,"password too long");
+ byte_copy(buff,password.len,password.s);
+ return password.len;
+void spawn(int s,int argc,char * const *argv) {
+ int t;
+ while (numchildren >= limit) sig_pause();
+ while (numchildren < limit) {
+ ++numchildren; printstatus();
+ switch(fork()) {
+ case 0:
+ sig_uncatch(sig_child);
+ sig_unblock(sig_child);
+ sig_uncatch(sig_term);
+ sig_uncatch(sig_pipe);
+ for (;;) {
+ if (lockfile) {
+ if (lock_ex(fdlock) == -1)
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,B("unable to lock: ",(char *)lockfile));
+ if (flagdualstack)
+ t = socket_accept6(s,remoteip,&remoteport,&netif);
+ else
+ t = socket_accept4(s,remoteip,&remoteport);
+ lock_un(fdlock);
+ } else {
+ if (flagdualstack)
+ t = socket_accept6(s,remoteip,&remoteport,&netif);
+ else
+ t = socket_accept4(s,remoteip,&remoteport);
+ }
+ if (t == -1) continue;
+ if (!doit(t)) continue;
+ server(argc,argv);
+ close(0); close(1);
+ env_reset();
+ done();
+ }
+ break;
+ case -1:
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,"unable to fork");
+ --numchildren; printstatus();
+ }
+ }
+int main(int argc,char * const *argv) {
+ int opt;
+ struct servent *se;
+ char *x;
+ int j;
+ int s;
+ int ipflag = 0;
+ iopause_fd io[2];
+ char ch;
+ struct taia deadline;
+ struct taia stamp;
+ unsigned long u;
+ who = argv[0];
+ while ((opt = getopt(argc,argv,"dDvqQhHrRUXx:t:T:u:g:l:b:B:c:pPoO1346I:EeSsaAf:w:zZ")) != opteof)
+ switch(opt) {
+ case 'b': scan_ulong(optarg,&backlog); break;
+ case 'c': scan_ulong(optarg,&limit); break;
+ case 'X': flagallownorules = 1; break;
+ case 'x': fnrules = optarg; break;
+ case 'B': banner = optarg; break;
+ case 'd': flagdelay = 1; break;
+ case 'D': flagdelay = 0; break;
+ case 'v': verbosity = 2; break;
+ case 'q': verbosity = 0; break;
+ case 'Q': verbosity = 1; break;
+ case 'P': flagparanoid = 0; break;
+ case 'p': flagparanoid = 1; break;
+ case 'O': flagkillopts = 1; break;
+ case 'o': flagkillopts = 0; break;
+ case 'H': flagremotehost = 0; break;
+ case 'h': flagremotehost = 1; break;
+ case 'R': flagremoteinfo = 0; break;
+ case 'r': flagremoteinfo = 1; break;
+ case 't': scan_ulong(optarg,&timeout); break;
+ case 'T': scan_ulong(optarg,&ssltimeout); break;
+ case 'U': x = env_get("UID"); if (x) scan_ulong(x,&uid);
+ x = env_get("GID"); if (x) scan_ulong(x,&gid); break;
+ case 'u': scan_ulong(optarg,&uid); break;
+ case 'g': scan_ulong(optarg,&gid); break;
+ case 'l': localhost = optarg; break;
+ case 'I': netif = socket_getifidx(optarg); break;
+ case '1': flag1 = 1; break;
+ case '3': flag3 = 1; break;
+ case '4': ipflag = 1; break;
+ case '6': ipflag = 2; break;
+ case 'Z': flagclientcert = 0; break;
+ case 'z': flagclientcert = 1; break;
+ case 'S': flagsslenv = 0; break;
+ case 's': flagsslenv = 1; break;
+ case 'E': flagtcpenv = 0; break;
+ case 'e': flagtcpenv = 1; break;
+ case 'A': flagafter = 0; break;
+ case 'a': flagafter = 1; break;
+ case 'f': lockfile = optarg; break;
+ case 'w': scan_uint(optarg,&progtimeout); break;
+ default: usage();
+ }
+ argc -= optind;
+ argv += optind;
+ if (!verbosity) buffer_2->fd = -1;
+ hostname = *argv++;
+ if (!hostname || str_equal((char *)hostname,"")) usage();
+ if (str_equal((char *)hostname,"0")) hostname = loopback;
+ else if (str_equal((char *)hostname,":0")) {
+ flagdualstack = 1;
+ hostname = "::";
+ }
+ x = *argv++; --argc;
+ if (!x) usage();
+ if (!x[scan_ulong(x,&u)])
+ localport = u;
+ else {
+ se = getservbyname(x,"tcp");
+ if (!se)
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,B("unable to figure out port number for: ",x));
+ uint16_unpack_big((char*)&se->s_port,&localport);
+ }
+ if ((x = env_get("VERIFYDEPTH"))) {
+ scan_ulong(x,&u);
+ verifydepth = u;
+ }
+ if ((x = env_get("CAFILE"))) cafile = x;
+ if (cafile && str_equal((char *)cafile,"")) cafile = 0;
+ if ((x = env_get("CCAFILE"))) ccafile = x;
+ if (ccafile && str_equal((char *)ccafile,"")) ccafile = 0;
+ if (!flagclientcert) ccafile = 0;
+ if ((x = env_get("CADIR"))) cadir = x;
+ if (cadir && str_equal((char *)cadir,"")) cadir= 0;
+ if ((x = env_get("CERTCHAINFILE"))) certchainfile = x;
+ if (certchainfile && str_equal((char *)certchainfile,"")) certchainfile = 0;
+ if ((x = env_get("CERTFILE"))) certfile = x;
+ if (certfile && str_equal((char *)certfile,"")) certfile = 0;
+ if ((x = env_get("KEYFILE"))) keyfile = x;
+ if (keyfile && str_equal((char *)keyfile,"")) keyfile = 0;
+ if ((x = env_get("DHFILE"))) dhfile = x;
+ if (dhfile && str_equal((char *)dhfile,"")) dhfile = 0;
+ if ((x = env_get("CIPHERS"))) ciphers = x;
+ if (ciphers && str_equal((char *)ciphers,"")) ciphers = 0;
+ if (setsid() == -1)
+ if (getpgrp() != getpid())
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,"unable to create process group");
+ if (lockfile) {
+ fdlock = open_append(lockfile);
+ if (fdlock == -1)
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,B("unable to open: ",(char *)lockfile));
+ }
+ if (pipe(selfpipe) == -1)
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,"unable to create pipe");
+ coe(selfpipe[0]);
+ coe(selfpipe[1]);
+ ndelay_on(selfpipe[0]);
+ ndelay_on(selfpipe[1]);
+ sig_block(sig_child);
+ sig_catch(sig_child,sigchld);
+ sig_catch(sig_term,sigterm);
+ sig_ignore(sig_pipe);
+ /* IP address only */
+ if (ip4_scan(hostname,localip)) {
+ if (!stralloc_copyb(&addresses,(char *)V4mappedprefix,12)) drop_nomem();
+ if (!stralloc_catb(&addresses,localip,4)) drop_nomem();
+ byte_copy(localip,16,addresses.s);
+ } else if (ip6_scan(hostname,localip)) {
+ if (!stralloc_copyb(&addresses,localip,16)) drop_nomem();
+ byte_copy(localip,16,addresses.s);
+ }
+ /* Asynchronous DNS IPv4/IPv6 Name qualification */
+ if (!addresses.len) {
+ if (!stralloc_copys(&tmp,hostname)) drop_nomem();
+ if (dns_ip_qualify(&addresses,&fqdn,&tmp) < 0)
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,B("temporarily unable to figure out IP address for: ",(char *)hostname));
+ byte_copy(localip,16,addresses.s);
+ for (j = 0; j < addresses.len; j += 16) { // Select best matching IP address
+ if (ipflag == 1 && !ip6_isv4mapped(addresses.s + j)) continue;
+ if (ipflag == 2 && !ip6_isv4mapped(addresses.s + j)) continue;
+ byte_copy(localip,16,addresses.s + j);
+ }
+ }
+ if (addresses.len < 16)
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,B("no IP address for: ",(char *)hostname));
+ if (ip6_isv4mapped(localip))
+ s = socket_tcp4();
+ else
+ s = socket_tcp6();
+ if (s == -1)
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,"unable to create socket");
+ if (flagdualstack)
+ socket_dualstack(s);
+ if (socket_bind_reuse(s,localip,localport,netif) == -1)
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,"unable to bind");
+ if (socket_local(s,localip,&localport,&netif) == -1)
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,"unable to get local address");
+ if (socket_listen(s,backlog) == -1)
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,"unable to listen");
+ ndelay_off(s);
+ if (!flagafter) {
+ if (gid) if (prot_gid(gid) == -1)
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,"unable to set gid");
+ if (uid) if (prot_uid(uid) == -1)
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,"unable to set uid");
+ }
+ if (ip6_isv4mapped(localip))
+ localipstr[ip4_fmt(localipstr,localip + 12)] = 0;
+ else
+ localipstr[ip6_fmt(localipstr,localip)] = 0;
+ localportstr[fmt_ulong(localportstr,localport)] = 0;
+ if (flag1) {
+ buffer_init(&b,buffer_unixwrite,1,bspace,sizeof(bspace));
+ buffer_puts(&b,localipstr);
+ buffer_puts(&b," : ");
+ buffer_puts(&b,localportstr);
+ buffer_puts(&b,"\n");
+ buffer_flush(&b);
+ }
+ if (flag3) read_passwd();
+ ctx = ssl_server();
+ ssl_errstr();
+ if (!ctx) logmsg(who,111,FATAL,"unable to create TLS context");
+ if (certchainfile) {
+ switch (ssl_chainfile(ctx,certchainfile,keyfile,passwd_cb)) {
+ case -1: logmsg(who,111,ERROR,"unable to load certificate chain file");
+ case -2: logmsg(who,111,ERROR,"unable to load key");
+ case -3: logmsg(who,111,ERROR,"key does not match certificate");
+ default: break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch (ssl_certkey(ctx,certfile,keyfile,passwd_cb)) {
+ case -1: logmsg(who,111,ERROR,"unable to load certificate");
+ case -2: logmsg(who,111,ERROR,"unable to load key");
+ case -3: logmsg(who,111,ERROR,"key does not match certificate");
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (flagclientcert && !ssl_ca(ctx,cafile,cadir,verifydepth))
+ logmsg(who,111,ERROR,"unable to load CA list");
+ if (!ssl_cca(ctx,ccafile))
+ logmsg(who,111,ERROR,"unable to load client CA list");
+ if (!ssl_params_rsa(ctx,rsalen))
+ logmsg(who,111,ERROR,"unable to set RSA parameters");
+ if (!ssl_params_dh(ctx,dhfile))
+ logmsg(who,111,ERROR,"unable to set DH parameters");
+ if (flagafter) {
+ if (gid) if (prot_gid(gid) == -1)
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,"unable to set gid");
+ if (uid) if (prot_uid(uid) == -1)
+ logmsg(who,111,FATAL,"unable to set uid");
+ }
+ if (!ssl_ciphers(ctx,ciphers))
+ logmsg(who,111,ERROR,"unable to set cipher list");
+ if (verbosity >= 2) {
+ strnum[fmt_ulong(strnum,getpid())] = 0;
+ strnum2[fmt_ulong(strnum2,rsalen)] = 0;
+ log_who(who,B("ciphers ",strnum," ",(char *)ciphers));
+ log_who(who,B("cafile ",strnum," ",(char *)cafile));
+ log_who(who,B("ccafile ",strnum," ",(char *)ccafile));
+ log_who(who,B("cadir ",strnum," ",(char *)cadir));
+ log_who(who,B("certchainfile ",strnum," ",(char *)certchainfile));
+ log_who(who,B("cert ",strnum," ",(char *)certfile));
+ log_who(who,B("key ",strnum," ",(char *)keyfile));
+ /* XXX */
+ log_who(who,B("dhparam ",strnum," ",(char *)dhfile," ",strnum2));
+ }
+ close(0);
+ close(1);
+ printstatus();
+ for (;;) {
+ int pause_ret, read_ret;
+ if (!flagexit) spawn(s,argc,argv);
+ sig_unblock(sig_child);
+ io[0].fd = selfpipe[0];
+ io[0].events = IOPAUSE_READ;
+ taia_now(&stamp);
+ taia_uint(&deadline,3600);
+ taia_add(&deadline,&stamp,&deadline);
+ pause_ret = iopause(io,1,&deadline,&stamp);
+ sig_block(sig_child);
+ if (flagexit && !numchildren) _exit(0);
+ while ((read_ret = buffer_unixread(selfpipe[0],&ch,1)) == 1)
+ ;
+ if ((pause_ret > 0) && (read_ret == 0)) {
+ flagexit = 1;
+ --numchildren;
+ }
+ if (flagexit && !numchildren) _exit(0);
+ }