fehQlibs 26
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src Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for src:


directory  dnsstub


file  alloc.c [code]
 Generic allocation of heap memory.
file  base64.c [code]
 base64 en+decoding of strings
file  buffer.c [code]
 input/output routines
file  byte.c [code]
 byte manipulation functions
file  case.c [code]
 string comparison and helper functions; case insensitive
file  cdbmake.c [code]
 constant data base (cdb) generation
file  cdbread.c [code]
 read entries from a cdb
file  constmap.c [code]
 constant hash table
file  env.c [code]
 setting up environment after fork
file  errstr.c [code]
 error output to log for different conditions and OS
file  fd.c [code]
 file descriptor manipulation
file  fmt.c [code]
 formating differnt inputs format for output printing
file  getln.c [code]
 evaluating tokenized input arguments
file  getoptb.c [code]
 'getopt' version w/o stdlib
file  iopause.c [code]
 stateful reading from net
file  ip4.c [code]
 handling of IPv4 addresses
file  ip6.c [code]
 handling of IPv6 addresses
file  lock.c [code]
 locking of resources
file  logmsg.c [code]
 unified system and error message handling
file  ndelay.c [code]
 delaying of IO operations
file  open.c [code]
 open a file
file  pathexec.c [code]
 populate environment after fork
file  prot.c [code]
 setting up uid an gid for OS (short group was for ancient solaris)
file  readclose.c [code]
 This is the successor of the older 'slurpclose.c' file.
file  scan.c [code]
 scanning/conversion of strings to different variable types
file  seek.c [code]
 seek in an open file descritor
file  sig.c [code]
 signal handling functions
file  socket_bind.c [code]
 binding a socket to a local resource
file  socket_connect.c [code]
 connection to remote IP host
file  socket_if.c [code]
 interface handling for LLU
file  socket_info.c [code]
 querying local and remote info for socket
file  socket_recv.c [code]
 setup receiving socket
file  socket_send.c [code]
 setup sending socket
file  socket_setup.c [code]
 setup listening socket
file  socket_tcp.c [code]
 setup TCP stream socket
file  socket_udp.c [code]
 setup a UDP message socket
file  str.c [code]
 string handling functions
file  stralloc.c [code]
 genious dynamic string handling
file  tai.c [code]
 'temps atomic' time handling
file  taia.c [code]
 'tai' attosecond time handling
file  timeout.c [code]
 read/write timeout handling
file  timeoutconn.c [code]
 socket read/write timeout handling; return code of iopause considered
file  uint128p.c [code]
 packing/unpacking 128 bit integer to/from char string
file  uint16p.c [code]
 packing/unpacking 16 bit integer to/from char string
file  uint32p.c [code]
 packing/unpacking 32 bit integer to/from char string
file  uint64p.c [code]
 packing/unpacking 64 bit integer to/from char string
file  uint8p.c [code]
 packing/unpacking 8 bit int to/from char string
file  wait.c [code]
 wait for forked processes