Consulting djbware Publications


For the German reading community, I can recommend some books, I've written in the last decades:

Technik der IP-Netze

Technik der IP-Netze

  • Title: Technik der IP-Netze (5. edition) Hanser-Verlag 2023
  • Subject: Grundlagen der IPv4- und IPv6-Kommunikation
  • Authors: Anatol Badach and Erwin Hoffmann
  • ISBN-13: 978-3-446-47371-3 (ca. 69 Euro)
  • The fifth edition has been published in December 2022 and includes on about 1150 pages current subjects.
  • The current issue covers in particular IT Security with ECC crypto, QUIC, CoAP, MACSec, TLS 1.3, NTP and PTP together with BGP-Security.
  • In accordance with the previous releases, Internet resources are throughout linked in the eBook.
  • The eBook may serve as 'information hub' for the interested reader.

Powernetworking with QMail & Co

Qmail & Co

  • Title: Powernetworking mit QMail & Co was scheduled to be released by 'Markt&Technik' in 2003
  • Subject: Usage of djbware under Unix
  • Author: Erwin Hoffmann
  • After the implosion of the dot-com bubble in the beginning of the century just the manuscripts survived
Note: Some subjects already discussed/forseen here (DNS, NTP) are now part of 'Technik der IP-Netze'.

High Speed Internetworking

High Speed Internetworking (2. edition)

  • Title: High Speed Internetworking (2. edition 1997) Addison Wesley
  • Subjects: Foundation, communication standards, technologies of shared and switched LANs
  • Authors: Anatol, Badach, Erwin Hoffmann and Olaf Knauer
  • ISBN 3-8273-1232-9 (not available any more)

High Speed Internetworking (1. edition)

  • Title: High Speed Internetworking (1. edition 1994) Addison Wesley
  • Subjects Foundation and concepts using FDDI and ATM networks
  • Authors: Anatol, Badach, Erwin Hoffmann and Olaf Knauer
  • ISBN 3-89319-713-3 (out of stock)


I compiled some documents and toturials which ought to be helpful in case you use my djbware:

SMTP Authentication

SMTP Authentication; in particular with Qmail (english)

Transport Layer Security

Transport Layer Security with ucspi-ssl (english)

Korn Shell usage

PDF   A survey of the Korn Shell and its usage (german)

VI Editor short reference

PDF   Double-sided one pager with the most important commands for the vi editor (german)

Academical subjects

Teaching and research documents:

IPv6 development

PDF   Analysis of IPv6 Router Advertisements: What is wrong with the IPv6 RA protocol? (english)

IT-Project management

PDF   Script accompanying my lectures IT Project Management: Elements of IT Project Management (english)

Scientific working and publishing

PDF   Hints for scientific working and publishing; in particular preparing a bachelor's and/or masters's thesis with Donald Knuth's LaTeX: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Publizieren

DNS Development

PDF   Usage and implementation of IPv6 LLU support in DNS: The case of IPv6 LLU endpoint address support in DNS (english)

Talks and presentations

Quite regularily I give talks. Here is a compilation in chronological order: